Day 4 of Liquid Diet...

Nov 23, 2006

So far so good.  I have been extremely busy since I started the liquid diet with working nights and had to have appointments in between my 12 hour night shifts.  I actually havne't been getting all my calories in like maybe 750 of the 1000 and not enough fluid.  I am off work now for about a week and can do better.  I saw Dr. G last night for my preop appointment.  They switched it from Dec 1st to yesterday because he needed that day off.  It went well.  He was happy about my weight loss so far.  I was actually 296.5 on his scale.  I thought it would be lower.  But I won't be upset, I weight in at 328 the last time I saw him, last year about this time at my initial consultation.  He said that it shows that I will be successful post op because of me being able to lose some weight prior to surgery.  He said they may have to do a hiatal hernia repair while he is in there as I do have a small one and will do a liver biopsy while he is in there b/c of the "fatty" liver that I have (common in obese people).  He said because I haven't had any prior abdominal surgeries he suspects everything should go well and the actual surgery time to take around 1 1/2 to 2 hours.  He said my surgery will be at 9am on December 4th.  Getting closer!  I am surprised I am not that hungry on my clear liquid diet, just feel somewhat weak, but I have lacked on sleep the last few days.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

The Liquid Diet...

Nov 21, 2006

11/21/06  It is now day 2 of the liquid diet.  I am doing fairly well.  Yesterday we drove from Kansas City and then I worked all night so I was awake for the first 24 hours of it, that was a little rough.  Overall I am doing ok, I hope I have some good weight loss with it.  Tomorrow I am going for my preop visit with Dr. Glascock in Cedar Falls at 4pm.  I have to work tonight and then have a meeting in the morning right after work, so I won't get much sleep but that is ok.  I am off for a week starting tomorrow.  I will update on my preop visit tomorrow.

The Countdown Begins....

Nov 12, 2006

11/12/06  8 days to go until my clear liquid, 2 week preop diet begins. We are going to Kansas City to celebrate an early Thanksgiving dinner with my family. We will be having Thansksgiving on Sunday, November 19th and my liquid diet starts November 20th, talk about a "last supper". I am blessed that I can be with my family at this time. Life is good.

The Very Beginning to Getting Approved & Receiving a Date

Oct 19, 2006

I have battled my weight since I was 9 years old. I was thin up until then. I have done every diet known to man and even had very successful weight losses at times. I know what it is like to be thin and that makes me want to be there even more. I can get the weight off, its keeping it off that is the problem for me. Through the process of getting approved for weight loss surgery I have found out that I have hypertension, hyperlipidemia and type 2 diabetes all at the age of 29. I also have had hypothryoridism for several years. I feel with these comorbidities I should have no problem getting this surgery approved. I have not had any children yet and would like to someday with my husband. My husband had the surgery 4 1/2 years ago and is doing really well. He is my insipiration and my best friend. I am lucky I have such a wondeful and supportive person to share my life with. I have decided to keep a journal of the my weight loss journey, the process of getting approved and my experiences post op. Enjoy and thanks for taking the time to learn about me! :o)

10/10/05 Went to a seminar presented by Dr. Matthew Glascock this evening. It was rather interesting and much better than the others I have been to. My husband has had gastric bypass and has went to every seminar with me. He too was impressed by Dr. Glascock. I have filled out the 25 page medical history and have sumbitted it. Now just waiting to hear back from his office. I am excited that I have found the right surgeon, now if we can get insurance to cover the surgery. Fingers crossed!

10/21/05 Received a card in the mail today from the Minimal Invasive Clinic stating that I can call and arrange a consulation now. Tried to call the office but they had closed at 3pm. Will try to set up an appointment for 11/11, my first date available that I am not working or out of town.

