One Year

Jan 10, 2012

Yesterday was it, for me. 

Total lost was 85 lbs.  Have not lost anything since October but  the weight is again starting to come off.  I thought I would have been farther along, but am happy where I am at.

Life is so much easier now. 

Other then losing a bit of hair(now back to normal) and my leg issue.  Everything works and I feel great.  Worth the time I waited and I would do it all over again.  Still unable to post a picture but I have changed enough to see a difference.

This site is the best in terms of alleviating a lot of the concerns and stress I have had prior to and after the surgery. 

Still know I will hit the 100 lb loss but my body is in control and I now know how to listen to it when it says enough is enough. 

Tired of being the turtle

Sep 15, 2011

Okay today is a day of celebration, but shooting off fireworks just doesn't see appropriate.  Today I hit the -70 mark with a few ounces thrown in for good measure.  Printed off my wl history and average weight lost a month is 8.8.  My first month after surgery was 24.5 lbs and last month was a whopping 5.  The old me would have paid Jenny Craig $200 for that 5 lb loss, but I feel now I should have lost more or should be losing more. 

Part of the self pity is experiencing Dropped Foot since July 11, 2011.  Without going into detail, I am on nerve pain killers(Gabapentin) and walking is extremely difficult without a brace.  In January I envisioned myself down at least 90-100 lbs at this point, not dealing with  more crap then I was before surgery. MRI reveals a back full of Osteo, but nothing to explain this useless condition. 

Was reading some literature on Dropped foot and one of the causes is bariatric surgery, due to B-15 deficiency.  My doctor assures me that this is not the case but I can't help but wonder when I started experiencing sciatica pain in March, if that wasn't the beginning. 

Anyway I will be opening up the floor on this topic.  How many people on this website are feeling sciatica pain, leg and foot numbness, to paralyzation of the foot? 

Now I amover my pity party.  New goal is to ensure food logging is done everyday.  A good site if anyone is interested is Calorie  Find it easier to use then the food tracker here.  Breaks down every food into nutritional values and shows where you are lacking in terms of your nutrients.

6 months of living

Jul 11, 2011

Yesterday was the day and I didn't even realize until I got an email from Obesity Help. 

Life has changed for the better.  Gone are the following:
60 pounds
Sleep Apnea
Pain in my knees
Breathlessness when I walk up a stair or to my car
My Thick hair :(  Can't be perfect)
Excuses to stay at home
Binge eating


A desire to go out, socialize, try new things
New clothes
Good health
new favorite foods
- Hemp seeds
-Greek Yogurt
-cottage cheese

I haven't lost fast but have lost consistently.  Best compliment received to date, is I don't look old enough to be grandmother. 


Happy(losing weight) and worried(losing hair)

Apr 05, 2011

Well the weight is starting to come off again.  I am blaming my vitamins as the likely culprit.  Doctor recommended materna but they seem to effect other areas of my life that I don't want to discuss.  Starting taking alternate multivitamins and other supplements and have been charting everything on Calorie Count .com.  It seem easier to use then this sites food counter.

There is one side effect that I heard could happen with this surgery but was hoping would not happen to me and that is hair loss.  I am losing hand fulls a day.  Can anyone please help on this issue.  I don't want to take medication that might or might not increase in facial  and body hair.  Is there a supplement or something I can do to get my  hair back on track?

8 weeks Post-op

Mar 07, 2011

I am feeling pretty good; clothes are starting to get loose.   I was hoping that by now I would be shopping in size's smaller but when everything you wear is stretch material then everything seems to be one size fits all. 

There are things I am a bit disappointed in like my ability to walk great distances.  Unfortunately the surgery didn't fix arthritis but the motivation is definitely there to try and get active.  The treadmill is dusted off and I went and bought an exercise ball and DVDs to get going.  My goal was to walk my dog everyday, and his first walk will be tonight.  I hit the magic 30 this morning (weight loss). 

I know I am not eating enough, and I definitely find out pretty hard and quick when I eat something I shouldn't.  I mourn the loss of some of my favorites but am embracing some new favorites.  Berries and cottage cheese every morning makes my day.  For my snack today I had a coconut flavored tofu(surprisingly good).

Water is my other challenge and I have yet been able to drink the 64 ounces.  Max so far is about 48 and I know my body is craving the water.  I got up half hour early today just to get in 12 ounces before taking off to work. 

This time next month I am hoping to have accomplished my goal, report at least 15 days of full water and maybe be off the CPAP.  Last goal is to attend the meet and greet.  All are attainable and specific, so should be no problem.

Going back to work

Feb 11, 2011

It has been a month since my surgery and I need to go back to work.  I can do most things now.  Still have a bit of trouble picking things up off the floor.  I think I have the diet down pretty good, but at least every other day, something goes in my mouth that doesn't agree with me.  The only problem I do have is picking things up off the floor and still can't sleep on my side.  Not sure if that is from the WLS or Gallbladder removal. 

