
Jan 08, 2011

well, here I am, new to this hole thing. I have been researching gastric bypass for about a year. My name is Lacy Brown im 28 years old, 5 foot 10 and 280 lbs. I think that this is the biggest that i have ever been. I have been struggling with my weight ever since i hit middle school. My story starts back to early 2005, one day i woke up and just didnt feel myself. I felt very weak, depressed, was getting headaches every day, i was very tired all time. i got to where i quit my job and quit college bc of all my symptoms. One day i realized; oh I havent had my period in like 4 months, there i thought im pregnant. I was tryin to get pregnant for about a yr and had no luck. well the test came out negative. I went to the dr and he just told me i was under a lot of stress and depression, put me on drugs and sent me on my way. well few months passed and i wasnt getting any better I was gaining tuns of weight and not understanding why, I gained 100 lbs in a year. I finally found a obgyn dr who prolly saved my life. she did tuns of testing and it took 2 weeks to get results. In the same day i was diagnosed with PCOS, type 2 diabetes, thyroid disease. I was shocked but relieved I finally found what was wrong. She explained everything to me very detailed to where i understood what PCOS meant. for u who dont kno its Poly cystic Ovarian Syndrome. the first question i asked was, Can I have Kids?? she said in time and proper help yes. I was devistated, here i was 4 yrs into my relationship and I wanted kids. well i was put on medications for every ilness i had. she said with in a yr with the proper diet and medications i would see the lbs shed off. well a year and a half passed and nothing. I lost 5, 6, 7, lbs here and there but nothing serious. I was fed up, i quit taking the medications and just didnt care ne more, bc i have been tryin so hard to loose this weight. few months passed and i had gal bladder surgery, and went threw a break up. I lost 65 lbs with in that process, i kept the same diet and routine, and in 9 months i had gained all the weight back plus more. I started exercising hard core, i became obsessed and i wasnt losing weight. i lost inches but no weight. Im thinking by this time, what is wrong with me. well here iam yr 2011 and im 280 lbs. I gave up, untill something told  me to research gastric bypass. I know many ppl who have had it done and had amazing results. so here iam researching all that i can, and really wanting this surgery the more i read about peoples results. i do not just want this surgery to loose the weight but if this will make my diabetes, pcos, and thyroid disease go away....This is all i have wanted since i was diagnosed, i have struggled, i have cried more then ne one could imagine. this is my last chance at being healthy and being happy with ME. 


About Me
hermon, NY
Jan 08, 2011
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