New Year 08

Jan 16, 2008

I guess you can I am real bad about keeping this thing up to date.... the kids are keeping me so busy.... I have lost down to 170 lbs.... I really hadn't lost any weight in over a yr. and then around oct. I started loosing again...yeah.... around New Yrs. eve I for some reason ate a meatball and it gave me indegestion (sp) so bad about 3 hours later it came back up and it went bad from there not able to drink or eat... I went until the next monday they took some out not alot just enough for me to be back comfortable to swollow with not pain or lump in throat.. don't know what caused it.... and I may not ever know....  
My kids.... Kristen is graduating this yr... can't believe I have an 18 yrs. old... Beth turned 16 and LeeAnn will be 13 this June....
My husband is still real supportive... he does get worried thinking I am not eating enough... he likes to see me eat ... he tells me all the time how beautiful I am and how pround of me he is... I still have lots of energy....
I do worry what will happen if I did loose this tool.... I love my band....
will try keep this updated...

New Year...2007

Jan 03, 2007

I hadn't realized I have not written in a very long time... So much has been going on I just forgot I guess.... Lets see where do I begin...
I quit my job..... to be home more for the girls.... which also made the budget a little tighter... Finished up travel softball and high school softball.... for my 15 yr. old... she is still doing some weight training 3 days a week 2 hours a time.... staying in shape for the new season that will begin next month... Wow already....
My 17 yr old went to San Diego the day after Christmas and marched in a parade there and at the half-time show at the Holiday Bowl Football game... She also went to the Zoo, Sea world and had a blast....
Oh before I forget did get to go to Mississippi to my parents house for Thanksgiving to see my parents and brothers.... havent' been home in a yr... so it was time...... good to see my brothers and neices....
when we came home My oldest neice rode back with us and stayed for a week which was nice....
I hated I didn't really get to do alot of stuff with her... so busy with the girls but she tagged along....I did really enjoy her being here....

I have really been fighting depression this yr.. I think this is the worst is has been in a very very long time... this was my first yr. without santa so all the presents were wrapped under the tree for Christmas morning...
we had no one here for that morning , but my brother in law came up on Sat. and left on Sunday after we ate my big Christmas Eve supper.. which was real nice.. just wish he could have stayed longer....
We had a good christmas everyone got what they asked for....
As far as New Years I have for the last 7 yrs. always had 3 couples over with there kids and had my kids invite who they wanted over and hnang out and shoot a little fire work at midnight... this yr.. I sat on the couch and wanted to cry and do nothing.... a friend of ours (my daughters really) called at 11:30 that night and told us to get our butts over there so my husband made me go... It was nice didn't really want to go I just can't seem to just get out of this yuk.. feeling....
I always seemed to feel blah.. Starting tomorrow I am going to go workout with my 15 yr. old while she is and maybe that will help out alot.....
My 17 was diagnosed with PCOS so we are having to see a Gyno, and a Enconoligist (however you spell it)..... we have been or she has been having alot of test for the last 2 months done.... synograms, bloodwork etc... we meet with a dietian the 15 of this month and also find out the last of the bloodwork that was done yest... on fasting again.. this is the 3 blood work she has had to have done and of course she is a big baby about needles...I hope she gets over this fear I tell her she is almost grown and she just needs to get a grip and let them stick her....
don't know about when they are going to put her on some kind of insulin .. they want her to diet first and try to loose some weight...
I pray she will begin to.. she has to want to do that.. I am tried of montering what she eats... she will have to sooner or later want to do this for her self.. the more I make her the worse she gets... I am glad she is still Kickboxing that is the only thing she has stuck with so far...

My 11 yr. wil find out in a couple of weeks if she has to have tubes put in her ears again... she is so upset.. she has had so many surgeries since she was the age of 2..... between her ears, nose etc...allergy shots for 5 yrs. and the list goes on.... I really pray the fluid is gone the next appt. and they will go no you will not have to this time....
As you can see I am so busy with just them...

I get to fly with my husband the 1st weekend in Feb. to Phenoix AZ from a Sat. to a wed.. can't wait.... he is going on bussiness and I am able to go... I have some friends to watch the girls... they are spread out.. couldn't keep them all together... but that is fine Kristen is able to drive and pick them up and go to school....
I will try and do better and not go so long with out posting....
As far as my weight.... staying.. put on 3 lbs since Thanksgiving so I guess that isn't to bad.... have to get it offffffffffffff..... I still want to loose 10 more lbs....


Oct 20, 2006

I am a 34 yr old mother of 3 beautiful girls.... I have not always been overweight. I have become overweight over the past 15 yrs. after having children.. I have tried many diets, programs, pill, you name it have tried it with no luck or put on more than I lost.... I am seeing my girls grow up before my eyes and know I am missing alot... They only know me as I am now and never saw me before I had them and now I want to do more things with them and wanting more out of life than being tired.... I reserched for many months before I got the courage to finally do something about it... I did not think my husband would approve, well he proved me wrong.. he has been there every step of the way.. and Family they are behind me with all the support... What more can I ask for... well being healthier..... I told my family I don't care about being skinny.. been there.. and now I am huge all I want is healthy....I am looking forward to having surgery and can't wait.. I am awaiting for the insurance to approve... I called and they will cover the surgery but only at 60% but hey it is well worth it.. that is better than 0%....

April 26,2004
Just got off the phone with the insurance company and they still show that nothing has been sent in so I am getting very upset ... I am so ready for this surgery that I don't want them to keep putting me off.... I know it was sent in the dr. office told me last week that it was... I guess I am going to start calling every other day....

