8 Months Out

May 26, 2010

I am 8 months out this month. 
Fluxuating around 142.5 - 145.  Wearing a size 4 and some 6's pants and S/M tops
My goal was 130 but I'm feeling great at this weight.  Not sure If 130 is too skinny of a goal for me now or not.
So far no real food intollerances or dumping, vomitting or severe reactions to anything.  Some things just make me feel *icky* like mayo based protein salads (chicken salad etc.), high sugar stuff and eating too much.
I have stayed away from alcohol entirely.  I drink coffee daily.
My labs are good with the exception of borderline low iron which I'm working on.  I was actually able to reduce some of my supplements.  My supplement regime is currently:
6 Calcium
2 multis
1 D3 5k  IU
1 biotin 5k mcg
1 Vitamin A
1 Super B Complex 3x wk
1 B12 subling 1x week 2500 mcg
4 Carbonyl Iron 50 mg ea - For now- trying to boost my iron and ferritin levels
I also take Colace just to keep things moving in the right direction.
I will be redoing my labs for iron in a couple of weeks to see if the iron is working.  I still find myself forgetting at times to take the iron. 

To date I have lost around 103.5 lbs.   I remember shortly after surgery thinking I wasn't losing as quickly as I had hoped I would.  Others talk of losing 60lbs in a couple months or so.  But as a 'lightweight' having only around 100lbs to lose, I am thrilled with my progress to date.  So far I bob back and forth within 3 pounds then drop a few lbs again.  I dont consistently just drop a pound a week....probably why I dont participate in Wacky Weigh Ins but I weigh daily so I kbow daily fluxuations are not out of the ordinary for me.

I need to work on cutting down the coffee and upping the water.  I know this is what contributes to my need for Colace.
I also want to boost my protein to 125 gram p/day.  I had been trying to get in 60-80 but have been learning a lot about the benefits of keeping your protein up.  I hope to have some plastics in the future and I want to ensure good healing and results.  I don't want to get too skinny or sunken although you cant control where you lose it.  If I could I would stop my face losing and boost the tummy and thighs :o)

I am so happy I made this decision.  I am still making huge adjustments.  I can't look at a pair of pants and say "that's about my size".  I don't see how small I am in a mirror just as I could not see how big I was in a mirror.  Does that make any sense?  But when I hold up a size 4 I am shocked that they fit me and fit me well.  My husband is still adjusting to the smaller woman.  It's still me but doesn't look like me...sounds like me....bitches like me but definate and drastic changes in looks, attitude, confidence are messing with his mind a bit.  :-)  But we are having fun....not letting it become a division between us.  Now if the weather in Sunny California (HA!) would cooperate......I could wear some really cute stuff I bought before it's too big!  So in closing this Blog all I can say is Thank God for Goodwill!  They are having 50% off apparel on Monday.........might be time to take a drive to the ones in the ritzy SF Bay area :o)......anyone game for an outing???


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About Me
East Bay Area, CA
Surgery Date
Jul 20, 2009
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