2013 - weight chart

Jan 15, 2013

Well I thought I would chart my weight for another year to keep track of any significant loses/gains. My eating has all but returned to normal and I am snacking between meals.  I do not feel as though I am depriving myself.  I can even eat chocolate, something I couldn't do before surgery because of my migraines. I do not eat a lot of chocolate nor do I snack on fattening foods, I still have not eatten candy (ie: licorise, allsorts, jubes etc.)  - but some days I do feel like I eat too much. I continue to weigh myself daily as I am so concerned about gaining weight.  I am currently wearing a size 4 and I am pleased with this.  I don't really want to get below 115 AND I don't want to get above 125 - so that is my range that I would be content with.  As of Dec 31/12 I weighed 121pounds. 

Dec 31/12 = 121

Jan 16/13 = 119,  Jan 31/13 = 120.5

Feb 28/13 = 122

March 31/13 = 121.5

April 20/13 - my weight has remained pretty consistent since the beginning of the year.  I am able to maintain between 120 - 124 pounds and my eating habits have returned to normal.  I try not to weigh myself daily although some weeks this is more difficult than other's.  I have shared my weight loss surgery with a few co-workers and they all seem supportive of my decision.  

I still have difficulty with some foods (ie: pasta, rice, chinese food) and have the feeling of an elephant sitting on my chest when I eat to quickly.  I continue to induce vomiting when I am extremely uncomfortable and occasionally when I have overeaten.  This week I went to Bulk Barn and purchased approximately 50 cents worth of jubes ....I would estimate there were about 25 jubes.  By the time I ate them I felt sick to my stomach although I did not dump....I forced myself to vomit when I got home but literally nothing came up.  I still have the desire to "hord" my food and the emotional eating continues, especially when I am bored and lonely.  

One evening this past week I woke up to terrible gas pains - I am not sure if it was a "dumping" episode but it certainly had similiar symptoms to my past dumping episodes.  

I know longer struggle with having my picture taken.  I enjoy trying on clothes and feel comfortable with my size.  Although I have sagging skin and the fat has all but disappeared in my breasts ...these are the scars I carry of my obesity and I try to celebrate my new body rather than focus on the negative aspects of my old body.  

Everyday I am thankful for the opportunity that this surgery has given me to enjoy my healthy NEW  lifestyle. kiss

August 30/13 = 124.5 

It's been a while since I have written anything but I continue to weigh myself almost daily to help manage my weight.  

Some hours/days/weeks are more difficult than others.  

I know I am eating more "junk" type food as my pouch seems to handle these types of food easier, BUT my ulcer does not agree and has been acting up more.  

I continue to induce vomiting if I have that horrible pain in my chest, the one that feels like an elephant is sitting on me.  Again, some days are better than others.  

I am forever thankful for this surgery and continue to work on my emotional eating issues.  

December 29/13 = 125.5

It's been about 4 months since I have written anything but as I wrote in August, I continue to weight myself almost daily to help manage my weight.  

Some days are more difficult than others and this holiday season has been much more difficult than last Christmas as my body has been able to handle sugar and sweets better (unfortunately) than last year. 

I continue to induce vomiting if I have that horrible chest pain.  

I still struggle with body image even though people call me "tiny", "skinny", and most recently "my little elf".  

I am able to wear the same clothing as last winter which is a huge success and I enjoy going out and trying clothing.  

I did not go for my 2 year check up at TWH as they did not call and I did not go for the blood work they requested.  

My highest weight since August was 129 (only for 1 morning) and my goal is to keep my weight under 125.  I find that if I keep my sugar and carb intake under control, I can keep my weight under 125.  

I will continue to monitor my weight and my goal is to start walking on a regular basis beginning in January/14.  


About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 07, 2011
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
starting weight 227.5
current weight 130.5

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