May 5, 2004 I am getting so frustrated with my insurance.... every day I call and they tell me something different... yest. they told me not to call back until the 19 of this month... I told the lady that my surgery was suppose to be the 17 she goes well I guess you need to call back the Friday before and see... well let see... I have to have alot of test done the day before and if I call on Friday to see if approved then it will be to late.... I live 2 hrs. away... and really the 17 was just a date my dr. put in so they would get the ball rolling but it seems to have stopped... it sat on someones desk for over a week before it was intered into the computer and sent to review..... I am just getting so down I guess I am mentally there and want this yest. the summer is coming and I wanted it before the kids were out of school ... I will have to take them everywhere and didn't know If I would feel up to it.... At least my husband is being so supportive about it all..... May 7, SO depressed..... I want this surgery so bad..... I can't quit crying..... Everytime I get off the phone with the insurance company they make me feel so bad.....they told me again today I am not giving them the time they are required to look at my file... so I asked to speak to the supervisor and they said no not until the 15 days were up and maybe they would then... It is not like my insurance does not cover it .... they do.. they even have more info.. from my dr. and etc. then they asked for just so they will not have a problem and quess what they are being slow... My husband told me to go outside and get some sun and fresh air... that it would make me feel so much better and get my mind off things... he know how bad I want this also....I guess I am scared it will never happen....will write more later... I love my husband so much for being here for me.... on a happy note.... I am thinking of my 3 beautiful girls... My daughters are keeping me busy.... my 14 yr old plays the flute in the band at school next yr.. in the 9th she will be in the marching band and will be going to London this Dec. to play in a parade ... I am jealous.. I could have gone with her but chose to have this surgery instead.... yes it would have been fun, but I would not have enjoyed it... maybe the next trip... My 12 yrs. is a catcher for softball she is so good.... I love going to her games....nothing gets in her way... they have played 8 games this season and won all 8 so far.... My soon to be 9 yr old (she keeps reminding me that) also plays softball she plays 1st base.... she is getting good at it also... I can't complain about them .... they keep me busy... I just want to be able to keep up with them and I know I will soon ......just venting on here...sorry.... May 10, 2004 Alright.... I called insurance this morning and they said I was approved ......I asked them could you please tell me when it was approved and they said on Friday.... which I had called on Friday and they said it was not..... I guess after I had talked with them they approved it.... I can't wait.... I asked if they would fax the approvel to the dr. office and they said they couldn't don't know why....but ok at least it is approved.... I called the dr. office and they said they would call me as soon as they get it, and we can schdule the surgery then ... so we are looking at the next 3-4 weeks.....alright.. I am so excited... at least this is one hurdle the hardest to overcome.... soon.. I mean soon I will be on the loosing side....Can YOU tell I am EXCITED????? May 19, 04 Found out my insurance sent my approval to the wrong address.... that is why I have not heard from them yet to set up and appt..... May 21, 04 Just talked to the dr. office and finally they have received a copy of the approval... it is now on the desk of the lady that calls for the benefits.... after she gets that done she will call me to set up a date for surgery....... yeah .... can't wait....I just feel like summer will be over with before I can have surgery.... I want it so bad.....I will see my family at christmas and I want to look like I have lost some weight by then...I haven't seen them since last Christmas...then I can ask for new clothes (gift certificates) for Christmas.... I can't wait.... May 27, 04 Lets see... I spent 2 days playing phone tag with the nurse at the dr. office to schdule my surgery.... being the last of school I was in and out...Well yest. afternoon on the 26 I got my date... June 14.... yea.................. I go on the 8th for the rest of my testing all day they say... Kristen and Beth are upset that they will not be here.. they leave the same morning that I have surgery...All I will have is my 9 yr old..... which her birthday is June 12.... LeeAnn (9) and Beth both are in tournments that weekend and the next weekend... for softball.... so I will be very tired, hope I will be able to stand being outside in the heat all day on that Sat. and Sunday....... My husband is so sweet.... he will be with me the whole time.... he is the one figureing out about the money since insurance is only paying 60%.. he says that is ok.. my health is worth it... oh.... our 15 wedding anniversay is the 17 just days after surgery.... I guess I will be a cheap date.. this yr...or expensive it is according how you want to look at it.... but hey .. I am worth it... can't wait.. 2 wks. away...yes.... 

June 2, 04 Got my orders for pre-op today.... I have to be in Dalton at 8:30am on the 8th .. for my upper gi, pro op and post op class, nutritional class,ekg,psyc elv. they said it would take up most of the day.... hate I don't have anyone to ride with me on the 2 hour drive there...well the 14 is almost here.... Trying to figure out when to have my daugthers birthday party, she will be 9 on the 12. we have softball tournments starting tomorrow and they are all day on Sat. and Sun. knowing when to fit it in is hard.... want to do it before I leave for surgery.... my husband made hotel reservations yest. for my surgery.. we have to be there on the 13 and we leave on the 15...can't wait.. he is like we have everything taken care of .. just waiting for your surgery ...... so glad I have his support.... I love him so much..... June 18 Well I came through my surgery well.... we went to Dalton the night before surgery and got a hotel room.... we ate supper at Cracker Barrel and later that night we got dessert and it was good but can't belive I could not eat it all.... only a few bites... it was actually to much chocolate.... to much???? can not believe I just said that.... had to be at the hosptial at 6:30 AM on the 14 and they took me back for surgery right at 8 am..... it only took and hour.... the only problem I had was with waking up.... I could not quit throwing up... I was not able to leave until around 5 that afternoon.... I stopped throwing up around 7 that night ... from then on it has been fine...right now I have is the gas.. it hurts really bad.. I haven't taken any pain meds the whole time.. only childrens tyn. I am so pround of myself for that... we came home the next day...15th....havn't really been hungery so far... it has been 5 days and I am still drinking only 1 bottle of water and 2-3 popcicles and 1-2 cups of broth in a day..... hope it will stay like that and I will not want to eat that much.... My husband was so helpful with all this.... he stayed with me the whole time.... right before surgery he gave me a new diamond and sapphire ring..... that was so sweet... our 15th wedding anniversary is the 17th just days later... he was trying to get my mind off the surgery.. they said if my blood pressure was up any higher than it has been they would cancel the surgery... I was not about to let that happen... been through to much and to far for that to happen.... I go back to the dr. on Tues.. was suppose to go on Monday but my 9 yr. get her braces off and that is a big deal..... June 22 Went for my 1 wks ck up today and the visit went very good... from the beginning weight that the dr. office has on my form, from the time that I first went to the dr. to now I have lost a total of 10 1/2 lbs so far..... if I went by what the hospital weighed me at I have lost 15 lbs... but either way I have lost 10 in only 1 week..... can't wait to see how much I loose by the end of the month...I am still on liquids last week was just the clear faze and this week I can have pudding and creamy soups I hope I don't start getting hungery.. that is what i am so scared of... I also started drinking protein drinks hopeing that it would keep me full longer.. Before surgery I could drink one and still eat.. so hopefully this will work..... it just has to....3 more weeks of liquids is a long time not eating.... and only thinking about it....I go for a fill in 5 weeks unless they said I will not need it.... we will have to see.... June 29, 04 Just wanted to write how I was feeling today... it has been 2wks now and I am still on my liquid diet, I am still sore alittle bit but not that bad, I only have to take childrens tyn. every once in awhile after being up and outside to long.... I am not starving in fact I am not hungrey.... I am having to force myself to drink fluids.... i have to get off the scales.. I get up every morning and I know that is not good.... for the last 7 days it has not moved... don't know what has happened...I am not eating in fact I am scared to eat... I don't want to like the food and want it... so far as it is I am not craving or wanting anything which is a good thing .. I start on my mushy foods this weekend.... we will be out of town when I start it so I will have to pack alot of stuff just for me.. we are going to a family reunion and I know they will not have the kinds of stuff I can eat so we will have to take it with big deal.. Softball is finally over for 2 of my daughters..... so now we will not have to stay at the fields all day that was hard when I am just on liquids... My oldest starts band camp next week and have to go every day.... it is always something.. gotta love it....write more later... 

