Been a while.

Nov 03, 2009

Getting the needed protein in has been a real chore and there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day for water....but I will continue to work on it.  I have ordered some vitamin capsules from bariatric advantage I am hoping this will take care of all my vitamin needs except for the calcium.  I am reading everything I can on WLS friendly recipes. 

3 weeks out

Oct 06, 2009

I am now 3 wks out and a little depressed at times but it is getting better.  I never realized what a challenge this would be.  I think I looked into have the surgery so much but forgot about the afterwards time..  It is really taking some getting used to the protein, water, have to drink for so many wks then mushy food for so many wks.  I am ready to eat some real food but still have another 3 wks of the mushy stuff...  Anyway as progress goes no more Cpap and no more bp pills or meds for gerd, depression and so on.  It is the strangest thing to go into the hospital dependent on all this stuff and come out not needing it anymore well I did take the bp med for a short while but I am now off of it.  The hardest part to me is the food situation.  The thought of puree is just too yuk.  I did have a poached egg this morn and chopped it up with my fork and added just a pinch of cheese, low fat of course.  I also had some hummus tonight which was a good change.  I am thinking of trying to incorporate some tuna or canned chicken with a little relish, dill, and some light miracle whip very small amount...mix to death so there are no chunks.  Anyway any ideas out there I am more than open to...Hugs Bev.

Day after tomorrow

Sep 20, 2009

Time is edging closer now just one more day of work and the next will be surgery day.  I am excited and nervous.  I have been on liquids since thursday 9/17 and would love something solid..I am not craving sugar as much as just real food, or maybe a salad I would go for a saltine cracker right now.  I have had two Protein shakes taday and a can of soup and 1 surgar free pudding.  Anyway need to get my mind off food.  I have work to do to be ready for medical leave and need to go and get a pedicure and manicure before Tuesday.  I think I will do the ped & man.  Hope you all are doing well.  God Bless. 

Time is getting closer

Sep 13, 2009

I am really excited about this move in my life although I sometimes feel like I am eating everything that isn't tied down like it is the last days...  I am trying to be careful though not to add many pounds I am afraid if I do the Doctor will say no way and I will have to wait another 6months.  Anyway I have bought a bunch of jigsaw puzzles to occupy my mind while going thru the liquid regimen and then after the surgery I hope hunger will not be so much an issue.  I have bought Protein from Unjury and am looking for recipes for afterward, thought I would put them in a make shift recipe book.  I have all kinds of notes on the different vitamins everyone has used and am going to take with me during preop and see what the Doc tells me, then I am going to make the purchase of those items.  I already have lots of water on hand and some crystal lite.  I can make hot tea for the morning I guess since I am a diet coke aholic and that is going to be really rough.  I am going to try and stay more current with my blog like alot of you have cause that has really helped me a lot, my biggest time issue now is work.  Thanks for reading!


Aug 26, 2009

I finally got the good word on the date I will go for Preop on 9/16/09 and will have the surgery 9/22/09.  Worst thing right now I can think of is no food from the 17-22 just what ever they say I can have.  I have such mixed emotions but at the very top is I can't wait to do this.  I wish I had a better handle on my diet right now but I pray God will help me thru this as he always does.  Now I must find out any tricks or advice anyone can give me out there...please.
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Has been way too long since last blog

Aug 09, 2009

Well it has finally come thru can't believe it I have been approved for surgery found out August 6, 2009 now have to work out a good date to do it like now maybe.  Well I will going out of town this week and have the grandkids last week of September BUT they are old enough to handle me being down???  Thinking that my be the best time have it on Monday and then they will come on Thursday guess we will see.  I can also have my Mother in Law here Full house you know.  I am a little scared guess that is only natural just don't think I have traind myself to cut lose of the bad although I way better than I was.  Any recomendations out there.
 love you guys.


I love this web site.

Nov 15, 2007

I am still waiting to here from my surgeon if they have everything they need from me for insurance and when will they be submitting all.    I am not a good waiter!  Fortunately this web site is so awesome it makes it easier.

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Houston, TX
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Nov 04, 2007
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