11/11/05 I made an appointment last week for my consultation. It will be on 11/17/05. I work the night before 11/11 so figured that isn't a good time. I am on vacation now, yippee!! : )

11/15/05 Met with Louis, the dietician and Angie, the PA today. Both were so nice, I felt such ease from them both. I think it helped that I am a nurse and my husband has had the surgery before, I have a very good idea what I am getting into I feel. Angie felt it was best for me to go ahead and make an appointment with my PCP to be on a physician supervised weight loss program since my insurance states that I must have that for a minimum of 6 mos the year preceeding my surgery. Also I have a history of hypertension. My blood pressure was 148/90 today. Not too bad for me really, but nontheless with the new guidelines definently elevated. I was once on several meds for my blood pressure but was able to drop the weight in a large amout a couple years ago and was able to rid myself of those meds. Now that I have put the weight on and then some, she feels it would be a good idea for me to be on them again. Insurance will see it as a comorbidity which is always good for getting the surgery approved and just in general better for me to have it stabalized before going under. I need to get any records that I have together for weight loss both from physicians and any weight loss centers I have been involved with. Also need to get my psych eval scheduled. From there they will submit everything and I will find out if I am approved or not. It was a good day. : )

1/22/06 I saw my primary care physician in december and told him what I needed in order to have surgery - 6 mos. of a physician supervised diet and some of the tests that would be required. Appears Glascock's office has also sent him some information. We reviewed my insurance requirements together and he referred me to see a dietician and then he would also follow me through this diet to see my progress. I saw the dietician in January (since my isurance in 2006 will now cover these services, yeah!!) and I am basically on a very well balanced diet watching my carbs by eating more whole grains, lots of fruit and veggies and lean meats. I feel better, however I am not sure I am losing any real weight. My husband took my scale, he doesn't want me weighing myself (so hard not to!) says it only discourages me and he is right. I guess I will be done with the diet portion around June and so I will see the physchiatrist for the psych eval sometime between now and then and then I will finally be able to submit everything to insurance.

8/2/06 Wow! It has been forever since I have updated! But don't think that is because I have given up on this surgery! I have been working _VERY_ hard towards my goal. In Jan I started a 6 month supervised det and exercise program that involved a dietician and a follow-up with my physician every month. I lost about 20 pounds. Not as much as I would have liked but hey its better than gaining. I also got diagnosed on June 12th with Type 2 Diabetes. I got started on oral pills - gluocophage XR. I was soooo moody my husband said up until I got diagnosed, I feel so much better now that I have gotten the sugars down. So I sent some paperwork to my doctor's office of what I had as far as office notes and supportive letters from previous docs. I told them I would send the physician's supervised diet office notes as well as my current PCP's notes after Aug 10th. That is when I see my PCP again and he is doing a full panel of labs at that time. Told the office to wait to submit it. Well I called the office today to touch base and they have already submitted everything to my insurance company (oh no!) they don't have the supervised diet yet or the notes with my diagnosis of diabetes! Sigh.. oh well though. So I will resumbit that stuff in a couple weeks I told the insurance company to make a note in their records and they did. The lady with the insurance company said they would make a note in my file that more stuff will be coming. She said once they receive it all it takes a couple weeks to hear if I am approved. Fingers crossed, it is has been a long year working towards this. I do have to say this.. for all those people out there that say having surgery is the "easy way out".. pshah.. it has been a long journey thus far and I know going to the operating room is not a picnic either. If they only knew.... more updates to come!

UPDATE: The office of Dr. Glascock has already submitted my information to the insurance company as of july 27th and the insurnace company did receive my info on july 31st. I had hoped they would wait to sumbit everything until I saw the doc aug 10th, but they didn't. As of right now they don't have anything from my primary/current doctor which I was planning to send after aug 10th. So we will see if they approve without it. Otherwise I have that to send to them as well, which includes the diet and exercise stuff.. i would imagine they will want that. I'm kinda freaking out knowing it was sent for approval though! Gosh.. I hope it ends up postivie. I pray to God for his support and that he guide me though this process as he already has.

8/7/06 I called the insurance co. to see what the status is on my submission for gastric bypass. The office of Dr. Glascock had put in my information that I needed an EKG since I have taken Phen-fen before and an EGD because I have heartburt. The insurance co. would like the results of those 2 tests now. I will get them scheduled so they can have that information.

