Music Video:" target='_blank'>UNPRETTY  (by TLC)

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 This song is ultimately the story of my life. First let me start off I have not always been fat and I really was never chunly as a child, I was actually skin and bones until about fifth grade and was a little overweight until the eighth grade. In middle school I played volleyball and was in the band so that kept me busy and in shape for the most part. In high school I was in numerous clubs and organizations which kept me busy and excersing. As a part of an award winning band we continually exercised and kept ourselvesin shape. If I had to I would describe my self as a healthy fat person. And I know it's hard to believe but I had, have and still is full of energy. I mean if I hadn't lived it myself I wouldnt believe it. I up until three weeks ago was 407 lbs! Yep four-zero-seven and actually in the picture off my profile I was about 378. So yeah I m a big girl and I loved it for the most part until I got ready to dance(my favorite thing of all time) and dropped my knees would hurt and I would be at work and my back would start hurting, but most of  all I would go to Lane Bryant and I could barely fit the 28's. So I decided to make a change. It just so happened my sister is a R.N. and had just transferred to this surgical center for obese patients and got the information which I had been researching and my mom said no , but I think, no I know that this was in God's plan for me. So my sister sent me to NeWeigh, a weight loss consultant, that works in conjuncton with the hospital she works at...TO BE CONTINUED!

About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Jun 08, 2007
Member Since

Friends 9
