Oct 08, 2010

Yes, Michael and I got married again after 26 years!!! It was wonderful, and just what we needed! We weren't getting along very well and so we went to counseling, and that's when we decided that having a wedding in front off all our family and friends was just the spark we needed to get things going again! AND IT WORKED!!! I feel like a new bride.

The first time we went to the justice of the peace, I was ashamed of my size, but this time I wore a white dress size 12!!! (I still wore spanx to hold everything in! LOL) but it was wonderful! I posted the pictures!


Okay enough about that! About my progress, nothing lost, nothing gained! Still walking. Still eating. Still falling off the wagon, but still jumping right back on!!!

My only advice is to continue to take your vitamins, it does make a difference. I know several people who have re-gained. Tell yourself you are too good for that and keep running for your life!

Love you and God-Bless,


Apr 27, 2010

Hello Family!
I am so sorry I haven't posted in a while but my life has been so topsee terveee!!! We have a daughter graduating from college this year. Michael and I moved back to Delaware bc of his job. Moved three times in two months, first from Charlotte, then to one house in Delaware until we went thru closing for the new house, then to the new house! Looking for a job!
Okay, my progress, I am still at the same weight! I am still walking, I still don't eat red meat, (pork or beef), I fall off of the wagon sometimes with sweets (ate a whole sweetpotato pie) but I get right back on! I can't believe it will be four years in a couple of months and I am maintaining! I never reached goal, about 37 pounds from it (maybe if I leave that sweetpotato pie alone I could reach goal), but I'm alright with that as long as I stay in the onesees!!! I still wear medium/large shirts and size 12-14 pants. That's great coming from xxxl shirts and 22/24 pants!!! I weigh 192 pounds coming from a start weight of 315! Life is good!
I decided to post bc someone might need to hear from someone that had the surgery 4 years ago! It is a life change. It really is. If you fall, don't be too hard on yourself, get up brush yourself off and get back started!
I'm still loving life and everything it has to offer! I am on facebook now under Teena Brittingham Dale, and I get on there just about everyday, so if you need me you can find me there!

Love you guys!!!


God is Good.....ALL THE TIME!!

Aug 21, 2009

I was going threw my pictures and I came across this one and I just cried and cried, so I had to vent. Thank you for giving me an outlet to vent! I always have to be so strong for the family!
On June 17, 2009, my nephew, Cameron lost his battle with lukemia. Instead of the days getting easier they seem to be getting harder! I decided to post this picture in his memory! I truly believe that God is good, all the time. And even though we don't understand, there is a reason for all seasons! Please keep us in prayer!
This picture was taken a year ago....during happier times! Pictured are My Mom(lady w/o glasses), My 4 brothers and one of my sisters. The little girl is my neice, (Camerons sister) my brother beside me in the suit w/o glasses is Camerons Dad,  the young man on the end is my handsome nephew Cameron. Rest in peace Baby, you surely will be missed. Love you! Aunt Tee!!!

Now that's a Bootay!!!

Aug 18, 2009

I had to share this picture and if it offends anyone, please accept my apology in advance! Before I started walking, my butt was starting to get long and sag. Then I started walking a mile then 2 then 6, now 11 and it is really lifting up my butt! Mike would kill me if he knew I even took this pictures but shoot, we are in this thing together and we have to share our secrets!!!

WOW moments! I went to my daughters college to get her straight for this year, (she's a senior this year) and this guy called her over and was whispering to her, then she yelled, "BOY YOU BETTER GET OUT MY FACE......THAT'S MY MOM!!!" He wanted to be hooked up!

Then we went to the mall to get her a few things and these two guys approached us to tell us about this party that was going on that night, I just stepped back b/c I figured they were talking to her and her girlfriend, well the one guy said "hey pretty lady, you don't go out" and I said, "no, I haven't gone out in 20 years!"  My daughter stepped in and said, 'that's my MoM! We kept going back in forth for about 10 minutes b/c they didn't believe us until I took out my license and showed them, then the one guy said, "WoW, you can still come to the party and I'm sure you will have a good time, I will make sure of it!" I just declined and said that my husband won't let me have any boyfriends, but my daughter acted mad and kept an attitude the rest of the day. I had to tell her, that me getting myself together has nothing to do with her or her Dad either for that matter. People are going to approach me, but I know how to carry myself. she just thought it was so embarrasing!

