Hello, I'm 31 years old from Pittsburgh Pa. I have a 10 year old daughter and a 1 year old foster daughter. I've never been a "thin" girl. Always a little chubby growing up but not out of control.

I didn't start really gaining weight until my junior year of high school. By my first year in college I was in the 200 club.

I've been thinking about WLS for a while, but wasn't really too sure. I've done a lot of research and am ready to take that step. I have a lot of medical problems right now due to my weight and I do not want them to get worse as time goes on.

I decided on a surgeon after I found out that my insurance would cover the surgery after the six month period of seing my PCP and a nutritionist. I saw Dr. Eid on 1/27/06. I felt very positive after meeting him as well as his staff. They were all extremely knowledgeable and willing to answer EVERY questioin I had. They are extremely accessible and are going to help me every step of the way!

I have a great deal of testing to do and have started some. Here is what they'd like me to do:

Bloodwork (Done)
Chest X Ray (Done)
EKG (Done)
Upper Endoscopy (Done)
Nutritionist (working on)
Cardiologist (Done)
Sleep study (Done)
Psychology Eval (Done)
Primary Medicine (can't do until 30 days before surgery) (Done)

I still have a great deal of things to do but am trying to spread it out.

I saw the nutrition last month and I have another appt. with her next week. That will be two down four more to go! I also see my PCP next week too.

The diet they put me on seems so impossible! 1200 calories. I tried my version of 1200 calories and was able to do pretty okay some days. But when I saw the nutritionist she put me on a 3 tsp max of fat each day along with the 1200 diet. That has been a challenge and I admitt I was only able to do it for one day. I hope to get better at that!

Well I'm going to go for now, I'm going to try and write back as much as possible!

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 19, 2006
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 18
An amazing year
Almost one year out
Summer is here!
Gotta find a balance!
100 pounds gone!
The scale moved!!!
Darn Scale
Almost 7 months out
Soon to be 7 months out
Almost six months out
