9 mo out

May 09, 2008

Hello if anyone is reading this . Well here i am 9 mo out and I guess I am fine I have lost some weight I do have to workout to loose but I enjoy going to the gym again . I was at a plato for a whiel but I am back in the swing of thing's now . I have had a few apointments lately I had a fill I guess it was about a month ago and my band is tilting . This time I went in for another fill and agin I was told my band is tilting . I guess we will be doing a scope to see why . I don't feel paine . I do vomit a lot . I wonder if that has anything to do with the band tilting . I get a little scared when I talk about it . Well see what happens . I am trying to set up a saport group at work since a few of my coworkers have been banded . That will be nice to have a group of people who know what we each gothrew on a day to day with work and all . 

I did stop spending time on here since my friend that I spoke to quite often stopped talking to me . I am not sure why . I would like to have people to talk with and compare band stuff with . I really do feel better knowing there are people with my same consernd and issues. SO if you would like to chat I will be here . Mickey

7 Months out

Mar 29, 2008

Well I am now 7 months out and i still like my lap band most of the time . I would like an on and off switch sometimes . I guess that is why i never lost weight on my own .

I took my Husband to Las Vegas
to celebrate our aniversary we were married in Las Vegas 2 years ago and I feel so much better this time . I am 50 lbs less then the last time we went and i was more comfortable in the plane , and we walked around this time we still got a car but last time we never walked the strip . But We had a good time . I WON 450.00 Hey I don't spend much on gambeling so that's a lot for me . I spent 20.00 to win. I will have to post new pictures .

Right now I feel like I am not dropping weight fast enough . A lady I work with had her surgery 3 months ao and is down 40 and me I guess since surgery just over 40 . I am down 50 total but that includes the weight I lost before surgery . I am getting smaller I went from a tight 22 to a nice fit 16 today . I would like to be in a 13 by summer .

I need to make an apointment to see my surgen I had a 6 month apointment and the nurse called me to remind me of the apointment . I had had a different date writen down so I got a sitter and switched my time at work to go . Then When I got there I was told Oh your apointment is not tell next week . I was so mad . That I canclled the apointment and now I sit here saying I need to see my doc .

6 months out

Feb 22, 2008

Well here I am @ six months out and I feel pretty good . I have lost a total of 50 lbs 37 since my surgery date . I feel good about that . I hope to loose another 37 if not more in the next six months comeing up . I have trouble with getting in my protein I have a good product that I use I just got sick of it . I like the protein bars rather then the drinks . I did get the flu this last weekend and that sucked . I threw up a few times and man that was just no fun at all . 

Well I am going to LasVegas On March 18th . I went 2 years ago and i was 50 lbs heavier then . So I am sooo exsited to go again . I guess this could be not only my aniversary but also to celebrate loosing 50 lbs .

5 1/2 months out

Feb 05, 2008

Well ere I am almost six months out I thought I would be smaller by now but I am getting there I am 218 now I was 264 the day I got married two years ago In march I was 250 When i had Surgery so about 5 lbs a month . I still eat junk so i guess i should be happy . I just eat less junk . I try to be healthy I just have craveings for junk food like chocolate . But I also love food like eggplant . So i have not posted for a whiel I have been busy with sick kids and work and stress from work . but all in all I would do it again so i am happy with my band ,

Four months out

Dec 25, 2007

Well today is Christmas and I feel pretty good . I ate some candy this year but I got a fill on the 18th and have not been able to keep anything down . I am down to 220 . So 70 lbs to go now . I feel happy and I got the Christmas Spirit this year . I work out about 3 days a week when I can make it . My kids have been sick and I have not been to the gym in more then a week but I will get back on track . Well It had been a long time since I posted last so I thought I should give a little update . I went more then a month with out looseing anything but I got a fill and am back on track . I will post a pic this week . Mickey