July 12 today my youngest got her braces off....she can't stop smiling....I am so happy she got them off since she was suppose to have gotten them off 3 wks ago.... I had to cancel my 1st fill...darn....but just a few days after it I would be flying to San Diego and they did not want me to have any problems with it being my first and being so far away.. so now my fill will be Aug 13, so I will have to wait a little longer.... I was never hungery until I started eating mushy foods.... and that scared me and it scares me now since I am on all foods now... still trying to watch it... I wish I didn't have such a sweet tooth.. I wish I could have been like some people and never crave it anymore after the surgery... but nope it didn't.. still crave it and want it.. hopefully it is just a coenceidence (sp) since my monthly is suppose to be here any day and that is when the cravings got to me.... I hope that is all it was.... will have to see.... other than that I have lost 20 lbs and 15 inches so far.... yeah for me can't believe it... I get to start going back to Curves in 2 wks... can't wait.... I am walking a little each day.. don't really fill like I have energy most days.... can't wait to see how much weight I will lose after my first fill.. I know some people it does not do anything to them until aftet the 2nd fill.... I hope I will do just fine.... July 18, 04 Just got in from taking my 14 yr. old to band camp 1 1/2 hours away at a college..... it was a little scary to do that... she has gone places but it is usually with our church never like this.. I have to get use to the fact that she is growing up and in high school. She is going to London in less than 6 months... she leaves 2 days after christmas with the marching band, and I know this is a once in a life time thing, she will play in a parade there and have a concert.. not counting all the site seeing she will be able to do the week she is there... I was going to get to go with her but I chose this surgery (lap band).. which is well worth it , i just wish I could have done both of them.... but my health is so much more worth it..I know she will have a good time without me... I don't feel like I am loosing people come up to me and tell me that I look great... don't know how yet to respond to comments like that yet.... I was suppose to get my first fill in 2 weeks but had to cancel, since I got a chance to fly with my husband to San Diego for a bussiness trip and I can tag along... can't wait.... but they did not want me to get a fill just a few afterwards in case I got to tight.... so my first fill will be Aug 13.... can't wait I am hoping that once I get my fill I will be able to start loosing alot faster.... I just hate that I haven't lost alot of weight before flying... but oh well It will happen... my goal now is to have alot... alot.. lost by this time next yr.. he is having another bussiness trip to San Francisco.... that trip I can't wait.. the kids are going on that one.... sorry for the babble..... 

Aug. 7, 04 it has been awhile since I wrote.... was suppose to get my first fill on July 26 but had to cancel when I told them I was flying out to San Deigo on the 31 they said that it was to soon after my fill in case I had any problems with swelling or anything... which I am glad I did cancel.. They said that I may not be able to enjoy myself while I was there., and they were right... the only problem is I haven't lost any weight since my 3rd week after surgery.. and going there I put on 3 lbs.... hopefully I will start to loose after my fill.. I really want to have alot more weight lost by the time Christmas gets here... when I go back home and see my family.. I haven't seen alot of them since Christmas last yr.. I have seen my parents but that is it.. not my brothers and family... I go now for my fill on Aug 13.... can't wait... My children start school Monday 9 don't think they are that happy about it... my oldest that plays in the band I had signed up to take her out and a few friends out to sell there band cards after they had there yr. book pictures taken.. I will tell you I had my exercise for the day... we walked for 3 hours in neighborhoods. I am so tired..... did I say I was tired??? ha.... then after we were through we had to go back to the school and they put on 2 of the songs (marches) they they have learned so far... and after that we had a picnic.. so after 9 hours of band I am tired and right now she is outside still practiceing... Oh I start work again next week... I quit last yr. and I will have to get the hang of it all over again and be able to go when the kids call , and help out at the school . I just want to be able to pay off some stuff so we will be able to buy for Christmas with no trouble and also save for my daugther going to London this Christmas.. really that is her present.... she just don't know that... Also I start Curves next week so that has to be figured in the equation some where ... that is more important to me really than working.... 

