The fill is-a-workin'!

Dec 07, 2008

Alrighty then! We seem to be back in business! I got my fill on Wednesday and I've dropped 3 pounds! I've been eating cream of wheat & cheese grits & a little chili. The morning after I had my fill I woke up stuck & threw up.   Hmm, but I think it was due to taking my pills right before bed. I'm trying to space them out more & I haven't had any more problems, so I think I'm ok. I need to do more cardio- I'm going to the gym in the am & my friend and I are starting the timed running competition again, so I hope to be dropping the lbs. very soon! more!

Dec 03, 2008

I've been busy lately and also slightly addicted to facebook- if you haven't tried it I recommend it, but use caution - it sucks time away from you like nobody's business! I love finding people I haven't seen in ages! Any who- my weight loss has slowed- I'm holding steady at around 48 pounds and I need to step it up! So I'm back on OH and ready to get busy! I got a fill today and I worked out- so keep your fingers crossed that I can kick myself in the butt and get to losing more weight! 

Tootin' my own horn!

Jul 09, 2008

My BF is competing in a local NBC Biggest Loser.  Fitness Together is the place where all the contestants work out. Each location has one contestant and my BF works out at the same one I do. Our trainers have figured out that we are competitive (very) and have used this to their advantage.

So they have starting timing us running on the treadmill. She ran a mile in 14:40, so I ran it in 13:00, she came back and ran it in 11:30 and today I ran it in 11:15! WOO HOO!!

We both admitted that, had we not been competing, neither one of us would even attempt to run a mile. We have been friends for close to 30 years. We are more like sisters than friends. Yes, we realize we are sick! LOL!

The Biggest Loser competition is over at the end of this month. I hope they give the contestants free sessions when its all over, but if they don't I know what I'm giving her for her birthday. Some might say it is a little selfish, but we both win. 

She and I have never been at a healthy weight at the same time. If she was losing, I was usually gaining, or the other way around. This is the 1st time we have ben on the same page and I'd like to keep it that way. 


Return from the Black Hole (AKA - Softball All-Stars)

Jul 07, 2008

Well - I just thought I'd update my blog- I've been so busy with summer camps and softball that I haven't blogged lately.

My days have consisted of driving to camp, dropping off child, driving home, driving back to camp, picking up child, driving home, getting gear and water ready, driving to softball-6 days/week(either practice or game), driving home...crash! Get up and do it all over again! Good thing gas is not too high this summer- NOT!

 We ended up in the Best of the Rest Tournament, due to some screw up with the brackets( you don't want to know), anywho, there were 3 teams: Helena, Prattville & Vestavia. Helena & Prattville beat us 2 times each. We went into the play-offs in third place and we were all ready to pack up and go home. But, instead we creamed Helena and turned around and creamed Prattville, to win the championship! It was crazy! The girls had a blast!  We were at the ballpark from 8 am till 7 pm...insane! 

My baby is standing, 3rd girl from the right.  Oh did I mention these girls are all 7 or younger?  I'm so proud of them. They have worked really hard all summer.

 By the way, I'm doing pretty good. I had another fill and I feel like it is really helping.  And LuLu, my dog, is completely recovered and happy to be a free woman again.

I'm back from Disney!

Jun 07, 2008

We had a great time! We did all the fun stuff and then some! We had more fun at the water park, than anywhere else! Emma had a blast! But BOY WAS IT HOT!! I feel like I just got off a boat. Everything is rocking.

I ate horribly! It was right before and during my TOM, so I could eat anything and I was dehydrated so I was craving salt. That combination resulted in chicken nuggets & fries, loaded with salt. I will weigh Monday to see what the damage is. I hope all the walking and stair climbing at the water park will offset the gorge. 

We got back last night and Emma had a softball game today. We almost didn't go, but after a goodnight's sleep in our own bed, we felt much better. Now I'm exhausted again. Our team lost. Oh well, we play again on Thursday.

While we were out of town, our dog, LuLu, had her toe amputated. It just wasn't healing and the vet didn't think the pin would work. At least this way, she be able to be with the family, instead of confined in a kennel all the time. That has been the hardest part of the "Toe Saga", keeping her calm and confined. She is usually my shadow and follows me everywhere.

On a happier note, I am so glad to be home. I love Disney, but I had enough "Magic" to last me for awhile. I missed my bed. Dorothy had it right, "There's no place like home!"

Medical NSV

May 20, 2008

I went to see my doctor today for a check up on my diabetes. He was pleased with my weight loss and told me I could stop taking my metformin! WOO HOO! Thats one prescription down, 4 more to go! He said he wants to see me in a year and if everything is ok he would refer me back to my cardiologist! I'm excited! I would really like to reduce the # of specialist I have to see too. I know I'll always have a cardiologist & my GYN, but I'd like to the others to find other patients to take care of! Cool Beans!

