October 2, 2009-- 4.5 month out update

Oct 02, 2009

Finally my new computer is up and running so I won't write then lose the whole post like I did last time.

My surgery date was May 20, so I'm about 4 1/2 months out from my DS.  My stomach, intestines and poo "issues" have calmed and stabilized very well.  Also I've finally learned about how much I can eat, so I catch my tummy's cue that I've eaten enough.  I get a little "twinge"  when I'm full.  Although, it was hard to learn NOT to go ahead and be a stupid damn member of the Clean Plate Club.  Dammit, old habits are hard to break.

I can eat a cup of food or more at a time.  I fill up on protein faster than anything, so I can't really eat a whole cup of meat or cheese.  I'll also get a "twinge" when I need to eat or drink something.  No more "stuck" feeling when I eat, no more awful sick feeling if I eat a bite too much, no vomiting (hardly ever did anyway), no nausea, no "stuffed" feeling if I pay attention and stop eating when I'm full.

I can eat a large variety of foods.  I tried popcorn--probably ate 2-3 cups-- with no ill side effects.  Also ate 1/2 an apple yesterday with no problem.  Fresh fruits and veggies have been the last things I've been able to eat. 

Sometimes a new food will clobber me.  I ate a Chic Fil A fried chicken sandwich the other day  (almost none of the bun) and tooted up a STORM.  I can eat one scoop of ice cream but two scoops gives me gas and the runs (serves me right).  I can finally eat peanut butter and nuts with no problem, they used to give me indigestion.

Yes, some of my hair is falling out.  Every day when I brush it the sink is full of little hairs... but I've got extraordinarily thick hair so it's not noticeable yet.

My skin is a little bit dry, so I'm being careful to get all my water in and moisturize it outside too.  The skin on the back of my hands is thinner, too, and I always wear sunscreen on both my face and hands to avoid sun damage.

I've lost about 75 lbs., down from a high of 295 to 220.  I fit in a size 20 W slacks and size 18 W  blouse.  I finally went to Goodwill and found some fantastic bargains!  When the weather turned colder this past week I knew I'd never find anything warm enough in my closet to wear.  I purposely washed a couple of my wool sweaters and they shrunk a lot so now they fit. 

People are really starting to notice my weight loss.  I went into the plus women's size clothing department and bought a new top, and the lady at the counter, who knows me from my years of shopping there, just stood staring at me.  I finally said, "What!!??" and she said, "Something is different about you.  Did you get your hair cut?  Or lose weight??"  And I admitted both, because I had indeed just got my hair cut, and I had just lost weight.  She herself is probably over 300 lbs and she immediately started asking all kinds of questions.  So I told her a lot and gave her several websites to read, and maybe I will finally get my first DS toaster....

My first labs came back and were pretty good, but I've decided to up a few of my vitamins, namely folic acid, A and K and iron.  None were below range but had dropped a little.

My recovery has been really easy and I can finally say I am starting to love love love my DS.  I am happy to look in the mirror these days and that is such a good feeling.  I have some cute cute cute outfits and am hoping to get plastic surgery when I am done losing.  I'd especially like a breast lift (and maybe reduction, I'm still a triple D!!!) 'cause once in my life before I die I'd like to have perky tits.  so there. you men, for a fee you can stand in line and I'll pull my shirt up for you to see my new ta-tas.  This will help pay for the surgery.

I think at one point or another every person, pre or post op, thinks to himself.. "This surgery will work for everyone but not for me."  I know I thought this.  But good god!  I have lost 75 lbs. in 4.5 months and I feel fabulous!  I am continuing to lose and am TRYING not to buy too many clothes but it's so hard to stop! 

I really do want to get down to 160 lbs.    For those of you who are pre op, this is an amazingly powerful surgery and will change your life forever.  New post ops:  time will pass and your journey will become easier.  The first month is especially hard, and the 2nd month isn't too much fun either. 

Thanks to everyone who has encouraged me along the way.

8 weeks post op

Aug 16, 2009

Hi everybody,

Thought I'd tell you what it's like to be 8 weeks out from surgery.

Actually, I feel almost normal!  I have good energy, still take naps most afternoons, although I did that pre op too.  Starting at about 6 weeks, all of a sudden I could eat slightly more at one sitting.  For example, I can eat a whole hot dog at a meal (with a small part of the bun).  Or I can eat about 6 chicken nuggets from Chick Fil A.  Sometimes I eat a scoop of regular ice cream or some dark chocolate.  I can't eat nuts yet.  I want to try popcorn but I'm scared I'll have a blow out!  KABOOM!!

Lots of foods still play havoc with my intestines/bowel movements, and I may have been trying too many new foods to figure out which are the worst for me.  My poop schedule is not regular yet--I poop  2-4 times a day, not necessarily at the same times each day.  Still poop in the middle of the night, dammit.  But some poops are now more solid, almost like pre-op, some still runny/watery.   Aren't you so thrilled to get all these poop details??

I've had a hemorrhoid flare up a few times; it's finally calmed down now and I'm hoping it will stay calm while I go to the Netherlands where I hope to be doing a lot of biking.