I have been getting out every day, shopping or visiting and have such good sleeps at  night.  I find I need to get up at least once a night to have some water. My treadmill is dusted off so tonight for the first time in two years it  will see some action.

So two more days of being inside and Monday I am back to the grind.  Weight is not coming off as fast as I hoped but hopefully this too will change. A steady five pounds a week give or take is about my average thus far. 



2 weeks post-op

Jan 23, 2011

Surgery is done.  Today I get my staples and tube  removed and now I can get on with my life.

15 pounds gone!!

Surgery was what I expected.  Post op, some unexpected issues arose that I need to deal with that may or may not be as a result of the surgery.   I have quit taking pain killers and the pain is more of an uncomfortable feeling.  Can do most things except pick things up from the floor.

Support from family is amazing. My mom and aunt drove 2 days during complete blizzard conditions and brought me home safe and sound.

2 days and counting

Jan 07, 2011

Just checked my tickets.  Good thing I would have missed my flight by two hours.  I am not sure realty has sunk in yet.  I have gone and bought all the vitamins, protein, yogurts etc.  I have eaten most of my favorite foods in the last two weeks since finding out my surgery was bumped up none months.  Haven't got though my list but I am so over food. 

I keep asking myself how I got to this point.  I am not a binge eater, the stereotypical "chubby" shown on TV honing in on the Fridge for late night snacks.  I have been doing some souls searching, and this is where  I think my weight problem began.  In grade three all our class was told we were going to weighed and measured.  It came down to me and and a very large husky boy.  Guess what, I weighed two pound more then him and about 10 pounds more on average then the rest of the kids.  If I recall right that was the first time someone laughed at me, and made jokes about my weight and probably the first time I felt shame about my body. It was also the first year I hit puberty; years before the average girl and certainly years before most of my peers I might add; so of course I would have been carrying around a few extra pounds

My mom was a bit overweight but now that I look at the pictures she was so small, but she could never get over the fact that she went from 120 lbs(pre-me) to 160lb. She could never shake the weight after my brother and I and she was always trying to diet and quickly became my mentor in the yo you dieting.  At twelve she took me to the doctor as I was 20 pounds overweight and he put me on some kind of diet pills that left me listless and stoned for lack of a better term.

Of course they worked but being a single working mother she couldn't afford to keep up with the drugs and we would revert to some emerging poor eating habits.  We ate what she could afford, pasta, processed meats, potatoes, koolaid, pop.  At fifteen I was probably closer to 40 pounds heavier then my friends and I was getting worried.  High school was a nightmare, and this is when a family relative introduced me to Bennies. Oh the worked so well but one they were illegal and two, money wasn't there to keep them up(Thank God)

At 18, I became pregnant and my weight went to 196, I was so ashamed and humiliated. I to became a single mother with the same issues as my mom.  We tried everything(Herbalife, Atkins, Cabbage soup, Tops, Weight Watchers, you name it I've done it0.  My mom finally got the surgery in her 40's and she looked so beautiful and healthy that I wanted to get it.  It was about that time that they quit doing the surgeries here in Manitoba so I was out of luck and doctors advised I was not heavy enough anyway.  I don't know 4'11 -195 give or take.  I think in today's standards I would definitely been a candidate. 

Fast Forward to now,  44 three children, two step children and three grandchildren.  I am blessed.  Last year I made one last attempt with Jenny Craig.  For $200 a week I could eat tiny little pre packaged meals.  Good at first but not very good for the rest of the family.  I have osteo-arthritis, I am in so much pain and I am carrying the weight of 2.5 people.  My kids have lost out on alot growing up with an unhealthy overweight mom, I don't want to be that woman anymore.  I want to be there for them as they experience life.  I have so many things I still want to do with them and their children.

Every couple of years since I was 14 I would write a letter to future self, to be opened in one years time.  The first question I would ask is have I lost the weight so I could be happy.  I imagine in one's years time I will be able to answer yes I have lost the weight, and I am healthy.  The happiness though has been achieved already through my beauiftul kids, great job and great family and friends, onlynow I can enjoy them more.

I guess I should have wrote most of this in the my story part but this is where it landed.  Thank you to all the people have posted their stories,  because they have made this last couple of weeks so much easier to deal with in my pre -op faze

I have been waiting for this day for a long time...

Dec 29, 2010

I just spoke to Manitoba Health and they confirmed they have approved my surgery.  It is really going to happen.  It feels so surreal and until the WLS happens I will be on pins and needles.  I am one of these people in life who have that dark cloud over my head and I try not to get too hopeful or optimistic.

Why am I doing this?  So I can walk the dog,with my daughter; So I can take my grandchildren without feeling any pain or breathlessness; So I can go anywhere without scouring for a bench, so I can sit every 5 minutes; So I can look after my husband without relying on others.  Of course there are the secondary things like travel, and shop, but I want to know what life is like without pain, without sitting on the sidelines while everyone else is living. 

I am afraid of course, but after reading profiles on this site, and reading as much as I can about the surgery I am more afraid not to go through with it. 

About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 16, 2010
Member Since

Friends 9

Latest Blog 9