8/10/06 Today I had an appointment for my labs. I called and got the EKG to be done today too while I am there. I will work with my doctor today about getting the EGD arranged. I feel like it is getting closer.. hopefully this is the last bit of information tha the insurance co. requires. Fingers crossed...

8/12/06 I have completed my EKG, showed some elargement on the left side of my heart. PCP didn't seem overly concerned. I am sure it is because I used to have high blood pressure. I have my EGD scheduled for 8/24 at 10am. I am somewhat nervous only because I have never been sedated before.

8/14/06 I found out my total cholesterol is 204 and my HgbA1C has come down to 7.9 from 9.1 when I was diagnosed. My doctor wants me on lipitor now for the cholesterol and has doubled my glucophage. Wants to see me in a couple weeks to follow up.

8/16/06 I had my EGD today. They were able to fit me in early. I remember everything.. or so it feels like I do. The nurses were surprised at how awake I was immediately following the procedure. Maybe it is because I am heavy the medicine didn't hit me as hard? I wouldn't know as I have never even had conscious sedation before. Anyway, they found a small ulcer, started me on nexium (more drugs.. wow) and also found a small heital hernia. Recommended I follow up with my doctor which I am already scheduled to do so. Now the insurance will have what they want so we will see if there is any ohter requests (fingers crossed this is it).

8/21/06 Talked with Rebecca, the insurance lady at my surgeon's office today. States she has received my EKG, EGD and other lab information. She is sending it to the insurance company today.

9/5/06 Called the insurance company again today to see if they have received my EKG and EGD information yet. They have not. Last week I also called and Rebecca with Dr. G's office her resend this infomration. I thought for sure they would have it by now, but there was a holiday this week too, I need remember that. I will call again at the end of the week. This last part just isn't going as quicly as I would like. I have become so impatient. I am trying hard not to let it consume me, but I am afraid it has. God give me patience..

9/7/06 Called the insurance company again today, seems I have been calling about every other day. Called checking to see if they received my EKG and EGD information. They say they have received the EGD but not the EKG. Dr. G's office sent both together twice so in my mind I am just thinking that this is impossible. I get to talk to the predetermination department and they tell me they need an actual interpretation of the EKG. I am a nurse and I know that the EKG spits out an interpretation but she states it is something a cardiolgist writes up. The EKG was done by my PCP as I wasn't ordered to see a cardiologist (yet). So I doubt he will provide anymore information than what the EKG states on it. This is getting so frustrating. So she is checking with someone to see if they need more and will call me back. Fingers crossed that this will be sufficient. I hope to hear something soon and will update. Thanks for listening to me vent, I am trying hard to stay as positive as possible through this process.

9/8/06 I need cardiac clearnace now with a caridolgist as well as an echocardiogram. My PCP's office called and got an appointment with a cardiologist in Mason City. First available appointment for a new patient is Oct 13th!! Sigh.. My husband made some phone calls for me, I had to sleep because I work nights. He says I might be able to get into Cedar Falls quicker and would find out for sure.

9/11/06 Recived a call from my PCP today. There were able to get me set up with an echocardiogram and see a cardiolgist in cedar falls for Sept 25th! Yeah! The insurance company states this is the only thing the pre-determination department is waiting for.

9/25/06 Went for my echocardiogram and cardiac visit with Dr. Sayed in Waterloo and Covenent Medical Center. He says everything looks good to him but wants to do a stress test to be sure using cardiolyte and do resting and active pictures. Did the the resting portion today. Got home at 4pm and have to work tonight. Will go back first thing in the morning and finsh the treadmill portion (on no sleep, say a prayer for me) and waterloo is 2 hours from where I live! Shall be interesting but I can do this!!!

9/26/06 Finished my treadmill portion of the stress test. Boy talk about winded after 6 1/2 mintues but I passed! He says I did good and will look at the pictures and let me know soon if I have cardiac clearnace! I work again tonight, gosh I need strength, I think I am going on pure adrenaline at this point.

