A look at my 4-week Liquid Protein Pre-Op Diet

Jul 01, 2010

This meal plan is a combination of protein drinks and food for four weeks before your surgery. The purpose of this diet is to help reduce the size of your liver prior to surgery. This allows the surgeon to better visualize your gastrointestinal anatomy and access it with greater ease. You will see a resulting weight loss on the scale as well. Adherence to this diet will bee evaluated at the two week pre-op dietary appointment and can affect your surgery date.

There are two steps to this diet. The first step will involve some food choices and mostly liquids; the second step will be a more traditional pre-operative diet.

Step 1 (weeks 1-2)

You will consume 3-4 protein drinks each day along with one meal. Breakfast and dinner will be replaced with a protein drink. Lunch will consist of a good quality protein and 1-2 servings of a low starch vegetable. One to two snacks consisting of another protein drink or sugar free Jell-O and sugar free Popsicles can also be utilized to help with hunger. This step will last for 2 weeks.

Step 2 (weeks 3-4)

You will consume 5-6 protein drinks each day. No food is to be consumed. The determination of how many drinks will depend on hunger and calorie levels in each drink. This step will be the final two weeks before surgery. However the day before surgery you are only allowed clear liquids, no protein drinks and you must stop drinking the liquids before midnight.



Approximately 1000 calories a day (range: 800-1200 depending on gender and BMI)

70-100 grams of protein a day (dependent on gender and BMI)

Protein Drinks
Ready to drink or powdered protein mixes reconstituted with water. Your choices should consist of 15 grams or less of carbohydrate, 9 grams or less of fat, and 15 grams or more of protein per serving. Read nutrition facts labels. See the protein supplement hand out for popular choices. You can use sugar-free flavorings to modify the taste of these powders such as crystal light, sfree kool-aid, baking extract flavors, or sfree syrups used for coffee drinks. Occasionally you can add small amounts of milk, yogurt or fruit if the total carbohydrate level is still acceptable.

Patients are allowed one small portion controlled meal a day. The meal should fit on a DVD/CD sized plate. Food choices are limited to a low-fat protein source, non starchy veggie and a small amount of cheese. All sauces and dressings should be dairy-free, low fat and portioned.

Sugar free gelatin and sugar free Popsicles are free foods and can be consumed as necessary to aid in controlling between meal snacking. Please be aware of the calorie content that may add up with excessive use of these snacks.

Take a daily multivitamin/mineral supplement. Starting the same vitamin you plan to take after surgery now can help form the habit.

Drink 8-10 cups of water or sugar free, caffeine free, non- carbonated beverages.

No alcoholic beverages
They are high in calories and affect your liver.

Continue as recommended by your doctor.

Lactose intolerance
Try lactaid tablets or dairy ease tablets or drink whey protein isolate or soy powders mixed with water

Protein restrictions
If you have a medical condition that requires specific protein requirements please advise the dietitian during your appointment.

Portion control

One serving of protein
3 ounces cooked weight is considered to be a serving. A good visual guideline is a deck of cards or the palm of your hand. Please choose lower fat options such as chicken breast, pork tenderloin, 90% ground beef, fat-free and lean deli meats, fish and shellfish, egg whites  or egg beaters.

One serving of vegetable
1/2 cup of fresh or cooked vegetable or 1 cup of leafy greens. Please avoid potatoes, corn, peas, yellow squash and iceberg lettuce as they have higher starch contents or too little nutritional value. The more colorful the choice, the better the nutrition. You will likely be able to have 1-2 servings at your meal. Lettuce and salad are unlimited at mealtime.


About Me
Spokane, WA
Surgery Date
Dec 17, 2009
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