August 14, 04 ..Went yest for my first fill.. It went great... it didn't hurt at all, it stung alittle when they gave the shot to numb the port area but that was it.. I had a little problem at first, when I drank the barum and then the water I could not get it down and they had to do a slight unfill and I had to do it all over again.. the second time when I swallowed it was fine... they would not tell me how much of a fill I had they go it is the right amount for you... I really pray I will keep some kind of restriction for a while and not really want anything to eat.. or crave... so far I haven't .. I have had coffee, soup, water, and a popcicle in the last 2 days... I have lost a total of 20lbs and 20 inches so far.. was hoping more but since I woke up yest. and started my monthly I know that puts a few more pounds on you.. I hope.. .. I wish I didn't have to have it anymore.. that would be great... Work is going great for me since I started this past week and I did get in 3 days at Curves, I am so proud of myself..
September 28,04 It has been a very long time since I wrote.. I have lost 31 lbs so far haven't measured in a while the last was 22 1/2 inches. I went last Friday Sept. 24 for my 2nd fill.. that went a whole lot better than the first one. Dr. Fromm was there and he personally gave me my fill this time.. He said I was right on target on my weight loss and I should be pround of myself. He said the only problem I had was that my port had turned and he was not able to do the fill at first so he had to manipulate it for a few mintues.. which it did not hurt at all just felt the preesure and tugging on my stomach (since he gave a shot to numb it first.. he was able to do the fill. I asked him how much he gave me since they would not tell me the last time 6 wks before I can't remember exactly how much but he said something about 2cc and I should fill tighter longer now since I never really felt any restriction last time.. Well today is Tues and I still cannot eat I am still on liquids, I tried a chopped up egg last night and it did not go so well... will give it a few more days. I just don't really get in enough fluids when I am not hungery or a tight fill it seems I can't drink alot either.My next goal is to loose 25lbs by Dec. I really hope I can do that goal...I do not know if I will see my family in Miss. at Christmas or not but we are going to try and go for Thanksgiving.. They haven't seen me since last Christmas so hopefully they will be able to tell I have lost .. People at church say that they can tell that I am.I am loosing more from around my belly button up to face of course I am not loosing as much around my butt and hips that is the last place you loose since that is where you want the most to loose.. I am really going to shoot for it to loose 25 or you never know even more. I am still going to curves 3 days a week and working 5 days. it has been real hard to get everything done at home but my husband is such a sweet heart on Sundays he helps to make sure alot is done to we can start the week off right..
November 29 It has been a long time since I last wrote.. I have had a problem with eating.. or should I say holding down stuff. It is so weird after one bite and I choke.. sometimes I can take 3-4 bites and that is it and not get sick but it was getting to the point I was PB everyday... which I know is not a good thing.. I got my last fill was the end of Sept. I have lost now a total of 48lbs... I went to my parents house over the Thanksgiving holiday and was able to eat the whole time.. I only pb'd 2 times in a week and that is good for me... I weighed when I got home and didn't gain any weight which made me happy... I hope I will be able to eat regular now and not be so limited... Yes I want to keep loosing... I hope to loose another 10 lbs by Christmas... other than that I am still working out at Curves 3 days a week and still have my job along with the girls being taken everywhere.... will update on how the Christmas holidays goes with all the candy floating around.... Future Update
April 10,2005 wow I didn't realize it had been this long since I last updated my profile.. Christmas went well I didn't loose any weight but I also didn't gain any either.... I went to long not getting another fill.... I finally got one in Feb. things are going fine still hard headed on what to eat and hope it will not get stuck... I have lost 75 lbs so far as of today... I feel great I have more energy than I have in a long time. I have been painting all over my house, went to six flags last week with my daughters and had each take a friend.. I was able to sit in the seats and ride the rollar coaster with them, like I was part of the group.. I was so happy... I love this band.... can't wait to loose the next 17 lbs.. that is my next goal... of course i have other goals after that one... My mother and father, one of my brothers and his wife and 3 children came up for Easter and I had not seen them since Thankgiving it was so great to see them... we took our Easter pictures and found last yrs. picture and compared them and wow.... my face... I have a face and collar bones... something I have seen or felt in a long time...My daughters even see a difference and show me pictures and go Man mom look how much weight you have lost... My husband keeps commenting me on how good I look and happier I look now... He keeps saying how amazed at how good I have done and he is really proud of me..My head is not quite caught up with my weight yet, it is almost there.. I look at pictures and go ....was I really that big it is so scary....I can't belive I let myself get that way.... never again.... I have promised myself that and my family.... this is a once in a lifetime deal here....I will try and not go as long this time on posting... Future Update
May 9, 2005 I had a wonderful Mothers Day yest. my girls were so sweet they gave me an anklet and some charms to go on my silver braclet... my 9 yr old made me the cutest card ... I love it when they are that age.. she wrote down what she liked about me and what she thought and what she wanted to be when she grows up.. she said that she wants to be a teacher but if she couldn't she wants to be a stay at home mom and be just like me.... I have been trying to call the dr. office to get a fill .. I am in need of one.. I just need to lose the next 13 lbs to be at my next goal... can't seem to get there... hopefully the dr. office to call back tomorrow so I can make an appt. I have left messages.... still real busy with softball with the girls.. they keep you going .... which I wouldn't give that up in a heart girls are what keeps me going.... Yest. at church so many people stopped me and commented on how good I looked... don't know if all the sudden they realize I have lost or what I was doing different... but that is fine people can tell.... that is what matters... in my mind I was thinking look I have lost over 70 lbs and no one can notice and then wam so many people in the last few weeks are noticing... so of course that makes me feel so much better.... hopefully I will be able to get a fill soon will update on how that goes.. hopefully not like last time... 