9/27/06 I got a call (I was sleeping b/c I worked last night) that I was cleared cardiac wise for surgery that Ruth at the office is going to fax all the information (Echo, stress test and the dr.'s dictated clearance) to both my primary and my surgeon, Dr Glascock. I called Dr. Glascock to let them know that it will be coming. Rebecca, the insurance coder at the office called me and told me she has received it and is sending it to the insurance co. today! _-*-_-*FINGERS CROSSED*-_-*-_ that I get approved!!!! Many prayers. It has been a long journey, but I know it will be worth it!!

10/2/06 Called the insurance co. to see if they would have received my cardiac clearance, etc yet. No they have not and as of 9/29 they have DENIED me because they haven't received it yet!! Are ya kidding??? But they did say they would reopen the file once it was received. Oh my.. whats next? It has been such a long road of hurry up and wait games.

10/4/06 They haven't recieved any documentation yet of my cardiac clearance. It has been a week since it was sent. My doctor's office must have mailed it. The insurance co. did provide me with a fax number that goes directly to the predetermination department, so we will see if I need to provide that and have it resent soon, seems to be a common thing anymore. Hope it just gets there this time with no problems. Oh the waiting is absolutely KILLING me.. I feel I have been more patient that one could ever ask for in this situation. 

10/5/06 Called the ins. co. this morning. They still haven't received my cardiac clearance yet. Called Dr. Glascock's office and left a message for Rebcca, the insurance coder. Told her the direct fax # for the predetermination department in case she wanted to fax it. Not sure if she mailed it or faxed it the first time around. I hope she doesn't feel that I am becoming a stitch in her side.

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I cannot believe it! I am finally approved!!!!!!!!!!!! I have waited so long to hear this and have jumped through so many insurance requests and hoops. This is a wonderful day! I'm gonna burst with excitement! I can finally begin my new life! :o)

10/12/06 Received my letter that I was approved for the surgery. Waiting for the surgeon's office to get the letter also so that I can start the rest of my preop testing so I can have the surgery. I really want this by the end of the year, because I have heard stories of people going through this process then have it the following year and it isn't covered because they no longer cover the procedure. Hoping for a surgery date the first part of December.

10/16/06 Got a call from Nikki, Dr. Glascock's nurse today. She states she is ready for me to finish my preop testing. She was surprised at how much I have accomplished so far. She is going to look through my file and see what labs I still need done and any other tests but from what she could tell I need an overnight pulse ox, an abdominal ultrasound, chest Xray and some more labwork. That's it!!! She said this was going to happen very fast for me, YEAH! Before I knew it I would be on my clear liquid diet, awesome (I think, haha! I know it will be hard but I know I can do it!) She is going to fax everything that I need to my doctor today and I already have an appointment scheduled with him on Wednesday and said we can go over everything together then and get the results to them and I should be on my way to surgery pretty soon! Yeah!!! I called Dr. Byrd's office (my PCP) to let them know to be expecting a fax from my surgeon. Julie, Dr. Byrd's nurse said she would look for it. Update more later...

10/18/06 Had my follow up with my primary Dr. He received the fax from Nikki, my surgeon's nurse, explaining what tests I still needed done. This includes an abdominal ultrasound (which I will have Monday 10/23), a chest x-ray (they were able to do this today, sending to the radiologist at the hospital for review), overnight pulse ox (which I will pick up on Monday after my abdominal ultrasound and drop back off on Tuesday so the pulmonolgist can review the results), and some more labs which are being drawn tomorrow - ALL Labs again.. like everything a person can have drawn I am having drawn. Which is good I guess, but I had a lot done in August but they want more recent ones. So at least all my tests will be done here in a week or less and should be sent soon to the surgeons office so I can then start my 2 week clear liquid diet. I am soooooo happy and excited, a little scared as anyone would be, but ready to do this!