I can drink a lot more easily--5 swallows right in a row, almost chugging.  My little lap surgery wounds are completely healed so I've gone swimming, but mostly I walk for exercise.  I am walking 1.25 miles  in about 1/2 an hour, almost every day.  I am actually enjoying it!

And yes, I've lost 50 lbs--I'm down to 245.  I tend to go about 2 weeks without losing, then, in two days, I'm down 5 lbs.  This suits me just fine!  My main measurements have gone from

chest  was 55.5 now 50.5
waist was  52.5 now 47
hips were 58.5 now 53.5

For the most part, I have little or no appetite.  Sometimes I eat because I think I should.  Other times I think I'm starving but after a few bites lose interest.  Sometimes I might be hungry but nothing in the frig appeals to me.  I guess my ghrelin has finally petered out ..  it's such a relief not to be endlessly hungry and never satiated.

I am still taking Nexium; tried last week to get off it and ended up with a throatful of acid in the middle of the night.  I go in next week to have my blood pressure checked, to see if I can go off my one HBP medication.  My PCP will be THRILLED at my weight loss! 

I've been having trouble sleeping so was taking sleeping pills, but finally got off those and am now in the process of seeing if I can go without my CPAP.  I did a two night sleep test with the little thingy on my finger-- oxygen meter?-- one night with no CPAP, and the next night with the CPAP, to see how my oxygen levels were.  That will be analyzed next week and we'll go from there.

The sugar "itols" give me the worst gas of anything, so I avoid them.  That's why I eat regular ice cream.  I ate KFC grilled chicken once and barfed up the whole thing, after an hour of an upset stomach.  I may have eaten it too fast, but I'm not sure I'll go there again.  That's the only time I've barfed up an entire meal.  Two other times I barfed slightly, because I had eaten too much.  Sometimes now I'll actually spit out the bite in my mouth if I realize I've eaten enough.  Just 1 or 2 bites too many can be really uncomfortable.. and come back up.

So, I'm getting used to my new life, my new little tummy, and my newfangled intestines and bowels.  It is SO DAMN EXCITING to see the scale drop!  I'm in territory I haven't been in for 10 years!  It's like going back in time.

I'm glad to answer any questions newbies or preops may have,


August 2009

Aug 16, 2009

Hi everybody,

Today I am 12 weeks out from my DS with Dr. Smith  of Marietta, Ga.  I am down 55 lbs. and have been stuck at 240 for.. almost 3 weeks... sigh... but I'm trying to be patient. 

I can eat more and more types of foods and not have disagreement concerning them either in my stomach or my intestines.  For example, I ate some nuts yesterday and for the first time they did not cause a blowout in the bathroom.  Previously when I ate nuts I almost blew myself off the toilet and out the bathroom window. 

Also I ate dense whole wheat bread (one piece) with no problem whatsoever.  I eat beef, chicken, pork, crab, shrimp.  As long as I eat smallish bites but more importantly, chew thoroughly, they go down and don't hurt my tummy.  I still get a tummy ache if I eat too fast or don't chew well enough.  I don't get nearly as much gas as I did early out, perhaps because I pick and choose what I eat, and perhaps my intestines are adjusting to their newfangledness.

Lately I haven't had much appetite, mostly I eat because I should.  Now THAT is strange!  And a big relief too.  Foods tend to taste really salty to me, so I avoid certain foods--like salted butter.  I drink at least one protein shake every day and some days, if I have no appetite to eat much, I drink two.

I have been walking--get this-- TWO miles a day!!  With NO foot pain.  Before my DS, I couldn't even walk 1/4 mile before my foot hurting.  I actually ENJOY walking!!  I'm building up my stamina for my trip to the Netherlands the first two weeks in September.

Let's see, about poo issues.  Finally, my poos are starting to firm up, possibly because I am taking more calcium tabs.  I've had several bouts of a big ole nasty hemorrhoid flaring up, bleeding, hurting SO MUCH I couldn't fucking sit down.  Got some prescrip from my Dr. and it's shrinking amazingly well.  I can sit on my ass now.  I know you're glad to get this info.

Also, I'm pooing much less frequently in the middle of the night.  Mostly in the mornings now.  Still comes out easily.  Aren't you happy for me?

I went to my PCP and he was THRILLED with my progress.  My BP was getting low, so he took me off Hyzaar and put me on an infinitismal dose of Cozaar.  With the diuretic gone (which Hyzaar has) that might be part of the reason I'm holding my weight...  Also I went  to the CPAP dr. and he had me do an oximetry test because I claimed my CPAP was not helping me.  So I did the oximeter for two nights in a row, one night with no CPAP, and one night with the CPAP.  Lo and behold, my oxygen level (lowest) was 82% without the CPAP, and 63% WITH THE CPAP.  Jesus Christ.  I just to throw the thing out the window but I agreed to do a two week test with one of the automatic CPAP machine that adjusts the pressure according to what your oxygen level is.  Hoping I don't have to drag the goddam thing to The Netherlands with me.

