2-years out....

Jan 30, 2009

I'm feeling like T-Pain right about now...Oooh I can't believe it....January 31, 2009, will mark my two year anniversary of having weight loss surgery.  These past two years have been unbelieveable to say the least and I wouldn't trade a moment.  I'm happier than I've ever been in my life.  I have an incredible man by my side who loves and believes in me and got a great new job. 

I've had more fun in the past two years...if someone had told me how good life could be I would have had weight loss surgery a loooong time ago.  Losing that weight changed my life.  I'm not longer sitting on the sidelines..I'm in the game. 

I'm celebrating all weekend long...

Where I've been.....

Sep 23, 2008

It's been a while, but everything is everything and I can't complain one bit.  Life is soooooo good and I am so blessed.  I thank God everyday for blessing me the way that He has.  Well, things hae been going well, I'm down to 213 pounds and I was happy were I was.  My jeans were fitting a little snug and I thought that I was gaining weight - what tha????  It's funny because when I was trying to lose weight, I couldn't.  It's been a year and 8 months since my surgery and my only regret is that I didn't have it sooner. I met THE MOST WONDERFUL man *I'm smiling just thinking about him* and talk about the icing on the cake....he loves ME and all of my flaws and imperfections.  I told him about the surgery I had and couldn't believe how incredibly supportive he was and proud that I took control of my life.  I'll soon be having plastic surgery and he plans to be there to see me through it.  I went through a lot to get to where I'm at today.  The journey hasn't always been easy, but it was a road that I needed to travel. 

It's been a minute...

Aug 17, 2008

I really need to come on here and update more often.  I can't believe that I haven't updated my blog since January!!!  Well I'm still maintaining.  My weight fluctuates up and down about 5 pounds.  I've been maintaining at 220 lbs since December 07 and I'm not sure how I did that considering I haven't been doing what I know I should - lacking on the protein, exercise, and everything.  The only positive is that I haven't gained any weight.  I made up my mind that I will take it a day at a time and get myself back in the gym tomorrow.  I can't use the "I'm too big, it's too hard" excuse anymore.  I'm just lazy and that's the bottom line.  I love the way I feel after working out, especially when I get a good sweat going. 

I'll be having plastic surgery next month (breasts and arms) and I'm soooo excited about that.  I thought that I could deal with the sagging skin, but I can't.  My arms bother me the most and let's not even talk about the breasts because I don't have any.  Can someone tell me how I go from wearing a 48H to a 38DDD and have very little breast tissue?!  *shaking my head*  Anyway, I'm looking forward to having this surgery and getting rid of the "bat wings."  After I've healed from that I'm gonna get a tummy tuck and thigh lift and that will complete my transformation.  I believe that my expectations about the surgeries are reasonable.  I'm not trying to look like a barbie doll, but the spare tire and jiggly thighs gotta go and no amount of exercise is gonna make that muffin top go away :). 

I can't believe how far I've come.  Sometimes it's hard to maintain that fire in my belly that I had when I first started on this journey because it's so easy to become complacent, but I aim to fix that and get back to basics.  I can't have everything I've gone through be in vain. 

This is what I know....

Jan 02, 2008

I sometimes think of how many things I missed out on by being a prisoner in my own body. I was held captive by my weight. It's hard not to beat myself up over the fact that I was content with the status quo and missed out on so much.  I feel like I should be somewhere different at this point in my life. Then I realized that I'm exactly where God wants me to be .  I appreciate the little things so much more such as being able to walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breath.  Half of the time I never wanted to go downstairs to the lunch room because I knew that I'd have to walk back up about 12 stairs and be totally out of breath!  Do you know that I now run up those same stairs and usually skip a step!  

I went to Kaiser the other day for an apointment and chose to walk down 4 flights of stairs (that was the easy part), but when I left, I walked back up those same 4 flights of stairs.  I knew I'd be okay with one flight, but four!  I never could have done that a year ago; in fact, I never woul have thought about doing it.  

It's getting easier though and I'm getting used to the new me.  To quote Dr. Dorthy Height "Greatness is not measured by what a man or woman accomplishes, but by the the opposition he or she has overcome to reach his goals."

Virtually all limitation is self-imposed.  I truly believe that there is nothing that I can't do!!!!  How good is God!!!!

My my my.....

Dec 12, 2007

I frequent this board, but don't update my blog like I should.  January 31 will make one year since I had my surgery and I can't even believe how fast this year has gone by.  It turned out to be one of the best years of my life and the surgery gave me a second chance at life.  For all of the ambivilance I had and not being sure, I can't imagine my life being any other way now.  I couldn't imagine being 375 pounds again.  

I can't front....my new body still takes some getting used to.  I was overweight way longer than I've been at a normal body weight.  I was depressed a lot when I was over weight; I was miserable, and there was nothing to be happy about.  I just was telling my friend the other day how that (mental part) has changed for me as well.  Dealing with the emotional part of being overweight was tough.  I went through the gamut of emotions.  One day I'd be okay and then I'd have days when it felt like I was on the edge of the ledge ready to jump!  

