Back on track

Jun 19, 2011

It has been way to long. I'm starting the 5 day pouch diet tomorrow. Hopefully it is not too late and I can get back on track.

September 2, 2008

Sep 02, 2008

I'm not doing well, I haven't lost any significant weight since April. What do I do???

April 9th, 2008

Apr 08, 2008

I'm kind of at a stand still at 70 pounds. I haven't been exercising as much as I should. I still feel really great though. My new goal is to try to attend support group meetings and get some ideas on how to get the next 30 pounds off!

January 31, 2008

Jan 31, 2008

It's still coming off. I feel like it's coming off too slow, but everyday my clothes feel bigger and bigger. I'm able to be so much more active. Feeling good!!

Hit my 50 pound goal!!

Jan 18, 2008

I have hit my 50 pound weight loss goal - just a day after my 34th birthday! Next stop - century club!

January 7, 2007

Jan 06, 2008

I made it through the holidays!! A few cookies here and there, but no major fall-backs. I have found that I don't tolerate sausage at all, that was always one of my favorite foods. Other than that I'm fine, as long as I eat and drink slow. If I forget and do it too fast, I'll throw up. I've thrown up maybe 4 times now, twice from sausage. I am still so thankful that I had this surgery. I feel so good already! 45 pounds lost since November 8th!

December 6th, 2007

Dec 06, 2007

I had my 1 month check up yesterday and met with the nutritionist. Everything looked good and I have lost a total of 32 pounds. I'm moving from soft foods to ground foods. Yesterday was my anniversary so we went to my favorite Mexican restaurant. I was nervous - I didn't want to over-do it. I ordered off the kids menu and split with my 2 year old and still had lots of leftovers, but I was full!! I had mostly beans, a little rice and a little bit of the middle of the enchilada. I also had some salse with very small bites of chips. I felt really good! :)

November 26th, 2007

Nov 25, 2007

Today is my first day back at work. Several people have commented that they can really tell I've lost weight in my face. I was able to put on a pair of pants and sweater I haven't worn in a while. I'm going to try to walk 20 minutes on the treadmill during my lunch hour today.

November 16th, 2007

Nov 16, 2007

8 days post op and I've lost 10 pounds since surgery. I'm very happy with that. Just when I start getting frustrated and feeling hungry, I weigh myself and another pound has come off. So far it is so worth it!!!

November 10th, 2007

Nov 10, 2007

I sit here in the hospital sipping my 1 oz of apple juice and it tastes really good! I was so scared before my surgery. I had a huge fear of dying. I wrote goodbye letters to my kids just in case. The night before surgery, my husband took my kids to his moms and to some friends for the night because we had to get to the hospital at 5:45 the next morning and it was so hard! I cried when they left. My mom and husband came with me for the surgery, I remember getting switched over to the surgery table, then I was out until I woke up in recovery and I felt so happy! I was so relieved and didn't feel too bad at all! My mouth has been really dry and sleeping with the CPAP isn't fun. I was able to take a shower today and got into my own pajamas. I'm supposed to be having my first meal - Jello pretty soon.

About Me
Bismarck, IL
Surgery Date
Feb 19, 2007
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 13
September 2, 2008
April 9th, 2008
January 31, 2008
Hit my 50 pound goal!!
January 7, 2007
December 6th, 2007
November 26th, 2007
November 16th, 2007
November 10th, 2007