May 23, 2005 Was suppose to go get a fill last Friday but had to cancel since I had bloodwork done the friday before and found out that I was Iron defenient, my liver function test was great, my cholesterol was 162 never been that good...he told me to start on iron pills....I started it last Sunday I took 1 on the first day and 2 on Mon, tues, and by wed. I took 2 but felt like something wasn't quiet right was not able to eat solids without it getting stuck... by friday I was on all liquid and it took like 5 hours to drink a 20oz smoothie... Sat.. I was so hungery I thought I would be able to eat but I took one bite out of a baked potato and got sick... called the hospital and the nurse on call called me back and told me only clear liquids for 24 hours and work my way up... i was not able to even eat soup on Sunday got sick trying...I had to go to Dalton today and the dr. met me there ... He was real nice..had not met this dr. before he did an xray with me drinking the barium stuff (nasty) and said my band was very tight the stuff was only trinkling through.. so they went up higher to see if I was swollen above my band up to my neck and saw everything was ok no obstruction but was irritated alot...told me to stay on liquids for another week to let all the irritation to heal and go away... he preferred not to take any fill out but if I could not stand the clear liquids for the week then he would unfill.. I said that was fine I could handle it..this is all from taking the iron pills....and since i have only 4 more lbs and I will be at 200... cant wait until it reaches the 199.9.....not far off.. I can actually see it... I feel so much better now knowing that my band had not slipped.. I was so afraid that it had or worse and have to have surgery again.. something I really did not want to have done... I will have to start looking at what I am eating to be able to get more iron intake.. he told me no more iron...and if I did need it do only shots... I can't wait to keep loosing.... June 24, 2005 So happy yest. I went shopping for some dresses and nice clothes since I have the chance to go to San Francisco with my husband the first week in Aug. and I have nothing that fits... everything is so big...... I kept looking at a nice black dress that was fancy for one night that we have to get all dressed up.. it is black with a little low cut and rhinstones in the middle.... I was like that will not fit,so their is no since in trying it on... well my neice was with me and talked me into it.. and guess what.???. it is a size 18 not a 26 and it fit..... it FITS... I was like ok lets try on some more.. everything I tried on fit... and I got it all..... I feel better now.. still have problems with foods.. should know what I can eat by now.... but it changes from day to day.. what I ate today next month I may not be able to eat.... I have to now look at labels to look at the iron content since I am not able to take iron pills and haven't looked into going and starting on iron shots....still tired but not near as tired as I was..... Last Friday on the 17.. was my 16th wedding Anniv. with my lovely husband..... and 2 days later was fathers day... he has always been very supportive of my decision... and reminds me that I made the right one... I am doing so much more than I ever dreamed of.... we are going to the beach this sunday... can't wait....yes I still have more weight to loose but not where I was a yr. ago... I have lost the weight I put back on from being dehydrated...which I new not to get to upset.. the dr. told me that I will gain back 5-10 more lbs that I had just lost last month from the iron pills and it making me sick...i only put on right at 5 lbs and as of this morning i have lost it back down again.... I am only a couple of lbs from the 200lb mark.. it seems I can;t get to it...I will have to buckle down again even more just to get to the 199.9....
July 1, 2005 Just got back from Myrtle Beach and had a great time... enjoyed sitting on the sand and watching the girls play... I actually wore a bathing suit that did not have a skirt around the bottom, I still felt very self conscience about it. Lloyd (my husband) kept telling me not to worry about it and have a good time , he said I looked great and to enjoy myself. we got up almost every morning at 5:30 to walk the beach. I love doing that and seeing the sunrise it is so beautiful that early in the AM. 1 yr. ago i would not have ever dreamed of going to the beach and walking it for miles at a time... I actully did it without huffing and puffing.... Yea me....Already thinking of another long weekend to go... just love walking on the beach can't believe I am saying that...Was hoping I would loose that last 3 lbs but of course I didn't....that is fine.. I will now have to get on the ball here at home and get back into some kind of routine of exercise I have 28 total lbs to loose...right now I just want to get to the 199.9 mark.... I just LOVE my band.....I have a life now and can see the future, and I am in it.. with my family... August 4, Alright......199.8 lbs finally made it................. going to san francisco with Lloyd (my husband) for a week we are leaving this Sat... tell you about it later...
August 20 Well I had a NSV I flew to San Francisco with Lloyd and did not have to have a seat belt extender....and I was able to sit more comfortable then usual in the seat (which you can't sit to comfortable in a airplane) I was so excited not being so cramped and even more not having to ask for an extender.. Last yr. this same time I flew with him to California and had to get one.... that is so embarasing. while there we walked ALOT we didn't take a cab or anything... we walked one day over 30 blocks and 5 blocks were like a straight up incline.... Last yr. I would not have been able to even think of doing anything like this...I had fun buying new clothes to go on the trip since I had nothing to wear.. I was able to eat most everything which I was happy being with so many people on the business trip... I have to now really get into some kind of exercise program... don't know what since everything is so expensive to join now.... I will try and update with a picture real soon.... September 11, 2005 I am so excited.. my husband took me shopping for my birthday which was 9/8 .. he took me sat. and picked out the clothes I just had to get the sizes.... I am offically in a size 18.... not a 28 anymore... I was so happy that everything I took in the dressing room fit... and Lg and xl shirts and sweater fit... it felt so good .. I can't say that enough.. my whole family gave me money for clothes and work.. they know I just haven't really gone out and bought much of anything.... my husband said he really enjoyed shopping with me.. something in 17 yrs. he has never really done or done it and complained the whole time.... he had me a nice b-day party today with all my friends.... I wore one of my new out fits and everyone complimented me in it.... I am so happy can't wait to loose the next and last 25 lbs.... 