10/22/06 Tonight I am fasting for my abdominal ultrasound in the morning.  Something went wrong with my labs also the other day so they have to redo those at the hospital tomorrow also (weird).  I also pick up my pulse ox tomorrow so that I can wear it tomorrow night and then drop it back off at the hospital on Tuesday morning.  Praying for no sleep apnea.  If the pulse ox is low then I have to do a sleep study.  If that shows sleep apnea then I get to wear a cpap for 30 days prior to surgery, really hope I don't have to go through all of that.

10/26/06  Called my PCP's office today to see how my test results came back.  My labs are great!!  HgbA1c is 6.9!!!!!!!!!! yeah!  My total choleterol is down to 143! Everything else looks good lab-wise I am told.  Can't be happier.  The chest xray was clean, the abdominal ultrasound said I had some fatty infiltrates in my liver, but I know that is from being obese and will get better with the weight loss.  The pulse ox was normal!  Still waiting on a thiamine level that had to be sent off to Mayo and once that is back Julie, my PCP's nurse, is going to fax everything to my surgeon.  Called the surgery office and let Nikki, my surgeon's nurse know that it should all be there soon.  Said Dr. Glascock will need to review it all and it all looks good to him then I can get a date!  So glad the testing appears to be over.  Now I wait....for a date.

10/31/06  Well in the last 24 hours this is what I have heard. We didn't get the fax, we need a new cardiolgy clearance stating you are "cleared for surgery", you need a UA, yours has a trace of blood in it, to start taking iron and you need a pulmonologist to read over your pulse ox test.  I mean geeez, this is getting out of hand.  But I keep doing what they tell me, just seems like the end is never here, no matter how hard I try or want it to be. Did the UA within 5 minutes of the call (gotta love your PCP being walking distance from your house) and picked up the iron today.  The nurse at my surgeon's office is having a pulmonologist read over the pulse ox test.  Will there be more?  That is the question...

11/3/06  I called the surgeons office today.  The did receive my urine sample.  They said my chart is "in review" right now and they would let me know something once it is reviewed.  I guess this means the surgeon himself is reviewing it.  I hope I hear something soon.  I am so impatient.  I know I am becoming a stitch again, but I just need this to happen by the end of the year and with there being less than 2 months left.. time is closing in.  I looked back through my profile and realized that I had my intial consult 11/15/05 of last year! Wow.. It has almost been a full year, I am trying hard to be patient. 

update: I have a date!!!!  Monday, December 4th, 2006!!!

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4 Months Tomorrow!

Hi Everyone!  I decided it has been a little while since I blogged so I thought I would take a moment and do it today.  I will be 4 months out tomorrow.  I am down 112 pounds as of today total and 64 since surgery.  I am wearing a 16 jeans (with stretch) and 18 without.  14/16 or 16/18 in tops depending on the cut and manufacturer.  I am feeling so much better, I have so much energy and love my life now.  I am still 216 pounds, I got down to 213 on a previous diet once and I remember life this way.  I cannot imagine what my life will be like below this point.  I cannot wait to find out.  My next goal is ONEderland!  I am so excited for me to finally not see a 2 in front of my weight, wow... what will that be like?  I cannot even imagine it!!!  The weight loss is a tad slower this month than last unless I miraculously lose a couple pounds overnight tonight.  Tomorrow is my actual surgery anniversary of 4 months so I will take note of it tomorrow for an official weigh in.  I am down 12 pounds for the month as of today.  I was 16 last month and 14 the month before that.  So not too far off in the grand scheme of things and I know it will slow down some here soon, that is natural.  I keep working out on the treadmill the days I am  not working, most days anyway.. today I am cleaning head to toe on the house so that should count and will do my workout with Mr. Treadmill today too.  My angelette Cindy (Cinnibirst1) is having surgery tomorrow!  I am soooo excited for her, I cannot even tell ya!  I cannot wait for her to join me on the loosers' bench.  Cindy, I will make sure it is very nice and warm for ya, you are going to do fabulous tomorrow!  Biggest, warmest hugs going out  your way, your rebirthday is almost here!!!!!  Best wishes to you!!!!  On a side note, I will not take pics this month as I took my 3 month pics late last month, but I will take some at 5 months out to get back on schedule with my monthly shots.  Thanks so much for taking the time to read my blog.  HUGS!!!!