In response to a question on the board

May 15, 2008

Discogal, who is currently under the influence of baby hormones asked if getting the band made anyone feel stupid or ashamed?  This is how I responded:

Yes, part of this is your hormones. Take care of yourself and that precious miracle.  But,for those not strung out on baby hormones, almost everybody has some thing in their life that they can't control or overcome. The difference with people who are overweight is that we carry it around for everyone to see. We can't hide our addiction like an alcoholic can. We might eat in the closet, but eventually that food shows up....on our backside. While eventually people around an alcoholic figure out there is a problem, the outside world wouldn't have a clue. We need a Betty Ford, someone who says I have a problem and I made the change I needed to. I needed help and I got it.

We have to live with food everyday. They say heroin is the most psychologically addictive drug, that it isn't so much a physical addiction, but I would have to say that food has it beat on both ends. You have to eat and what is worse, is everything in our lives is wrapped around food. Celebrations, holidays, comfort, memories. There is a joke in my family, when one of us goes somewhere, we don't ask what did you do? or what did you see?, but what did you have good to eat?

I'm trying to break that family tradition. I needed help and I got it. I am 37 years old. I had a double bypass at 25. I decided that I didn't have time to figure out all the issues I have with overeating. If I wanted to live to see my own precious miracle grow up, I needed to change now. So I made the decision to get help and I know that I still have to figure out a way to deal with food, that this tool isn't going to fix everything, but it's a start. I'm exercising consistently and I am following the rules, the best I can. 

Wow, this post is way "heavier" than I intended, but I guess your question struck a nerve. Sorry if I'm being a downer. 

Mother's Day

May 12, 2008

I had a beautiful Mother's Day. My 7 year old wrote me a cute poem and they gave me a very interesting and beautiful necklace along w/ a  french hydrangea(my fav).

We had brunch at the Museum of Art and then my little girl and I went on a walk, while my DH drove his mother home. The weather turned out gorgeous, considering the storms we had the night before. 

Mother's Day is always bitter sweet for me. I love being a mother and I have a great husband, but I will always miss my Mama. She died of lung cancer. It will be 11 years in December. I had gained some weight before she died and after, but when my daughter was born, it was like losing her all over again. That is when I really packed on the weight. I really needed her and wanted her to be there for me and to see her grand baby. I miss my Mommy and I always will. It makes me really sad to know that Emma will never know her. She was a pediatric nurse and really great with children. She would have spoiled Emma, rotten! 


May 08, 2008

Can you believe it? I didn't die! Now it was only a 30 min spin class as opposed to a 45 - 60 min class, but it was spinning! I made it through. I wasn't able to hang with the big dogs. I ended up sitting for most of the class, my thighs were on fire from standing up. But I kept peddling and tried to stay with the class on resistance. Next time I'm taking an innertube to sit on. I'm not as sore as I thought I'd be, but had it been a 45" class I would be in bed with ice packs. Well I need to run do my nice little elliptical before I head to the gym for more torture. Thanks for the prayers and the laughs (DJ, I hear you laughing!)


3rd Fill & Prayers for body parts!

May 07, 2008

Well, I got my third fill today. Now I have 4cc.  I can't tell about the restriction yet, because I've been really careful. My doctor just tells me to take it easy on the day I get my fill, but doesn't recommend any special diet change. I had a beef and bean taco for dinner. No problems. I did have to take a moment, but other than that I was fine.

I spent an hour or more in Whole Foods, after I left the gym. I found Paul Newman's pretzels that have 5g of protein/serving. I got some fresh veggies and stuff for the tacos we had tonight. I also got some Greek yogurt that is not Fage. It has 15g of protein vs 13g from Fage and it has Vanilla flavoring. I'm going to try it in a berry smoothie tomorrow, before I go to my 1st spin class.

Yes, you heard that right, I am going to a spin class. My BF(OMG-typing that makes me want to run screaming from the computer- I'm so not into the "text lingo") was chosen to be in a local NBC Biggest Loser & she is dragging me to spin. This wouldn't be happening if it were not for the inspiration of TamifromAL. So, Tami, if you are reading this say a prayer for my rear end! LOL! Actually, anyone that reads this, say a prayer for my bum! 

And, speaking of ailing body parts, my dog, LuLu, has broken her toe. Now, for a human, that is a drag, but not much you can do. LuLu, on the other paw, has a splint/cast up to her elbow. She has to be kept confined and can only go out on the leash for "bathroom breaks". If this doesn't work, our options are a very expensive surgery, involving a pin or we just cut the toe off. Please say a prayer for my LuLu and her toe. She is miserable being confined and really would rather be chasing the cat around the house. The cat is rather ambivalent about the whole situation. She still hasn't forgiven me for bringing home that "kid" 7 years ago. Man, they can hold a grudge! 


About Me
Birmingham, AL
Surgery Date
Dec 17, 2007
Member Since

Friends 17

Latest Blog 77
The fill is-a-workin'! more!
Tootin' my own horn!
Return from the Black Hole (AKA - Softball All-Stars)
I'm back from Disney!
Medical NSV
In response to a question on the board
Mother's Day
3rd Fill & Prayers for body parts!