February 23, 2006 WOW 2006 can't believe it has been so long since I have last updated my profile. I am still loosing so I have not had to get another fill since my last which was my third. I still have problems with knowing what I can eat on some days.. I will be hungry but not open enough for that food... Since I am still loosing but alot slower and able to eat things I have decided not to get a fill just yet... my husband enjoys seeing me eat when I can at supper. wE still sit as a family every night. I eat lots of veggies, fish, bake potates, salads, chicken if it is not dry. My test results are still looking good.. still alittle anemic so still working on that also , I go back at the end of March or the first of April to get my iron level ck. again... since I am not able to take iron pills by mouth I am really having to look at labels alot... I am not as tired as I was last yr. when my levels were real low. My Cholesteral is like 145 it has never been that low before loosing this weight... Have I said I LOVE THIS BAND!!!!!!!!! ok Let me see what I have done since my last update. I went back home to Mississppi to see my family for Thanksgiving, my brothers had not seen me in a year to the day went I went my parents had seen me one time since then so they saw the bulk of my weight gone... I was so excited for them to see me ... I was determined not to gain weight during the holidays I weighed every day I know you are not suppose to but I did., and I didn't gain.... A few weeks later we went to my husbands family in Miss.and saw his aunt and uncle and they had not seen me since 2 wks. after my surgery. they were blown away at how much I had changed I showed them I was able to eat not starve like if I had the gastric bypass. Christmas came and then New Years I did not gain any weight over the holidays I was so proud of my fact I lost... I weigh as of today 184.8.... still trying to get to 175 that is my personal goal.... so close..... Went with my husband to Tampa Florida in Feb. for a business trip the day we left was the super bowl... they had a big party at the hotel with his work... people said I looked good and the I had lost even more weight since the last time they saw me in Aug. of 05.. I had a real good time. I feel so good about myself now.... have more energy to do things.. I even signed up for a Kickboxing class 2 1.2 weeks ago.... can you believe that.??? 1 yr ago I would not have even thought of that.... hopefully I will be able to work off some more weight or just inches.. I would be happy with just inches... and stay at the weight I am if I could just loose some on hips, butt, and lower stomach... the problem My husband is still so supportive of me.. he is shocked at how well I am doing at Kickboxing and staying with the girls and working so I guess you can say I am alot busier....he tells me daily how beautiful I am, and how proud of me... saying i did this on my own with no help.. things are so wonderful here at home.. we are now trying to sell our house and buy a larger one... we have outgrown this one yrs. ago... and trying to keep it cleaner than usual is very tiring..... I will try and get a picture on here to update it since I have only got the one picture from a week or so after surgery.... boy do I look different now.... I will try and be better at posting .... April 7, 2006 I can't belive this yr. already.... Well my husband told me to go ahead and make an appt with a plastic surgeon a few weeks ago and I had an appt. for May but they called and have a cancelation for next Tuesday 11... can't wait.. I am scared... thought I would never do this...I have been kickboxing for over 2 months and It has helped alot on other parts of my body. just not my stomach.. I will have to get me questions together to ask.. My hubby is going with me I am so glad... I feel quilty for wanting this like i am taking things away from my family.. But they are like no your are not Mom you need middle one is excited for me I told her what I was doing . It makes it a whole lot easier when you have your whole family supporting you.. And I do... thank God...I am actually scared more of this journey than when I was banded.... werid I know...I am looking at may the middle of June.. will know more next week... With travel ball, trying to sell house, work, girls here and there, kickboxing, practices etc.. just don't have time it seems like to do this... but my husband said we will make the time... and I will have it done... write more later. 

April 7, 2006
I can't belive this yr. already.... Well my husband told me to go ahead and make an appt with a plastic surgeon a few weeks ago and I had an appt. for May but they called and have a cancelation for next Tuesday 11... can't wait.. I am scared... thought I would never do this...I have been kickboxing for over 2 months and It has helped alot on other parts of my body. just not my stomach.. I will have to get me questions together to ask.. My hubby is going with me I am so glad... I feel quilty for wanting this like i am taking things away from my family.. But they are like no your are not Mom you need middle one is excited for me I told her what I was doing . It makes it a whole lot easier when you have your whole family supporting you.. And I do... thank God...I am actually scared more of this journey than when I was banded.... wierd I know...I am looking at may the middle of June.. will know more next week... With travel ball, trying to sell house, work, girls here and there, kickboxing, practices etc.. just don't have time it seems like to do this... but my husband said we will make the time... and I will have it done... write more later.

April 24, 06
I had a real good weekend.. My brother in law came down for us to meet his new girlfriend and see my daugther play in a softball tournament.. the Tourney was canceled so they came to see me and my 16 yr old at Kickboxing... we had a test Sat. for our next belt which was for the yellow belt.. boy did they work out butts off of all days with them all there.. My husband also came along with the rest of the kids... they saw what mom has been doing...They couldn't belive what I was doing... it felt so good... I passed my test and so did my 16 yr. old she is doing good also.. she is sparring but I am to scared to do that...
Sunday we all went to 6 flags.. had a great time.. rode all the roller coasters with them... they kept asking me are you sure.. are you going to ride this one... are you tired... they are so use to me sitting on the bench waiting for them to ride ... I would be so tired just 2 hours after being there... this time I was not tired rode the rides and did not rest... yeah for me....I can't wait to loose just a little more.. I am happy at where I am just need a tummy tuck and I think I would be happy staying where I am... never dreamed I would say that... but I feel so much healthier now than 2 yrs. ago.. even 1 yr. ago...they say if you are comfortable at where you are and are healthy than stop.... and I do.... write more later.. 

May 16, 2006
Well lets see... I called to set up my TT and they had a date for May 26 so I took it.. that was 2 wks ago.. I did my pre-op 2 days later... found out that I am anemic so I started procrit shots and taking iron by mouth (liquid) 600mg daily.. I started off with a smaller dose and was working my way up... I was not due to have some of my fill taken out until Wed. 2 days before my surgery... well after 6 days of iron and shots my iron went down and my throat was starting to swell up on me.. I called Dalton and they were able to get me in on that Friday...they told me to stay on liquid which was not a problem since I could barely even get the liquid down... We were trying to figure out why my levels went down and I remember the day before I just had gotten off my period and told the nurse she said she would mention it to the dr. and call me... He felt that was why it was down and he wanted me to come on Monday for another shot and have my iron ck... .. I went to Dalton on that Friday..I told them I had been hearing on this web site about people have a scope done yearly and they told me I would not have to that is why they do my fill under flouro and they can see if the band has slipped or if there is any problems.. I just don't understand why dr. put people through stuff they really don't need done... or do it right the first time like fills.. I would never have it done blindly like some people do .. you take the chance of them hitting the tubbing and poking a hole in it... Then I also found out that my band was filled with 3.8 cc.. never knew this whole time how much was in my band... I was blown away.. I guess I should have had some taken out since I was never really able to eat alot of solid foods , I just got use to it.. which I know i sould not have gone so long without telling the dr.. I just got so use to drinking so much hot herbal tea... they would only take out 1 cc out.. which so far 4 days later has been good... I am able to eat some breakfast for the first time in over a yr... I am not so tight first thing in the Am.. Lloyd my husband does not want me to have the fill put back in after 6 wks like i am suppose to.... we will have to see.. If I don't start putting on weight I might consider it... don't know just yet.. I am afaid of eating to much....I went yest to the dr. for another shot and iron count.. My iron went down to 10 last wed. it was 10.6.. so it is going down more and more instead of up.... with all the iron and shots I am taken I just don't understand what is going on which is also scareing me... he asked me if I was really taken my iron and doing my shots which I am ... I am so scared he will cancel my surgery.. he wants my numbers to be alot higher than normal for my surgery because they will be lower afterwards with me loosing so much blood during surgery....I know I don't want any problems but I am so ready for this surgery.. I know it is in Gods hands..... I go back this Friday for my count again and I will get another shot on this Thursday... so we will see.... I will try and stay up on my page on how surgery goes or if....
*** Oh I had a great Mothers Day...... i was sick but is was still good... My 14yr had a softball tournment on Sat.. and around 10 I just lost my voice.. I went not feeling to good , just had a tickle in the back of my throat but that was it... I went to call me 16 yr old and no voice... the rest of the day was miserable... it was also raining.... they still played... they didn't do to well.... Lloyd went with his brother to the Darlington Race (Nascar) they got back around 3 AM.... we got up the next morning and they just took our time drank coffee... I had gotten flowers on Friday ... When I got back from the tourney there was a card in the Kitchen window... and the next morning the girls were just taking there time with everything like that was it.... well my brother in law said he needed gas in his car and would be back.... since he was leaving in a little while...well he left to go get me a baby kitten they had found on Friday.... it is barely 6 wks old.. grey with stripes on its stomach only... white feet... I named him Flash....he is so cute... they also got me a house coat since the one I own is a 3X + , and they got me a gift card to Khols, and a CD... and a card from each one of my beautiful girls.... I love them so much......