So where am I now?  I really need to step up the workouts.  I can use the next month that I have off from school to get things really going again.  It's nice just to have the energy to work out.  I don't dread working out like I used to.  True story; there were times when I would go to the gym, well I would be in the parking lot and sit there in my car long enough to talk myelf out of going in!  At 375 lbs even walking on a treadmill was tough.  I think that I'm gonna get a personal trainer just to get me on the right track.  

Now I'm at 233 pounds.  I've lost nearly 140 pounds and I continue to be amazed.  I truly know how good God is.  I thank him every day for my life.  So for those you reading this and contemplating having the surgery, just know that this could possibly be the very best thing you ever do for yourself.  I didn't just get to the point to where I was tired of being tired.  I got to the point to where I was tired of being tired of being tired all the time and it was do or die.  I chose to live and I'll never regret that decision.  

Has it been that long...

Nov 19, 2007

Wow - I can't believe how long it's been since I posted.  I don't come on OH as much as I used to.  It's been 10 months since my surgery and I've lost 127 pounds!!!  Are you kidding me.  I was worried about breaking the century mark and I've surpassed that.  Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd be wearing a 14/16 or able to cross my legs on an airplane.  God is so good.  My journey isn't over; in fact, it's just beginning.  

Having this surgery gave me my life back and have absolutely no regrets.  Yeah, I've got some sagging skin, but considering the alternative, I'll take a little saggy skin anyday.  

I'm actually doing everything that I said I was going to do after I had the surgery.  Most importantly, I'm living; I'm in the game and not just sitting on the sidelines wishing.  

It's so nice to be able to fit in the desk at school and not feel self conscious.  I never would have been able to do that without this surgery.  

I've got a few haters *shrug* but I can't do anything about what their perceptions are of me and what I think.  "Lisa think she's this or Lisa think's she's that."  How could they possibly know what I think when they don't even see me or talk to me?  They can all miss me with that bulls*&%  Dayum - so-called family will talk about you worse than strangers! *hmmm* 

It is what it is and the haters can think what they want.  I took charge of my life and I'm not going to apologize for it. 

I got there...

Sep 11, 2007

I am unofficially a member of the Century Club.  7 months ago, I never could have imagined this.  I am constantly being told how great I look.  Honestly, it's weird hearing that because I never heard it at 375 pounds!!!  

I remain problem free - except for when I eat something with a tad too much sugar in it.  Other than that, everything is good.


Jul 16, 2007

I finally added some new pics  

I can't complain....

Jul 16, 2007

Everything is good with me.  I just came back from my vacation to the Bahamas and I had the time of my life.  I never would have dreamed of going on this vacation a year ago.  It would have been out of the question.  I would have been embarrased to wear a bathing suit and wouldn't have had the energy to do much sight-seeing.  

I have never done so much walking (and sweating) in my life, but I'm just glad that I had the energy to do it.  It was very hot and humid down there so I spent a lot of time at the pool and beach.  I even got on a jet ski and waterslide. 

I'm not one to go sleeveless (stretchmarks) but I didn't worry about that while on my vacation.  I wore sleeveless tee-shirts and my bathing suits with confidence.  

What was nice was being able to fit comfortably in the airplane seat without needing an extension.  I had plenty of room and so did the guy to my left and my cousin to my right.  

I pretty much stuck to my program (brought my own protein mix) and I was very selective about what I ate.  I stuck to fruits and vegetables. The last thing I wanted to do was get sick in another country.  

This surgery gave me my life back.  I experienced the vacation of a lifetime and that would not have been possible without this surgery.  Although it was difficult in the beginning, if I had to do this all over again, I would do it in a heartbeat!!!

Sharing my story

Jun 26, 2007

I find myself talking about my surgery more than I thought I would.  For those close to me who know that I had it are very happy for me and proud of me.  I have a few associates/friends that are contemplating weight loss surgery and sharing my story has inspired a few of them.  

I'm very honest when I discuss what my life was like pre-surgery versus post -surgery.  My friends tell me that I should be a motivational speaker.  Well I don't know about all of that, but if sharing my story helps then so be it.  

As of today, I've lost 92 pounds and I"m ecstatic!  I've gone from a 30-32 to an 18/20 and even the 18's are big on me.  I never thought that I would be saying that.  I've shopped at the Avenue and Lane Bryant for so long, I don't even know of any other stores to shop at.  Soon their clothes won't fit and that's a problem that I don't mind having.  

When I tell you that losing weight has changed my life it has and in so many ways.  The energy I have is unbelievable.  I want to do things now and be active and live life instead of the other way around.  I'm no longer sitting on the sidelines, I'm in the game and asking for the ball.  Does anyone know how good God is?  I am so incredibly blessed as I hope all of you are....

About Me
Montclair, CA
Surgery Date
Sep 01, 2006
Member Since

Friends 64

Latest Blog 30
Where I've been.....
It's been a minute...
This is what I know....
My my my.....
Has it been that long...
I got there...
I can't complain....
Sharing my story