Well when we got home she ran to her Dad to tell him what happened and I just told him, Mike, you better step up your game before "Stella gets her Groove back"! I thought it was funny, but he didn't!!! He said, " I hope you don't change and I said DUHHH I already have! I walk with my head up, shoulders back! I don't wear sweat pants everywhere anymore! I wear hills everywhere now! I love Teena again! I never go out without looking at the least decent! Oh trust, I'VE CHANGED! You just don't let my change come between us by getting jealous. Let me be me, and we both will be happy!

It's not about them.......It's about me!!!
Love you guys!
(Don't forget to look at the BOOTAY, Holla at your girl!
1 comment

New Secret for flatter, flatter, flatter TUMMY!!!!

Jul 10, 2009

(Well it is actually an old secret revamped!!)

Okay, go to Wal-Mart, get professional strength saran wrap, and industrial strength duct tape! After you take your bath at night (and of course taken care of your husband or wife, especially if it is hump day!) get your other half to wrap you from below your boobies, to the bottom of your buttocks with the saran wrap, then wrap your body with the duct tape starting from the bottom (below your stomach) all the way up!!! (Tell them to put their fingers in the saran wrap and you turn in circles, it goes on a lot tighter that way!) Then pull the saran wrap up over your butt (we don't want no flat butts!)Okay good luck sleeping!!!

The first night I did it I couldn't sleep at all, I even had to go sit on the couch to sleep, but after that, it was on!! Now it has been over a month and my stomach even has detailed lines and abs! It is so much flatter. I haven't had no kind of surgery and I swear I can wear a two-piece! (I would show you a picture but my husband won't let me!)

Now when I get up in the morning, I keep my wrap on until after I do my 11 mile walk, (yes, I still do 11 miles @ 4:00 a.m.!!) When I get home I take it off, take a shower and then my day is on! If I'm going somewhere and I wear a thin dress or something then I do wrap before I go out!

I even wrap my thighs at night now! Try it and let me know how it goes! (I swore to my husband that I would never put a revealing picture of me on the internet, or any other pictures for that matter, he is so jealous now, and he made me promise that I wouldn't put any more pictures up) but if I can think of something  I will.

He's worried every since we moved to Charlotte. Let me explain, on Mother's day, I was doing my 11 mile walk by myself because he was busy and my daughter wasn't home, and this truck with four guys pulled up beside me and tried to pick me up! They acted like they wouldn't take no for an answer, so I called my husband on the cell phone and he rushed where I was and the guys sped off when they saw him!  After that, he doesn't want me to go by myself anymore, like I don't know how to take care of myself! Anyway, I am just going along with it for now b/c he was really upset! Now he acts paranoid! He doesn't even want our daughter to go on face book!!! He'll be alright!

Love you guys! I am going to do better getting on the site at least once a week, I have home internet service now!

Ps. my update....Size 12, loose! medium shirt! 171 pounds! A lot of muscle in my legs, and thighs! Very nice waiste line! Everyone keeps asking me and my daughter are we twins and she is 21 and a size 6! You want to talk about an eagle boost!!!

Obsessed! (Yeah right!)

