Surgery in 9 hours!

Dec 25, 2006

It is so hard to believe that I am having surgery today!  I am a ball full of emotions.  I am so scared that I will have complications or even worse, leave behind my husband and three kids.  I want, I need, this surgery but am so worried.  Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers!

Pre Op Appointments

Dec 19, 2006

I am very excited to say that I have lost 7.5 lbs since my last doctors visit.  I was worried because I had a birthday party and a few times that I just had to have something I shouldn't of have.  Back on the 1400 calorie diet until Christmas when it is only liquids.  I have to admit, I will probably cheat a little on Christmas Eve but, hey, it will be the last time.  It is so hard to believe that I will be having my RNY in 7 days.  WOW!  Tomorrow I have my sleep study and then Thursday morning I have blood work, EKG and Upper GI.  I hope it all goes well!

Only down from here!

Dec 12, 2006

Well, unfortunatley I am at my highest weight.   343!!!!!Yikes!  My appointments went well and I have a date, December 26th!  I have to have a sleep study, EKG and a couple of other tests as well but as long as the results are good then the 26th will be the day!  Visiting the doctor was a little wierd.  The complex that is now a Bariatric Center used to be a Women's Center.  I had all three of my baby's there.  The operating room will be the same one as where I had my c-sections and I may even be put in the same room where I enjoyed the first few days of my children's lives.  Very wierd yet comfortable.  My oldest daughter will be crushed to visit me in the hospital and to realize that this time we are not coming home with another baby (thank goodness! LOL).  I am starting my pre-op diet tomorrow and hope to hear about my sleep study appointment soon!

There's no turning back now!

Dec 10, 2006

Tomorrow is the first day that I will meet with the doctor.  Actually, the doctor, psychologist, dietician and fitness trainer.  It seems a little sureal!  I have been waiting so long for this day!  I may have to hug the doctor and start crying :o) LOL!  I can not wait to see where we go from here and to hopefully get a ballpark date/if not a scheduled date for my surgery.  I am excited, nervous and can not wait!

Finally Here!

Dec 07, 2006

I cannot believe that I am here.  I have been on this site off and on for the year but never wanted to officially join in because the end was not in sight.  The insurance problems were endless and at times I felt like today would never come but it has!  I was approved for the medical loan and all of the pre-op appointments have been made.  I am going to meet the doctor, dietician, psychoogist and excersize therapist all in one day!  Hopefully I will not run into any other medical problems.  I rarely go to the doctor so hope everything else is okay.  I am excited yet nervous.  I want to be healthy and able to play with my kids.  My biggest fear is complications!  Glad to finally be here and am excited about starting this new chapter in my life.

About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 07, 2006
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 5
Surgery in 9 hours!
Pre Op Appointments
Only down from here!
There's no turning back now!
Finally Here!