May 22,06
Had to go to the DR. this morning... stayed up coughing all night...just don't want my PS to be canceled... they said I had Broncittis.. they put me on antibotic for 5 days.. which my surgery is now in 4 days...I called the PS office and told them what was going on... they asked me what color my congestion was I told them.. they told me to call back now on WEd. and let them know How I feel and we will go from them.. I really pray I will be better I am so ready mentially for this scared something is going to go wrong.. I am trying to cover all my bases... get every thing done that needs to be done.. all the running around.. Got Beth physical she need to play high school softball done today also with me going to the dr. and other running around...Well we will see how things go.. I will call them back on WEd. and see.. 

May 31 2006
I made it..... wha hooo.... I had my tummy tuck.... I went in last Friday the 26 at 10:45 they took me own back not long after I arrived... Beth my 14 yr old is the only one that went with me and my husband.. she is sweet she wanted to keep him company... they got up that am and fixed sandwiches and stuff to stay... they came back while they did all my stuff... they ck. my blood count and I almost couldn't believe it..... it was 12.... I finally got it up to a 12... which makes it better on me.... they started my surgery at 11:45 and by 4:30 my husband said he had me in my recliner at home... I don't remember a thing.. not one thing... one thing I am so excited about is for the first time of being put to sleep I did not throw up when I started waking up.... I did feel a little queasy when I first started waking up , they gave me a shot immediately... I had to keep my cathurter in until yest. (tues) I was not able to get up and go with the binding they had me in .. My husband is such a wonderful man... i love him so much... he has helped me through this.... the things he has had to do for me.... I found out that they did more than was planned orginally... they said they would not be able to remove an old scare from childhood that went from my belly button down that made my stomach look like a double butt.... they said he could only do half of the scare.. well.... after getting in there they were able remove the whole scar plus my old belly button.. I mean the whole thing... I have a brand new one and they didn't even have to sew up the old one they just removed it... they were also able to remove 10lbs of skin and fat .... so I can't wait to weight after all this swelling goes down... I went yest. and they took the cathurter out but let the blood pump thingey that (drain) in I go in the morn. to get it out.... I am sooooooooooooo sore still cannot not get up by my self or go to the bathroom without my husbands help... but I can tell it is better today than it was sat.. or sund....I am starting to eat more.. haven't really had much of an appitite.... I have to take so much medication now for healing... I was use to only taking 2 pills.. a vitamin and litpitor.... so glad this will not be permenant.. My parents are coming up this thursday to help out... the girls are helping out the best way they can... Beth my 14 starts practicing softball for high school this thurzday and starts playing next week every day.. my father will get to see her play ... hopefully it will not be really to hot... can't wait to see how I feel next week... I have only one place in my leg like the groin area that really hurts to move and I have to put pressure on it to walk or sit... if i don't the pain gets really unbearable.... The dr. said give it time.... Oh Lloyd got to see my whole stomach yest . when they took off all bandages and he was like oh wow.. even swollen it was flat... he said when the swellen goes down it is going to be some kind of flat.. he said my new belly button was cute also... well gonna rest now.. it wears me out just to do a lttle bit right now... I will correct my error later....Future Update

June 13, 06
Lets see over the weekend my brother in law came up to help out since my 14 yr. had softball tournments all weekend and my husband was not going to be around for 2 days.... Oh there team came in 2nd place for the state championship...out of 10 teams...they were almost 1st..... go girls... I was on pins and needles since I could not be there.. I am always there....My youngest had a tournment also which was in town ... He took her to her game.. I did go for the first game stayed in a shade and by 12 he brought me home.. I was soaked.. had to strip down to just my under garment to cool off ....and of course the heat zapps what little energy you have... I took a nap and he returned to watch her play her second game which began as i was leaving they did not give them a break.. they went over since they had to do a international tie breaker and they wound up and lost and had to play the next game right then... but I was to tired to stay....My brother in law was so nice to come up and help.... also that same day that we were so busy was the Annivserary 6yrs.. of the death there mother in law.. from a car wreak....
Yest.. was my youngest birthday... she is 11 now....I told her I would give her the money I would have spent on cake, deco, chips, etc if she didn't have a b-day party this yr...lets just do the family thing , supper home... she agreed since she wanted a little camcorder thingy..100.00..... so of course she had to have it right then so her Uncle took her to Wal-mart Sat. evening and got it....
I was suppose to go back to work yest. but after taking my 14 yo to the dr. I was so tired....don't think I am up to it yet today either... I guess If I didn't get so tired so quickly that would help.. don't want to drive all the way to work and only work 2 hours... My 16 yr is suppose to go with me to earn a little cash... and I know she is very bored right now.... staying at home.... on the computer alllllll day.... but at night she is going to kick boxing class.... but the other hours doing nothing... they are going to have to get back to helping in the house.. since I am still unable to do anything... and of course that is when I see stuff that really needs to be down so I know that means I am starting to feel better... Life does go on with our without you.. and Kids you have to keep on going....
I go back to the dr. this Friday.... can't wait to see what they are going to do... other than getting my iron level back up I am doing great..... well write more after Friday's dr. visit....

