I could just cry!!

Sep 09, 2010

So my eyes were watery this morning full of happy tears because I am 4 oz away from losing 100 pounds and my BMI is 24.6 which is in the normal range.I am so happy I can burst it's so great to be crying because your happy and proud of yourself because I remeber the times when I use to cry just looking at myself in the mirror or trying to fit into 4x clothes.Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.....

10 months Out

Aug 23, 2010

Wow I am 10 months out and I am a happy active women and for a bonus I am 95.2 down.My life has changed for the better,I am working out, watching what I eat and is preparing myself for my first 5k.I can't believe I am saying all this its not a dream Leah its your life and I am truly happy.I am very thankful for this opportunity everyday!

Almost 8mos

Jun 17, 2010

Well I am almost 8 months out and I have lost 82 pounds and I am down 6 dress sizes and is always on the move.I met my goal of being under 180 by my birthday so happy birthday to me!  this is the best present and gift I ever gave myself, It's totally amazing how your life changes for the better.

6 mos

May 01, 2010

Well I am 6 mos out and love every minute of the starting of a new adventure.I am currently 71 pounds down and I am actually trying on summer dresses.Me summer dress who would have seen this coming!I was able to jump on the kids trampoline and boy was a grinning like a kid,it was amazing just to play around with the kids and get some fun exercise to boot.People are starting to notice me more and heads are starting to turn and I don't mind it a bit! :)I love my RNY!!!

5 Mos Out

Mar 30, 2010

Well it has been 5 months out and I am 66.2 pounds down.I am starting to feel so much lighter.It's a nice feeling to go for a walk and not hurt or sweat like you just ran a marathon.My kids are starting to notice I am more active and get down and play with them.I am looking forward to the summer and being able to enjoy my kids at play and not from the sideline also I can wear nice summer clothes instead of big old t-shirts and shorts.I will keep intouch but stay positive to all of you that are waiting for this surgery because it's all worth it.

Wow moment

Mar 12, 2010

Today was my wow moment I got on the scale and I am 198.5 I am down at totally of 63.5 lbs and I haven't been in the one hundreds for over ten years and boy did I scream with excitment.No more 2's for me ever.My daughter started to scream also because I scared the poop out of her but I was happy.Thank you Dr.C & Mark and thank you everyone for helping me out on the journey.

1 comment

4 Months Out

Feb 28, 2010

Hi everyone I am 4 months out and feeling great.I sure have those days but for the most part it's incrediable, I have lossed 59 lbs and I am three pounds from onederland I can't believe it.To all of you that has supported me to this point thank you and to all of you who are waiting for surgery hold on and keep positive because it is all worth it.

Hairloss/Need Advice

Jan 31, 2010

So I am staring to have hair come out,so I am making sure I am taking my vitamins,started Biotin and making sure I am getting in my protein in,now I would love to colour and cut my hair to my shoulders it needs it bad is this a good or a bad idea because I don't want even more to fall out but on the other hand it needs a good cut and colour.

3 mos and a bit

Jan 30, 2010

Well I am 3 mos out and a bit and I weighted myself at lovely Sam's house yesterday and I have lost 52 pounds.Wow thats almost my 7 years old son I am so excited.Never have I been able to achieve this weightloss on my own because believe me I have tried.11 more pounds and I will be in onederland...holy moly I can weight!.....lol
1 comment


Jan 17, 2010

Well almost 3 months out 45 pounds down,I am still hesitant to look at myself in the mirror and to get my picture taken but  I looked in the mirror yesterday and notice that I wasn't so lumpy anymore for the first time looking in the mirror I smiled,I can't remeber the last time I looked in the mirror and smiled. P.S.I can even cross my legs now,it's my favourite thing to do and it's sooo comfortable.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 18, 2009
Member Since

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Latest Blog 26