Nov 06, 2007

I feel like I am in band hell right now . I have been working out and I am looseing weight so I am happy about that . Every time i eat I run around haking up my food . I have sat with a cup to spit in I get tierd of running to the bathroom or trash . It sounds really bad . mostly fluid comeing up . So am I eatting too fast not chewing enough or eating too much ? I don't know . I  don't want to go the doctor I don't want an unfill . I only have 2.9 in my band right now and I was fine for a few days after I had my fill . Sometimes it even hurts to eat . I know I am am not going to starve I do eat and I think mabye I eat too much . So right now I am happy and frusterated . I am down 26 lbs now . the 20th of November will be 2 months for me . I wanted to be under 200 by Christmas . I have 29 to go . I have been doing good at the gym I work out on the elliptical machine everyday . I did not go on Sunday but other then that everyday in a 8 day period . I burned 949 today . Then I went on a 3 mile walk . I need to use the weight more then i do . I like to do 1 or 2 sets but my trainer would like me to do three . I already spend more then an hour at the gym . Sometimes it is hard to get that time in . The childcare center at the gym is very limited to the hours they are open . I will keep doing my best . I know I am looking good . i get a few compliments from people at work at it makes me feel good .

October 27

Oct 27, 2007

Well today is one week past one month and i feel pretty good . i have some restriction from my last fill . I now have 2.9 cc in my 10 cc band . i d o feel some restriction . I ate 2 small slices of pizza and I was full really full like ate at a buffet full . I have been working out at the Y and on days I can not make it to the Y I walk today I walked about 4 miles . I work long shfts on the weekends and i work the  hole time the Y is open so I can't make it on the weekends . I do try to do twice on Mondays . I meet with a trainer and I was told how to properly work out . I was doing 35 min on the olliptical machine then going to each weight machine and doing like 30 to 50 reps on each machine . Well I now know I have to do 8 - 15 reps and three sets . I did this and man my hips and butt have been sore for a few days now . I guess that means i did good . Well I have been changeing my life bit by bit and i still would like to get to 200 by the  first of the year . i have less then 30 to go . I hope I can do it . Well that how things have been going so far .

Almost 2 months

Oct 18, 2007

Well here I am almost 2 months out . I have not been doing the beat on my diet . I am able to eat more then I should . I am getting my second fill on the 23rd . I have been working out I go everyday that I can . I am up to 30 min on the oliptical machine at the YMCA . I have to make myself go 30 min but I think I might try 35 next week . i have a goal of 1 hour my mom who is 55 and over weight can go for 1 hour so me at 31 I should be able to go for 1 hour also . 30 min burnes 440 cals . I have not been on a scale I am not getting on one intell my next fill on the 23rd . I got so discuraged inn the last few weeks one time I had even gained when i got on the scale . There is a chance that the scale was not right . But I got depressed and I ate alot of crap that day so I have decided to not go threw that on a daily rutine . I fell fine other then I was sick this week with abdominal cramps and gas . I don't know why I think other people at work ahve been sick as well I was worried about the band but I think I was just haveing a bug .

week 6

Oct 02, 2007

Well here I am at week 6 and I got my first fill today . That was no big deal . i was worried about it . I laid down on an operating table got a shot to numb me and then the big needle . i seen that thing it was big . I did not look and I did not feel anything . I have been on liquids today . i have been really crabby . I don't like to be on liquids . But towmarrow I can eat real food again . I only got 1 1/2 CC I will have to go back in 2 weeks for another fill .

I have been working out I got a membership at our YMCA and tonight I worked out for 45 min I did the machine that is like a skinig motion and I went on the tred mill and i ran for a few minutes and i did the natalas machines . I feel good . I have a long ways to go but I am going to get there by next summer I should be looking pretty darn good . I still want t to be below 200 by christams .

week five

Sep 24, 2007

Well Here it is week 5 and i feel no restrictionat all . I have been eatting like crazy . I feel fat today . I must be bloated . I walked  about 6 miles this weekend . I can feel that in my ass . So that's a good thing. I can work out now so This week we will have to get our Y membership . I hope I can stick to an exsersise rutine . There is a class called guts and butts I am interested in trying that class . I hope i can do it . Well i still have anither week to go before my first fill . I need it . Well i guess thats all for now I had no weightloss yet this week sometimes after my weekend no Tue Wed I will loose some weight .

About Me
Beatrice, NE
Surgery Date
Jul 13, 2007
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 21
9 mo out
7 Months out
6 months out
5 1/2 months out
Four months out
October 27
Almost 2 months
week 6
week five
