A little on the slow side

Apr 07, 2011

I have to really try and be better about updating this thing!!!!

So in the first 7 days I lost 16 lbs. I was thrilled!!! I have lost one more since then. I am at a stand still right now, but I also don't think my band is tight enough. They only added .5 cc when I went in on the 7Th day to get it adjusted more. I can definitely eat more than 4 oz of food!! However, I am officially off sodas!!!!  Which were a big failing of mine. However, I am still battling the night time munchies. Boredom munchies, stress munchies!!!

I am trying my best though. I will try to talk myself out of it each time I think I need something. Do you really need that Jen?  No I don't need that. Then leave it be.


I also need to exercise!!!  That is another big issue for me. LAZINESS!!!  Yes, folks, you read it right, LAZINESS!!!

However, I think once we get to Texas and I am working again that it will help.I need to and want to, get back in to walking 2 miles a day. I know it will help me, I just am not motivated!!!!  At least not physically.The mental motivation is there, it's just not connecting with the legs!!!

So for now my friends, that is all. I will work harder on my issues over the  next week or so and report back!!

My bday is Monday, and we are packing all week, so don't look for anything new until at least Saturday night the 16th!!



About Me
Plano, TX
Jun 03, 2010
Member Since

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