Apr 28, 2009

Okay, what does this word obsessed really mean? Could someone please tell me b/c I'm tired of hearing it!
Let me start from the beginning;
I now walk 11 miles 4:00 in the morning! I brought 5 lb wrist weights that I wear while I walk ($9.97 at Wal-mart)! Someone told me they will help with the hanging skin on my arms, I don't know b/c I just started doing it 2 days ago! I can tell you that it hurts like hell!! My arms are so sore! But then again so is my stomach. The weights do help me swing my arms while I walk so I know they are helping my waist! My daughter has an intern that she has to be at 8:00 am so we decided to start going at 4:00 am! It's easy, I just make sure I am in the bed by 9:00 pm, so I still get 7 hours worth of sleep! (It's compromise to do something that is really important to me!)
I can't believe I walk 11 miles! I told her that I wasn't going to add on anymore, 11 is enough! Why 11? Well we mapped out a path, I can't walk around a track, I'm lazy, so I have to walk away from home and then I don't have a choice but to either walk back or hitch-hike!! LOL! When we measured out this path, we liked it b/c it is up and down hills and you walk through a park, as well as through a busy street, then it is calming b/c you walk past a pond, (we also walk past 2 different hospitals!! LOL) It just happened to be 11 miles, we were going for 10, but oh well!
It feels so good! After the first 6 miles I call my husband and he meets us at the end of the road and walk the last 5 miles with us! It takes us 1hour 30 minutes to walk the first 6 miles and then about an hour for the last 5. The last five doesn't have as many hills as the first 6! We leave at 4:10 and we are done by 6:30-6:40! Some days I feel like I am going to die and other days it feels wonderful, but everyday I feel great when I finish and look back on what I accomplished!
Anyway, I went home to Delaware, and everyone was telling me how great and in shape I looked. They said it was like I turned 43 and instead of getting older, I was looking younger! Why couldn't they leave it at that?! Once I told them what I was doing the overwhelming response was......do you think you are getting obsessed with this weight and exercise thing!!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!
Look my loving OH family, let me let you in on a little secret, as you know I am 5'11 and 1/2" when I first decided to have this surgery I weighed 260. The Dr. told me that I wasn't obeese, overweight but not obeese, and the insurance wouldn't pay for the surgery, so I told him to make me an appointment for a month! The appointment was for 1 month 14 days later! In that time I went from 260 to 315! I did everything I could to gain weight so the insurance would pay for the surgery and it worked! (God knows it was fun too!!) My point is not one person pulled me aside and said Teena you are really gaining weight, is something wrong? Or don't you think you are eating too much? NO! But now that I want to take care of me I'm OBSESSED! Excuse my language, but you Damn Right I am!
Come on now! Get for real! After I had the surgery and paid all the money, went to all the appointments, the psycho, the nutritionist, everybody, I went from 315 pounds to 192 pounds! But what happened, I gained some of it back! all the way back up to 215! Was I Obsessed then! No one said a Damn thing! What, can you only comment when I'm doing bad! And please stop telling me that I don't need to lose anymore! Remember you are the same people that told me that I didn't need to have the surgery in the first place! Having me breathing all hard and looking like a fat-faced fool!
As you can see this really pisses me off! The bottom line is you have to be happy for yourself! Whatever makes you happy then so be it and if the world doesn't like it then fine......DON'T LOOK AT ME!!! Call me OBSESSED...... I'll answer!!!!
Love you all,

I discovered a wonderful new tool!!!

Apr 07, 2009

Okay guys, get ready because I discovered a wonderful new tool! I was laying across my bed one evening and I pulled out my basket of pictures. Well, I took all the pictures of me out. Then I put them in order by date/year. I had to call my Mom to ask her about some dates, I had to get the help of my husband! I called my sisters! It is a good thing that there were children in the photos b/c you could guess the dates by their ages! Well this took me a couple days! I then brought a big photo album and put the pictures in there by the date of the pictures! WHAT A SHOCKER!!!

I realized that I have always been good at losing weight, just never good at keeping it off! I learned so much about myself! Like for example, I dye my hair lighter when I first gain weight! I always set goals reach them and then have a celebration party. I even have had the nerve to take pictures of me eating oreo cookie cake, or one time I was eating a double whopper w/ cheese on the day I reached goal! What was I thinking? The pictures showed me that when I was over-stressed about something, I lost. When I was really happy and comfortable, I gained! It was a routine. It also showed me that I  went years at a time without even taking a picture. Which will never happen again no matter what I look like!

I made the scrapbook on April 1, (not as an April fool either!) and I have looked at this thing everyday, every since! It has made me happy, angry, cry, ashamed, probably every kind of emotion there is!

Look I didn't realize that I was 240 in March 1992 , by September 1992 I was 190, then by December 1992 I was 160, well by the next April 1993 I was back up to 215!!! (must of been too much celebrating with double whoppers!) by July 1993, 250!

Trust me the scrap book is wonderful! I think it is the tool I needed to keep the weight off this time. I counted, I have been up and down 9 different times.....who knew? The pattern has got to stop!

My progress: I am doing great without eating red meat. It is a lot easier than I thought! I still walk 6 miles at 5 a.m. and 3 miles at 6 p.m. now! I like 6p.m. better than 7 b/c you can see some daylight. It was hard walking in the dark in the morning and in the evening!!