July 6, 06
Well still doing great.... went back to work 3 wks after surgery.. was going to the 2nd week but with my iron level down I was just not able to go back yet.... The dr. said I was healing great.. when I went for my 4 week ck up he said that i didn't have to come back for 1 month.... my stomach is looking so good.. my new belly button look just like I was born with it.. the dr. did such a good job... I still have lots of swelling and some feeling needs to come back around the top part of one of my legs but other than that it is like i haven't had surgery....which is good with me running around already with the girls places....
WE are suppose to go to Lexington , SC for softball.. my daughters team is raising money to go.. they came in 2nd place in the state championship that put them to where they can play in the World Championship... so off we will go hot weather and all...
I am trying to figure out if I want to wait to get a small fill.. don't want one like the last one.. I really waited way to long with that fill and getting use to not really eating but every few days...learing to eat soup alot... I guess I could have lost maybe 20 more lbs.. if I had gone earlier.. oh well I didn't and now here I am.. I have had a TT and loving it.... I will go and have some more fill because I am hungry all the time and don't seem to know when I am full.... I guess I am enjoying food something I really don't want to love so much anymore... the first of Aug.. I will go... get this softball, then vacation to the beach out of the way and then i will be able to concentrate on the liquid stage all over again....
well will update after the rest of my swelling goes down and I go for a fill....

August 31, 06
Didn't realize it had been so long since I have updated my profile... I finally went to go get a fill..... I wanted to wait until after we went to the beach first.... The girls are in school and doing very well already... bring home the A's.... yeah....Beth our 14 yr old made JV for her High School team... so we will not be doing as much travel for now.... which makes me happy... Kristen is doing her Marching Band stuff, LeeAnn starts practice for rec. ball tonight...
Fill... I went Aug 9 and they said for some reason I only had 2.6 in my band which I was suppose to have 2.8... so when doing the fill I explained my concerns along with my Husband and they agreed I didn't need as much in my band... so they put me up to 3.4cc we talked alittle more and finally they put me up to 3.6... so hopefully I am not back to the 3.8 with them not knowing about where the other .2 went... I am still have problems eating.... like 1 bite of meat and it feels stuck.... I guess I will have to get use to what kind of meats to eat and not....I have been able to eat a hamburger patty with not problems.... now pork chops a few bites and that is it... ck. a few bites and that is it... so hopefully it will get better.. I know I have to get back on track and start loosing this last 15 lbs.. it is so hard... I have to do it.. for me... I started back kickboxing last week.. that will help.. I will also start with a personal trainer tomorrow.. for 10 along with the kickboxing .. hopefully I will have 8 lbs lost by oct... that is my goal.. my total goal is by Thanksgiving maybe???? hopefully...
if not I will not beat myself up over it as long as I am loosing this whole time...I have quit my job... staying home so hopefully I can get back on eating healthy and not junk all day... which sometimes it is hard....well I am staying busy with the kids always somewhere...

Sept. 20, 2006
Well still real busy with the kids.. I was having to keep an eye on my depression.. it took a while for it to blow over... I went from the crying spell and not wanting to get out of bed..... and now I am ok...staying really busy with the kids....
I did have a set back My kitten Flash that the girls gave me for Mothers Day got in the back yard and Brady my 100lb dog got him and was shaking him around like a stuffed animal in his mouth.. I started kicking, screaming at him... got his choke collar and started pulling on it as tight as I could... He finally let go and Flash was able to get to cover.. When I saw him barely moving I was so scared to look at him.... No blood ... I picked him up and new something was not right . wrapped him in a towel and left for the vet.. I was 10 min. out and he died in my arms... I had to pull over called my husband and he left work right then to come home... it took me about another 15 mins. or so to compose my self enough to drive back home... I layed flash on the seat and waited for Lloyd to get home.. when he did he loved on him along with me and we wrapped Flash up in a big towel and put him in a box and buried him in my flower bed,... Next hard part was telling the girls.. they each came home at different times so we had to tell them one at a time couldn't put it off until later that night .. because the would have gone to look for him as they usually do when they get home if he dosent' look for them first... I cried all night had nightmares from the way he was killed.... I know not to be made at the dogs because that is what they are suppose to do.. they didn't know any better but I still can't talk to them like I usually do....
The next night a friend of Beth's (my middle daughter) called and said she knew where for us to go get a new kitten.. 5 wks old.. so at 9pm we went and got a new kitty.. did not think I would so quick but i was getting back in my depression know I just got out of it...i got a kitten that look almost like Flash.. but of course differnt... he is alot smaller he weighed 1 lb at the vet I haven't named him yet.. it has been a wk now but can't think of a name.. It took me 3 days to name Flash by watching him play...
On a good note... I have been working with a personal trainer 3 days a week and so far I have lost 5 lbs in 2 wks... a total of 10 in a month...
My next goal is 10 more lbs.... hopefully by Christmas... that is my goal ....Lloyd says it will be way before then so we will see.. which would be still great if I did... I just want to fit comfortabley in a 16... I can fit in both 16 and 18.. I want to be completely out of all 18.... My goal from the beginning was to be a size 16... Don't care about getting any smaller or loosing anymore weight after this last 10.. which is the hardest so far...
Lloyd is back to traveling alot so he is out of town almost every week for the next 6 wks....
Well for my belated birthday I am going in a little while for an hour massage.. I am using the money my Mom and Lloyd father gave me..... My girls gave me a NICE medic alert braclet with real pretty gold and silver beads on it.... I also got a set of Wind Bells they sound so good.... Lloyd is like they are not wind chimes they are Bells... all keyed to same note can't remember what note it was LOL... it was a nice birthday...

How tall are you? feet, inches.
(Note: don't put " or ' marks in the spaces above.)

How much do you weigh?pounds?

About Me
Snellville, GA
Surgery Date
Mar 05, 2004
Member Since

Friends 21

Latest Blog 3
New Year 08
New Year...2007
