littlecharolais uploaded a photo 8 years, 9 months ago

littlecharolais posted a discussion topic 8 years, 9 months ago

Hello, all! I know there are many posts on this topic, but I really need some sound advice. ALL of my friends and family are VERY concerned about my weight loss. I am definitely under goal, which I never expected (5'6", 128 lbs). I'm 9 months out and h

littlecharolais uploaded a photo 8 years, 9 months ago

littlecharolais posted a discussion topic 9 years ago

Have any of you experienced a stricture post-op? If so, how did the endoscopy go and did it help? 

littlecharolais posted a discussion topic 9 years ago

I'm 4 months post-op and down 56 pounds. I'm completely happy about the weight loss, but I feel awful. I'm depressed and I have very little energy. I'm *maybe* getting 400-500 calories a day right now, and I'm having a very difficult time trying to fin

littlecharolais uploaded a photo 9 years, 1 month ago

littlecharolais uploaded a photo 9 years, 4 months ago

littlecharolais posted a discussion topic 9 years, 4 months ago
One week post-op VSG and starving! - Hey there! Is there anyone out there who can enlighten me on the issue of HUNGER during the first few weeks of surgery? Im down 10 lbs so far (yay…so happy about that), but ...
About Me
Jan 08, 2015
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