July 14/09
I was still quite uncertain when I decided to have WLS if I truly wished to go through with it.  I had lost weight successfully in the past.  Unfortunately since hurting my back at work any exercise I tried seemed to hurt.  Even walking.  Eventually I even left a job I loved because of my back pain.  When going to see specialists for treatment I was always told to lose weight, however I had been trying for a year and a half without success.  I finally decided to take the plunge have have WLS.  I went for the seminar in  Nov 2008.  Surgery was June 16/09.

After several visits with the NUT and following the diet plan they suggested.  (which was what I was already doing except for a few small changes).  I was cleared for surgery.

I had the surgery June 17/09.  RNY with Dr. O'Malley in Rochester.  Post op was quite painful.  I was well looked after in the hospital and my pain was beginning to come under control within about 24 hours.  Although I was still in pain I no longer needed to curl up in a ball and shut out the world.  I started walking in the hospital for short distances and have continued to do so at home.

I am a Canadian but was sent by my PCP to Rochester to have the surgery.  As a nurse I was very pleased with the care I rec'd at Highland Hospital.  I had to remain in Rochester for about a week before being cleared to go home.  My sister and Mom stayed with me for the first few days but my sister had to return to work so I ended up being on my own for 4 days.  Those 4 days turned out to be wonderful weather wise as there was a heat wave and I was able to enjoy some time sitting outside in the sun.

To this point. I have struggled with the post op diet.  I just can't seem to get enough in.  I am now 4 weeks out.  I am on a puree diet until I go for my next appointment in a couple of weeks.  I struggle to have two protein shakes and two meals a day.  My weight loss seems to be slower than others as well.  This has been very disappointing to me.  I feel like I'm the one of the few who will be unsuccessful with this surgery .
I  do wonder if my low caloric intake is probably contributing to slowing down my metabolism, making weight loss harder.  Also, I felt so dizzy and out of sorts the first few weeks I probably did not get the exercise I required.  I do feel better now and am walking a minimum of twice a day for about 25 mins.  My back and legs are aching but I don't want to have gone through all this and not achieve the full benefits.

My next worry is returning to work in a few days and being able to keep up this activity level and and eating schedule.  I am trying to eat about every two hours to get in the the 3 meals and 3 shakes I am supposed to.  I have only managed that on a few days.

I am still working at it and and trying to remain optimistic but I'm finding difficult.

July 25/09

Well the return to work went reasonably well.  I am tired but have managed to get through the day.  I haven't really been able to up my food intake.  Still average 2 shakes and 2 meals per day.

As I was worried about, I have not been able to keep up the same activity level.  I am managing to get in a 30-50 min walk about 5 days per week.  I did feel I was doing better when I was walking twice per day.  There are only so many hours in a day.  I wonder how people with children do this.

I took my measurements a couple of weeks ago and was pleased to see I was losing inches in one week alone.  I am looking forward to monday when I weigh myself and take my measurements.  Hoping for more success. 


Went for my first post op visit with the dietican today.  She says I'm doing well.  I've lost a total of 28lbs since my last weigh in with her.  I'm pretty sure I lost a few pounds before surgery.  She feels that 1 or 2 lbs of wt loss a week is okay.  I guess I haven't been able to break my mind from compairing my wt loss to others.

I have been progressed to the soft diet.  Strangely I am not looking forward to it.  I think because I have to make more food choices and be more prepared with meals.  I can start weaning off protein shakes if I can get in enough protein a day.  Not quite sure how I will do that as I'm not even up to goal yet.   I guess I have never been fond of cooking and this will take more prep work than I'm used to.  I can only try and see how it goes.  This is the life I've chosen.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 01, 2009
Member Since

Friends 1
