Wow, got approved and had surgery

Jan 18, 2009

Wow, I can' belive it's been since June 08 that I have written anything here. Things have changed that is for sure, especially the past week. I finally got approved in late November. I just had my surgery 01.12.09. This week has been unbelievable. I almost decided not to have surgery last weekend but decided to go through with it. It's so life changing and I wasn't really sure if I could handle that. It's been a hard week to say the least. I went in Monday morning and got home Wednesday afternoon. I can honestly say i've never had so much pain in my life. I think my body just "rejects" Morphine. I had the morphine that I could use every 5 minutes, but I think that only dulled the pain. I finally got a nurse to give me something else + a muscle relaxer. I had to have 2 people help me get out of bed and then I could barely walk the halls like I was suppose to. It appears that i'm the "exception" with the pain after reading some of the postings. Thank god I came home with RX's for both of the meds. It has been a little better over the past couple days, but i'm still using the meds but have cut back on how many times a day.

I've been doing ok with the protein and water, but I can't stand it when it comes to the afternoon and evenings. That was my favorite time to eat and have a drink or two. I love my Mom to death and she has been here helping me, but everynight she has been fixing big meals for my boyfriend and herself.  I smell her cooking and I just breakdown and cry... I pray it gets better with time. Everynight I wish I hadn't of gone through with this. But in the morning, I try to start off with a better attitude and hope the day goes well...

Well, now I have to figure out how to put my ticker on here. I've been trying but it's not I've lost a few pounds this week. When I was in the hospital, I gained 3 1/2 lbs. I told the nurses this was crap since I came in to loose weight, and this was a hell of a way to gain weightlol. But i know we all gain a few going through this whole thing. So if I count the pounds I added on, i'm down 7 lbs!

Time to get dressed and go for a walk. I'm couting the days until i hit the puree food phase. I can't wait to have something solid to try and eat, even if it is tuna or chicked with mayo!


About Me
El Mirage, AZ
Jun 18, 2006
Member Since

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Second time's a charm hopefully
