Hi there

Dec 02, 2006

Do-waDiddy Dum Ditty Do........
Well I just got home from work
We are having a pot luck tonight at work
and I was asked to make apple crisp
So I made two big cake pans full and it's cooking as I type this . Ah I can smell the cinnamin ..........(ok bad speller)
work went pretty good tonight concidering I didn't sleep at all ...yeah been 34 hours since I last slept . Not sure what's going on  maybe a bit of stress ......
My minds going a mile a minute and nothing seems to want to stick lol 
egads ......I should have been a blonde 

Oh yes I have an update .... I got my approval for PS- TT from Blue Care Network
will write more about it when I know more .

Dec 1st

Dec 02, 2006

Let it snow....woke up this morning to a snow storm .
Made me realize Christmas will be here before I know it and.........

Nov 29th

Dec 02, 2006

It's supose to be a special day  right ugh
I really hate birthdays 
Well today I turn 46 years old
Didn't do a darn thing 
nothing special just another day 
First time I didn't have to work on my birthday and what do I do...nothing
sat home alone and selpt the day away 
It really sucks to be me

Thanksgiving Day

Nov 24, 2006

Was a quit day at my place ,got off to a slow start .
I had to work until 5:30 so I slept in 
Went and picked up my daughter after I got
Dinner ready My son spent the day with his friend at his sister's so it was just me and my daughter.
(Something about the holidays just leaves me meloncolly)
Neither me or my daughter ate very much. 
Later we both had a slice of pie.
Then watched movies till 3:00 am thenn left to go shopping 
got to love Black friday 
we did have fun though.We never done the day after Thanksgiving it was an experence lol.

About Me
midwest, MI
Surgery Date
May 09, 2002
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 4
Hi there
Dec 1st
Nov 29th
Thanksgiving Day
