liquid diet and other musings

Sep 15, 2010

Day 4 of liquid pre op diet and I am 100 percent following it.   ...  that's a good feeling but gives me pause.  Read on.  It's sort of a twisty turny story; but maybe you can relate?

I am fairly close to 40 bmi....if I drop below that, insurance will not cover me.  Apparently, they weigh you the morning of surgery and if you are below, they cancel you.   I have no co morbidities so that's not included.  My insurance is not a standard insurance - its one the local hospital has created. So it may not make sense to you; but it is a stickler.

That's why up until this week (before I started my pre op diet), I was on "no" plan.  The folks at the center always said "we're not telling you to eat bad things, but don't lose any weight."   This was so I wouldn't lose insurance.   Mind you, I've had many months of appointments with them:  behavior modification, testing, therapy, classes, etc.

Because I was very concerned that a 2 week liquid diet would take too much weight off (I only had 7 pounds that I could lose, and many were losing that in the first week of liquid diet)   I did have some what I felt was "last supper syndrome"...I felt if I added a pound or two it wouldn't hurt because of the situation I"m in.    
  I caught myself by the end of the week and nipped that bad habit in the bud.   The kharma bit me though; because it put a few more than 2 pounds on me.   Ugg.  I know its bad, because I want my liver in optimal shape.

So.. As directed, ..started the liquid diet Monday, hoping to nip those extra pounds quickly so that the weight loss center would not slap my hand for that gain(they often threaten that they can pull surgery).  And because I knew that would not help the whole "shrinking of the liver" plan surgeons want before this procedure.  I'm really trying to go by the book on this.

 In four days, I've lost that weight plus one.    That is good and bad.   Good because I've got that behind me.  Bad, because I've got a week and a half left of liquid and I fear going below the bmi.    In my heart I think it will work out, but I am stressed over it.  I keep telling the center of my worries, there response is "we'll watch you closely".

The center has pro's and con's.  The nutritionists, excercise teachers, and therapist are wonderful.  One doctor is okay (although she never seems to remember me).  Another doctor though is presenting me with an issue.   He makes me very uncomfortable.    Wants hugs after appointments, puts his religious beliefs on me  (It's not that I'm not religious), makes comments that seem unprofessional..and last week when I told him I was really fighting the "last supper" issue he literally yelled at me..    I assure you I am an even keeled, well spoken, mature 42 year old woman.   He said "any issues you are struggling with this week?", and I, wanting to be honest, said "yes, earlier this week I struggled horribly with last supper syndrome, but I've caught myself and stopped it".   His reply was to yell "Quit being a child!!"      um, what?

That was my limit with him.  I told him I was sorry to interrupt but I will not be spoken to that way.   He back peddled, finished the hug this time, thank goodness.  I went to my weekly class in tears, only to find out some other women were feeling the same way.   At least I know it's not just me.

I should add he is NOT the surgeon doing my surgery.  The surgeon has an excellant reputation which is why I"m continuing with this program without saying too much.

I've lost 7 pounds in 3 days.  I know some is water weight; but to think I won't lose another 7 in the next 11 days at this rate isn't fully rational to me.   How much did you lose on your liquid diet?   I'm going to pose that question on the boards and take a survey.  I hope I'm wrong.

So here I am....4 days into liquid..doing well except for a sudden bout of relux (weird),....and today is my apt., class and weigh in.   I hope to God I don't have to see this doctor today.  I hope the reflux isn't an issue;  and I hope they'll see how quickly I'm losing and perhaps adjust my calories so I won't be under that BMI on surgery day.

I know very few will read this...but it's good to vent!


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