Karen G 19 years, 1 month ago

WOW, Linda. 31 pounds in your first month is fantastic. Keep up the good work and keep posting your updates. I really enjoy reading the posts. Your long-distance WLS friend.

clbnest 19 years, 2 months ago

Dear Linda, Thank you for your kind words and prayers. I read your profile and "I can only imagine" is one of my favorites, I always cry when we sing it. God bless and keep you as you continue your journey. Carol

LindaKM 19 years, 2 months ago

Just wanted to write and thank all who sent prayers and encouragement my way before, during and after my WLS! Feeling great for 3 weeks post op with no complications! God Bless Each One Of You!

c. goldie 19 years, 2 months ago

Hi Linda, Hope all went well and welcome to the losing side. Let us all know how it went. goldie

christie0626 19 years, 2 months ago

~~ CONGRATS & HUGS ~~ Hope all is going well. T/C and keep us posted.

freddyt.30 19 years, 2 months ago

Hi linda congratulations on your huge step to the beginning of the rest of your life . I am so happy that everything has went well for you. Now it time for you to really enjoy all the amazing things life has to offer. I hope you have a speedly recovery and good luck!!!

~Tooter - the Droopy Witch 19 years, 2 months ago

Welcome to the LOSING SIDE! Yeehaw! Congrats and get well soon! Hugs, Toots

Cindy M. 19 years, 2 months ago

I would just like to let everyone know That everything went very well with Linda's surgery on the 18th. She was so brave and up walking around several hours after the surgery was over. She has had very little pain and is in great spirits. We are being told she can go home today. (Sunday) We are waiting on the doctor now!!!! We would like to thank everyone for the prayers and thoughts.

Cindy M. 19 years, 2 months ago

I would just like to let everyone know That everything went very well with Linda's surgery on the 18th. She was so brave and up walking around several hours after the surgery was over. She has had very little pain and is in great spirits. We are being told she can go home today. (Sunday) We are waiting on the doctor now!!!! We would like to thank everyone for the prayers and thoughts.

Ruth P. 19 years, 3 months ago

Congratulations on your decision to make a positive change in your life. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you good luck, good health and a speedy recovery. I had lap RNY on Febr. 8. I had no real pain and I went back to work early because I felt so good. I hope your experience is as positive!
About Me
Longview, TX
Surgery Date
Nov 30, 2004
Member Since