I'm really truly becoming used to the food, vitamin, water, protein regimen.  I'm not perfect at everything every day, but it's not as daunting as it first was. 

My upper arms and thighs are jiggly, already.  I hardly have any clothes that fit me and I've got a ton of stuff to go to Goodwill.  I can clean my house now without my back hurting.  I can get down on the floor and get back up with much less effort. 

I am eating some carbs, most days less than 50 carbs, and some of it, I admit, simple carbs.  I eat dark chocolate, sometimes ice cream.  I eat cooked vegetables but no salads yet.  I'm ok with fresh tomatoes, though.  

Sorry if this is not too organized--but I hope it helps pre ops and new ops.  The difference between my life now and my life during the first month pre op is huge, life is much easier now. 

my best,


April 28, 2009

Apr 27, 2009

Less than a month until my DS in Atlanta, GA, with Dr. Smith!  Time seems to be dragging by, I am so ready to have this surgery.

I've bought my protein powders, vitamins, even a new little sundress to recuperate in.  I know that was foolish to spend the money but I want it to be a special time.  My son and daughter in law will be with me while I'm in surgery, then my daughter will fly up from Texas to be with me for two weeks after surgery.  We'll stay in a cute little cabin on Lake Allatoona and then she'll drive me home to Asheville from there.

Even now, I'm managing to get in some exercise to build up my stamina, but I can't stick to a diet.  I should be losing some weight but it's not happening.  I'm at 295 now, the biggest I've ever been.  I do some gardening but it is so hard to get up and down off the ground.

This weekend, May 2 and 3, is the wildflower weekend at UNCA, and we will have tours of our house and gardens.  Angela P is coming over from eastern Carolina, and I will meet her for the first time. 

I need to remember to take some photos of myself and my measurements, so I can keep track of my progress.



Finally approved! April 8, 2009

Apr 08, 2009

After a denial from my insurance, BCBS NC, I hired an appeals specialist to file my appeal.  The appeal was kind of "lost in the system" for three weeks, then I had to sign another paper giving the specialist the right to speak on my behalf.  Finally, I have been approved for a duodenal switch, probable date of surgery 5/20/09.  Since there are no DS surgeons in my network, I will have in network benefits assigned with Dr. Dennis Smith of Advanced Obesity Surgery, Marietta, GA.

All of a sudden, my whole outlook on life has changed.  And I have a lot to do to get prepared.  Thanks go out to all the great OH members who encouraged and supported me during my long wait; to my appeals specialist; and to my angel Angela P, who has lifted my spirits many a time in the past few months.


Slowly grind the wheels -- Feb. 2, 2009

Feb 01, 2009

I have received my first official denial from insurance company.  Instead of dealing with them myself, I have hired an appeals specialist to file my appeals.

What a go-getter!  The specialist has already filed my first appeal and the ins. co. has 30 days to respond.  Their reasons for denying me were (1) they claimed to not have received some paperwork from Dr. Smith and (2) they were not satisfied with my reasons for wanting the DS over some other weight loss surgery.  I am amazed that they would want to pay for an RNY when I see the failure rate of it.  I will continue to fight all the way to the end to get the DS I need to lose the weight and bring me nearest a normal weight.

Paperwork submitted to insurance

Dec 25, 2008

Last week the surgeon's office sent in my paperwork for a duodenal switch to my insurance.  A tentative date of January 28th has been set for my surgery, but I doubt I will make that date.  Even with approval, I have several tests I need to get before surgery.

1 comment

December 1, 2008

Dec 01, 2008

I went to Atlanta the week before Thanksgiving to meet with the DS surgeon, Dr. Dennis Smith.  He is quiet, intelligent and seems to be a doctor who can think for himself.  This gives me confidence that I will be treated as an individual and not as a means to his "chalking up" another lap DS.

I also went to the psych. eval, which I passed.  Saw the nutritionist, and went to a support group for Dr. Smith's patients.  That was a lot to cover in three days, but I stayed with a friend and we had a great time.

I sure hope I can get this surgery early in 2009.

November 11, 2208

Nov 11, 2008

I'm moving forward to get my DS.  Next week I will go to Atlanta.  I will meet with the psychologist, the nutritionist and Dr. Dennis Smith.  I had my lab work done last week. 

After those appointments I should be pretty well ready to send in my request for WLS to my insurance.

I've made a new friend who I'll stay with in Atlanta, one of my flute clients.  I'm looking forward to my trip as it will be a little getaway from my duties as caregiver to my husband, who has Parkinson's disease.  Hopefully losing weight will make it easier for me to care for him.

Update to October 14, 2008

Oct 14, 2008

Shortly after my last post I happened upon a website the sole purpose of which was to discourage and frighten people away from WLS.  Well, it worked with me!  I decided to bail out and told my family so.

But. but. but.  I keep coming back to OH.com and reading other articles/papers/websites about WLS.  I am definitely interested in the duodenal switch.

About Me
Leicester, NC
Surgery Date
Aug 08, 2004
Member Since

Friends 69

Latest Blog 11
December 1, 2008
November 11, 2208
Update to October 14, 2008