On Sundays, I call my brothers, sisters, Mom, Dad and my daughter who isn't here. It is something I started doing just to say hello, how are you doing and I love you to them. Before I started doing this months would go by without me hearing from the boys, now it is really neat b/c they look forward to my Sunday calls. I let each person talk as long as they want, (just to think I call 7 siblings 2 parents and 1 kid! sometimes it takes 3-4 hours to call them all, sometimes it takes 1 hour, it just depends on them!)

Well instead of me calling them from the house, (I can get loud!) I put my phone piece in my ear and walk! Last Sunday I walked 9 miles while talking with them on the phone. The 6 miles I measured out that we walk in the morning and the 3 miles I measured out we walk in the evening! I was on the phone and walking for 3 and 1/2 hours straight! My legs didn't hurt until I got home though! I know that people riding by thought I was crazy, with my hands just a going, looking like I was talking to myself!!!

Oh yeah, by they way, your girl has lost another 11 pounds! 183 baby and looking good! Wow! This is the bomb!

I have to say this right quick! My husband is skinny, has always been skinny, probably will always be skinny! And now he eats what I eat, walk when I walk, talking about he's not going to sit back and let me get all shapely and he don't! JEALOUS, DON'T YOU THINK!  ( I do get a lot more attention in the stores and malls though! HOLLA!)

if I can be of any help, just let me know! If I can do this.....for real anyone can!

Where has the time gone!!

Mar 25, 2009

I can't believe that I haven't posted since September 2008!!! Where has the time gone! Well let me up date you! I moved to Charlotte January 2009! Love it!  Haven't found gainful employment but God is good. Actually I haven't even applied for anything yet so I don't know what I think, that in this economy someone is going to knock on my door and say, "hey Teena I heard you were here in Charlotte! Take this awesome job with full benefits, signing bonus, two week vacation to start and 4 a day weeks!" That's just a dream! I am really going to get on the stick though!

I went through a little depression. Didn't think I would because I was so excited, but once I moved and got settled in I realized how much I missed the kids at my old school and how much I was worrying that they were alright. One little girl even said, "Miss Teena" I feel like my mother is leaving all over again!" Bummer! I miss my family too, but not as much. I guess b/c I know that they are all right and taken care of!

Okay, about my progress....... you know me, I keep it real! I was so proud to be in the onesees again I vowed not to ever get in the 200 pound club again, I lied! 200 hit me with a board! I wasn't exercising, I was eating anything I wanted at any time that I wanted, like I couldn't gain the weight again. I wasn't even walking everyday. If it rained,I couldn't walk. If it looked like it was going to rain, I couldn't walk. If I ate too much, I couldn't walk. I got a bunyon on my toe, I couldn't walk. My daughter needed to talk to me about her relationships, I couldn't walk. My husband needs to go to Wal-mart, I couldn't walk!

Any excuse I could come up with to not walk, I didn't so I was walking about 1-2 days a week, if that! Then a miracle happened! My baby sister decided to go to a weight Dr. She is tall like me and got up to 270 pouds on her wedding day and didn't like it so she was determined to do something about it. We are really close, so when she called me to tell me about this weight Dr. I discouraged her telling her that it was just a temporary fix, and as soon as she quit she would gain the weight back!

Well her response was, "why would I quit? I get my nails done everyweek, when my real nails grew back underneath the fake ones I didn't quit going, b/c I know that I soon as I do they would break, so why would I quit this!"

Y'all it hit me like a ton of bricks! Why would I quit! That has been my problem all my life! I quit! It is not a diet, it is a life-change and I have been taking the wrong approach! You don't want to lose the weight, and then quit, you have to continue to run like your life depended on it! If someone told me that if I gained a pound back, harm would come to my husband or girls I wouldn't gain an ounce, so why wouldn't I do it for Myself!

It changed my life. I made a committment to walk everyday, rain, snow, sleet or hell! I also made the committment to give up red meat and all sweets! Now I only eat chicken, turkey, fruits, veggies, dairy and seafood! I fry it when I want but for the most part I bake or stew it! I buy wheat pastas, spaghetti, mac, etc. Lowfat cheese, 2% milk and fat-free yogurt? Nothing white, i.e. sugar, flour, you know!

