My name is Mary and i am obese. Saying that word is not hard for me to say but being it sure is.I am 41 years old and have the 2 greatest kids in the world. My son Jacob is 20 and my daughter Desaray is 13. They have been my reasons for living and are also  a large part of me wanting to have RNY. I want to be able to see them grow up and hit milestones(graduations, proms marriages etc) . I have been "FAT" (term back in the day) from the get -go. In 4th grade i weighed 150lbs. I remember this because we had a project  to do where we had to see how tall and heavy we were and i was the largest girl and the second heaviest kid in the class (only to be beat by a boy who was 5"9 and weighed 160). I have a younger sister who is the direct opposite of me. She is  slender, leaner and taller. When we were little everyone would call us "Laurel and Hardy"  or if we had the same parents. That is how different we are.(My pic is of me and her when we were 2 and 3. It was the only pic i could find that i like). 

I have been on countless diets ever since i was 8. Weight watchers, dietitians,my parents limiting my food, various pills. Yes i lost weight but gained it all (if not more) right back. I played every sport, took swimming lessons, did jazz, lots of walking and still i was FAT!! Overtime i just embraced the fact that was who i was and went on with my life. I am thankful i have a great personally and make friends easily  but as i have grown older and able to do less (can barely walk a 100 metres) i hate myself .I have decided to better myself and travel this difficult road so that i can be happy once again. I know it will not happen overnight but i am ready to put in overtime to get back my life.

Feeling healthy and feeling good about yourself is not a luxury - it's an absolute necessity

About Me
Scarborough, ON
Aug 31, 2008
Member Since

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