magpye wrote Keto eating plan questions 6 years ago

Hi All,

I've been away for a while and have lost track of my eating again.  I have been doing a lot of research on the Keto plan and am very interested, if for no other fact than I am truly ...

magpye posted a discussion topic 7 years, 1 month ago
Hi All- it's been so long since I have been here - over a year. I had my rny 12/8/15. My weight loss has stalled due to my poor eating choices. Too much stres- but I can't use that excuse anymore- who doesn't have stress in their life?? Anyway, just want

magpye posted a discussion topic 8 years, 3 months ago

Hi All,

Okay, experiencing some major ups and downs here.  The happy ups: weight loss, new sexy high heels -first time in years, more energy, generally feeling better!

The unhappy downs: first dumping experience - ate 3 pieces of chocol

magpye posted a discussion topic 8 years, 4 months ago

Hi All,

I had my rny on 12/8/15 and my thyroid and a parathyroid removed in November.  It has taken a while for my thyroid meds to kick in correctly, and I am aware that they may change throughout my weight loss process.  I have a question: do

magpye posted a discussion topic 8 years, 5 months ago

Hi All,

5 weeks out from rny and doing pretty good. My weight loss has stalled but nurse says that is normal (this negative nelly gets a little freaked at this, but I will breathe). My real issue is siping the water -ouch! Warm, cold, icy- it a

magpye posted a discussion topic 8 years, 5 months ago

I am one month out today from my rny - yay!  I think I read on an earlier post that someone said that when they are eating and have hit their limit, they burp and their nose runs. I am just noticing that is happening to me!  Am I crazy, or does that re

magpye posted a discussion topic 8 years, 5 months ago

Well, it's now a little over 3 weeks out since my rny and I had to join the human race and act like it was all good. We decided to take my daughter up snowboarding and it was freezing!  I had to plan my food, take lots of water, carry a pain pill (I'm

magpye wrote Need to convince doctor! 8 years, 5 months ago

I'm 2 1/2 weeks post rny with a g-tube. My doctor put in the tube just in case there were problems with bypass due to previous band removal and subsequent infection and scar tissue. The general rul...

magpye wrote Day 3 from post op 8 years, 6 months ago

Hi All,

I had my RNY on Tuesday and can I tell you how thankful I am for this board!!  I am a giant gas bubble waiting to explode :)  The gurgling in my remnant stomach is loud!  I also have...

magpye posted a discussion topic 8 years, 6 months ago

Hi All,

My RNY is scheduled for tomorrow and I am really nervous!  It sounds like I may have to have a G tube due to some concerns about the complications I had when my lap band was removed.  From what I have been reading, the G tube sounds lik

magpye posted a discussion topic 8 years, 9 months ago

Hi All,

It has been one month since my lap band was removed due to an erosion.  Four days after my lap band was removed, I developed an infection at 2 of the incision sites.  Now, a month later, I am dealing with a wound vac and more potential

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