I started this March 9, how do I know, b/c I journal now! I write down everything I eat, what exercise I do and my water intake! I also write how I feel wether good or bad, b/c I recognize I am an emotional eater!
My progress:
I went from 215 (yeah I got back up to 215!!) I now weigh, 194 that's 21 pounds in a little over 2 weeks!!!
I went from walking about 4 miles a day 1 or 2 days a week to 9 miles, everyday! ( 6 miles at 5:30 a.m., and then 3 miles at 7:00 pm with my family. I powerwalk in the a.m. and it is more of a stroll in the evening, but it is great b/c it gives us time to talk, we talked before, but always in front of the TV, now we have a date each evening!)
I went from feeling bloated and full to having a lot of energy! I feel like I'm in my twenties again and I will be 43 next week!
My food bill is cheaper, b/c turkey and chicken costs a lot less than steak, hamburger, ribs, and porkchops, but I don't feel like I am missing out on anything! They make everything with turkey now days! (who knew, not me!)
And I went down another clothes size!
And I drink a gallon + of water a day! I went to Wal-mart and brought a gallon jug of water along with the mixes that's like Chrystal light but the Wal-mart brand! I make a gal of it everynight and fill up my water bottle throughout the day. I make sure to drink the gallon before I go to bed! I pee like a fountain but it is worth the trade-off! It is also cheaper, before I was buying 2-3 packs of bottle water a week, now I don't I just fill the jug from the faucett!
My skin is clearer! I feel better! And I am very, very regular!!
I feel like I have taken controll and it feels so good! I love my life again and I am never going to lose this feeling again. I have to go, but I promise that I will log on again by Friday! And I will also make sure to log on at least once a week!

Love you all! God Bless and take care!


Good bye (for now, Part II)

Sep 11, 2008

Yes my friends the time has come for me to say good-bye for now! It has been a worldwind of a summer! My Step-Dad passed away suddenly, we got to the funeral and my seven brothers and sisters and I stood the undertaker down that it wasn't him in the casket! You know I joke about everything, so my brother stood back and turned his body sideways, crossed his eyes and said, "yeah, it kinds of favors him now!" So we all did the same thing, then we bust out laughing, everyone at the funeral thought we were crying! That's how we got threw it......call us dumb!

Well of course Clumsy Clara, was walking up to the house around everyone and my foot went into this hole and I fell flat on my face! The good thing is all these guys rushed to help me up! I don't know if they were related or not, but they were in their 20's and 30's, so I put on my cute talk and walk and thank them! (I really have to get use to men running to my aid again!!) A couple years ago they would have left me there until I rolled over and got up myself!

My husband's job closed and we may be moving to Charlotte, NC! We are going there this weekend and staying for 4 days to check it out! It really doesn't matter to me, if we stay in Delaware, I get to be around my siblings and get to keep my house, if we move then I will be around my girls and will live close when they get married and have me some grandbabies! Both of them hate Delaware and have no desire to live here!

I am really stuck! So I just let go and let God take care of it, he has never left me yet!!!!

For my progress, I have gained 8 pounds, but yall I have to tell you I am a brick house!! (especially with clothes on!) I am holding my own to be 42 years old! I still walk 4 miles everyday.

I am still wearing a size 14 comfortably! I weigh 206 pounds which is wonderful coming from 315! I am really loving life and my new body! It is funny because even though I have been small all my life, my body has a new shape and form which is exciting! Michael is loving it too!

I have new pictures but for some reasons they won't download on this website. I will have to figure it out!!!

Love you all! If you need me e-me and I promise to get back!

I will stay on and continue to check my e-mails until we make up our minds! The only thing is when we do make up our minds it will be fast so I may not have time. For example, we could go to North Carolina, like it, and be gone in 2-3 weeks! We have to do something before the savings dry up!!!

Love ya!
Teena (TNBH)
(The New Brick House, no I'm not 36-24-36, Im more like 40-30-42, but it's all good!!!!)

Two years.....What a blessing!

