Kind of sad.

Nov 10, 2012

Right now, I weight 289 which is 2 pounds more than my lowest thus far, and way above what I feel like I should have lost.  I know that people plateau around 3 months, but I though I'd push past that plateau and I'm TRYING not to be frustrated, but I am frustrated, damnit.  I"m trying very hard to not be frustrated.  I'm following my plan, getting all my vitamins, copious amounts of water, 60-80g protein, and the scale not only hasn't gone down, but it has gone UP.  And, this isn't weighing myself every day this is once a week...and my weight went UP?  How is this even POSSIBLE??  Right now, I'm like.... FUCK this surgery.  I went through agonizing pain, crippling nausea and the weight isn't coming off.  ARGHH.  



Sep 26, 2012

  • 1 month, 3 weeks, and 3 days after having RNY gastric bypass surgery
  • 60 pounds down as of today.
  • 2 pant/skirt sizes down today (from 30 to 26/28)
  • 1 shirt/dress size down (4x old navy to 3x old navy)
  • No longer diabetic
  • No longer have sleep apnea
  • No longer take high blood pressure medication
  • Under 300 pounds (!!!!)
  • Finally figuring out what I can and cannot tolerate 1. I can’t eat most meat except deli meats, protein shakes (they make me nauseas) bread, bagels, rice, fresh greens, celery, jerkey, eggs.)
  • Not nauseated 24 hours a day (horray!)
  • Taking all my vitamins in a day thanks to my awesome granny pill boxes
  • Energy is starting to come back most days
  • Becoming more “mom” and “wife” every day I feel better
  • Feeding tube scheduled to come out September 27th
  • Anticipated return to work is October 1st
  • Noticing the weightloss in my face and stomach area the most

I can what?

Jul 23, 2012

There is something that hasn't crossed my mind in this entire process for gastric bypass surgery and that is that there is still a chance that I will fail at this, just like I did with the band.  This scares me.  It frightens me that perhaps I am not mentally prepared for the SEVERE change that is about to occur.  Transfer addiction scares me, because I know it's unlikely that I would replace my addiction with food with an addiction that is POSITIVE (like cleaning or exercising.)   
1 comment

My hernia

Jul 20, 2012

In addition to my RNY on 7/26/2012, I will also be having 2 hernia repairs.  I never noticed that the lower hernia was so NOTICABLE until I got this picture back:


I sure won't miss that thing.


It's time...

Jul 19, 2012

July 6th, I found out that my gastric bypass surgery was approved by my insurance company.  July 9th, they called me and scheduled the surgery for July 26th.  WOW SOON.  I know.  Since then, it’s been a bunch of prep… I had an appointment with my PCP Friday the 13th for all the pre-op bloodwork, a chest x-ray, and a physical.  Then, this past weekend I got the stomach flu or some sort of bug, and that knocked me out for Sunday and Monday.  I worked Tuesday, and then today I had to drive to Baltimore for a pre-op appointment with anesthesia at 11:00 and then a go-over appointment with my Surgeon at 2:00.

Beofre my appointment I locked my keys and id and purse and phone in my car minutes before I had to leave to get to Baltimore for my appointment. So in a panic, I took Austin’s car with no GPS or phone, and of course I got lost.  I stopped to ask someone how to get to John’s Hopkins, and he gave me directions.  However, I had neglected to mention that it was a different campus- and he sent me to John’s Hopkins’ Main Hospital.  I drove around following hospital signs and wound up at the wrong hospital.

After freaking out, crying, and getting mad at myself, I pulled up to a cab and asked them where THE RIGHT hospital was, and i suppose he took mercy on me and led me in his car to where I was supposed to go. (Sidenote: if you are a crying female, people typically answer your questions and help you out.)

I drove home into a thunderstorm with hail, got stuck in traffic, but I am home safe and sound and am all set to have surgery.

We, (we being me, my mom, my dad, my stepmom, and Austin) are going to drive down to Baltimore on Wednesday night and spend the night at a hotel.  I won’t be told what time I need to be there for surgery until Tuesday, but the surgeon told me today that my surgery would either be his first surgery of the day, or his only surgery of the day, so I know I’ll have to be there early.  Anyway.  He upped the approximate surgery time from 6 hours to 7-9 hours after discovering that I not only have the hernia that was been bothering me, but also another one over my left ribcage.


About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 05, 2012
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