4 Months Tomorrow!

Hi Everyone!  I decided it has been a little while since I blogged so I thought I would take a moment and do it today.  I will be 4 months out tomorrow.  I am down 112 pounds as of today total and 64 since surgery.  I am wearing a 16 jeans (with stretch) and 18 without.  14/16 or 16/18 in tops depending on the cut and manufacturer.  I am feeling so much better, I have so much energy and love my life now.  I am still 216 pounds, I got down to 213 on a previous diet once and I remember life this way.  I cannot imagine what my life will be like below this point.  I cannot wait to find out.  My next goal is ONEderland!  I am so excited for me to finally not see a 2 in front of my weight, wow... what will that be like?  I cannot even imagine it!!!  The weight loss is a tad slower this month than last unless I miraculously lose a couple pounds overnight tonight.  Tomorrow is my actual surgery anniversary of 4 months so I will take note of it tomorrow for an official weigh in.  I am down 12 pounds for the month as of today.  I was 16 last month and 14 the month before that.  So not too far off in the grand scheme of things and I know it will slow down some here soon, that is natural.  I keep working out on the treadmill the days I am  not working, most days anyway.. today I am cleaning head to toe on the house so that should count and will do my workout with Mr. Treadmill today too.  My angelette Cindy (Cinnibirst1) is having surgery tomorrow!  I am soooo excited for her, I cannot even tell ya!  I cannot wait for her to join me on the loosers' bench.  Cindy, I will make sure it is very nice and warm for ya, you are going to do fabulous tomorrow!  Biggest, warmest hugs going out  your way, your rebirthday is almost here!!!!!  Best wishes to you!!!!  On a side note, I will not take pics this month as I took my 3 month pics late last month, but I will take some at 5 months out to get back on schedule with my monthly shots.  Thanks so much for taking the time to read my blog.  HUGS!!!!

4 Months Tomorrow!

Hi Everyone!  I decided it has been a little while since I blogged so I thought I would take a moment and do it today.  I will be 4 months out tomorrow.  I am down 112 pounds as of today total and 64 since surgery.  I am wearing a 16 jeans (with stretch) and 18 without.  14/16 or 16/18 in tops depending on the cut and manufacturer.  I am feeling so much better, I have so much energy and love my life now.  I am still 216 pounds, I got down to 213 on a previous diet once and I remember life this way.  I cannot imagine what my life will be like below this point.  I cannot wait to find out.  My next goal is ONEderland!  I am so excited for me to finally not see a 2 in front of my weight, wow... what will that be like?  I cannot even imagine it!!!  The weight loss is a tad slower this month than last unless I miraculously lose a couple pounds overnight tonight.  Tomorrow is my actual surgery anniversary of 4 months so I will take note of it tomorrow for an official weigh in.  I am down 12 pounds for the month as of today.  I was 16 last month and 14 the month before that.  So not too far off in the grand scheme of things and I know it will slow down some here soon, that is natural.  I keep working out on the treadmill the days I am  not working, most days anyway.. today I am cleaning head to toe on the house so that should count and will do my workout with Mr. Treadmill today too.  My angelette Cindy (Cinnibirst1) is having surgery tomorrow!  I am soooo excited for her, I cannot even tell ya!  I cannot wait for her to join me on the loosers' bench.  Cindy, I will make sure it is very nice and warm for ya, you are going to do fabulous tomorrow!  Biggest, warmest hugs going out  your way, your rebirthday is almost here!!!!!  Best wishes to you!!!!  On a side note, I will not take pics this month as I took my 3 month pics late last month, but I will take some at 5 months out to get back on schedule with my monthly shots.  Thanks so much for taking the time to read my blog.  HUGS!!!!

About Me
Northwood, IA
Surgery Date
Mar 09, 2004
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Me before... wow, was that me
Below goal and feeling fantastic!

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