Jun 05, 2008

Two year surgiversary!!! Can you believe it!!! From 315 pounds to 194 pounds! 
From a size 22-24 to size 12-14 
From a XXXXXXXXL (so it seemed) to a M-L shirt 
From never walking or exercising to walking 4 miles EVERYDAY! 
From an inter-tube for a waist to a waist where I can actually wear a belt!!! 
Oh my God, I was just sitting here thinking how different my life is now! It is funny because it is almost like you forget the life you lived before! Here is a little look in the life I lived before and the changes these two years have brought to my life: 
My legs don’t rub anymore! 
That awful rash and dark spot I had on my upper-inner thighs is gone! My ankles aren’t swollen and I even wear an ankle bracelet! 
I don’t have to lift up my stomach with one hand and wash underneath the roll with the other! 
I don’t have to do “the rock” to get off the couch! 
I am more active, in bed and out! 
I don’t use the handicap bathroom, (unless I want to)! 
The car seat isn’t pushed all the way back! 
I don’t have to stop by a fast food restaurant to get a #3 to hold me until I finish making dinner! 
I eat regular portions, and leave food on my plate. 
I don’t have to be out to dinner with my husband or my girls and can’t concentrate on the conversation b/c I am too busy “eyeing” the food they left on their plate wondering if they are going to eat it and would I look too greedy if I asked for it! 
When people take pictures I don’t have to be the one to volunteer to take the picture, I can actually get in it, and not way in the back! 
I don’t have to cry when I see pictures of myself! (Especially when I just knew I looked good on that particular day, why did the camera lie? What did I do wrong? God why me?!) 
I don’t wait until my husband is sleep to sneak back in the kitchen for more food! 
I don’t wake up with food and crumbs in my bed, all on the side of my face, nasty taste in my mouth, where I fell asleep eating something!! 
I don’t have to wait until everyone is out of the kitchen so I can sneak more food while I am pretending to put it away! 
I don’t have to sneak sandwiches to the garage and eat them! 
I don’t have to sit in the garage in the dark eating a foot long (from subway of course) because dinner didn’t fill me up! 
I don’t have to order two birthday Oreo cookie ice cream cakes, one for the guests, one for myself! 
I don’t have to lie and say that I am making a plate to take home for my husband after a BBQ then eat it on the way home! Then I had to lie again once I got home and my husband asks me why I didn’t bring him anything! (“Mike if you wanted something then you should’ve gone!!!) 
I don’t have to cut all the tags out of my clothes so I am not reminded of what size I wear! I also don’t have to lie when someone asks me what size I wear! 
I can go shopping with other females and not feel embarrassed when NOTHING in the store fits! 
I can tie my own shoe, cut and paint my own toenails and don’t have to worry about what the Korean lady is saying to the other Korean lady when they are doing my feet!( I know they were talking about how big and fat my feet was, boy I need to learn Korean!) 
I can hold my arms up to style my hair without taking breaks, and don’t have to worry about what the African lady is saying to the other African lady when they are braiding my hair! (I know they were talking about how big my head was, boy I need to learn Creole and French!) 
I can go to a Chinese buffet and don’t have to worry about what the Chinese man is saying to the Chinese lady when I walk in the door, (I know they were talking about how big my stomach was, boy I need to learn Chinese!) 
I can go to the car wash and get my car detailed without worrying about what the Mexican man is saying to the other Mexican man when I got out of the car, (I know they were talking about how big my butt was, boy I need to learn Spanish!) 
I can wash my own hair, leaning over the sink without it hurting my stomach! 
I can sit in a booth, seat on the plane, or any seat with out the fear of it breaking like the girl on Shallow Hal or getting a seat belt extension! I can put my seat belt on without pulling it all the way out and it hurting the side of my neck! 
My butt fits on the hopper seat! 
I can greet folks that I haven’t seen in a while instead of pretending that I don’t see them! 
I can walk the WHOLE mall! 
I can go to a family gathering without always hearing the “big girl” jokes! I can go to a buffet and fix my plate without feeling like the world is looking at me whispering, “why in the world is she in here, she isn’t even trying, don’t she look in the mirror, she must don’t realize it is about portion size! (Don’t they realize that I can hear them?!) 
I can enjoy my food! I can enjoy life! I can enjoy Teena!

For you newbie’s just starting this journey, this is not a fix all. You have to work it or it will work you. But if you use this tool it will be such a blessing! If you don’t eat right and exercise, you will regain weight, trust me, been there done that! Don’t be too hard on yourself if you fall off, dust yourself off and get back on that horse, cow, bull, or whatever will carry your big buttJ! If I can do this, trust me when I tell you, ANYONE can!!! 

About Me
Charlotte, NC
Surgery Date
May 03, 2006
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo

Friends 97

Latest Blog 49
Good bye (for now, Part II)
Two years.....What a blessing!
