A month to go!

Nov 13, 2012

Well, a little less actually! Things here have been just cray-cray (as my teenage daughter would tell you)! I have had so many different doctor's appointments and exams that it felt never ending. First, I had to do the sleep study thing. Went for the first one, and of course, got called back in for a second time to be watched as I used a CPAP. What a difference! When I had my appointment with the expert, I was amazed at what i was and wasn't doing at night. The thing that scared me the most was when he told me that my O2 saturation got down to 74 at night and I was waking up 35 times an hour (read: not breathing). No wonder I have been so tired for so long! My poor body was not getting the rest that it so desperately needed! After getting my CPAP, it has been night and day! I wake up early, with energy and have not felt like taking a nap once! Just another reason why this surgery is a long time coming.

So once we got the whole sleep apnea thing out of the way, it was off to do my psychological evaluation. All kidding aside, I was nervous for no real reason other than the fact that I think going into a shrink's office freaks most people out! She was so nice, and made me feel at ease. We talked a bit (I only teared up a few times) and she said that I expressed myself well and that she would give the OK for the surgery! I have been thinking since then on if I want to start going in to see someone regularly. I know many people that do, and I don't think it would be a bad thing. I am still pondering that idea for now, and we shall see.

The final hurdle for me to jump was the pre-op physical with my primary doctor. It was going fine until I had the EKG done. He did not like what he saw and said that he needed me to go over to see the internist before he would sign off on my surgery. OH BOY! You could here my sigh for miles around. 3 days later I was getting another EKG at the internist's office. Yes, my heart is weird. Let the jokes commence! I have since forgotten the technical term used, but basically, the electronic signal that my heart emits diminishes when traveling from my left to right ventricle. Nothing to worry about, as I have no signs or other symptoms, no family history, and I pretty much have unknowingly been living with this for he thinks at least half my life. I eventually go the OK for surgery with the instructions that if I ever show any symptoms that I will get my butt back in to see him. Roger that!

Now I am sitting here, trying really hard not to check my insurance website every five minutes to find out the status of my authorization! The packet was just sent in 5 days ago, and 3 of them were a holiday weekend! I have been limiting myself to once in the morning and once at night. So far it is showing "in process". Think I might do a happy dance once it switches to the green lettered "Approved". If it gets approved quickly (read: by the end of the week) I will most likely be having surgery the first week in December. My tentative date is December 3rd, so that is what I have been telling those in the know. I am sure it might change slightly, and that is fine by me. I am still trying to get my house in order so that the kids and hubby will be all set with me out of commission for a week or so. We are doing Thanksgiving a week early, as it looks like I will be starting my liquid two-week diet the week of Thanksgiving, and I want just one more roasted turkey with all the fixin's before I say goodbye to my old habits and hello to all my new ones.

Searching for vitamins now, too. There are so many out there and of course everyone and thier mother wants to give you advise, even if it is so wrong you want to slap them! Ideally I would like to have a month supply in house before the big day. Any tips? lol

Well, I am going to finish my Trader Joe's Candy Cane Green tea (decaf, of course) and head on to bed. Lots of laundry to do in the morning!


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Surgery Date
Jun 25, 2012
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