14 Weeks Post-Op!

Sep 24, 2013

I am 14 weeks Post-Op and down exactly 50 pounds. I’m 33 pounds away from my initial weight loss goal. It’s been quite the journey so far, and it’s not without its challenges. I’m far from perfect, and there are still instances in which I make poor choices.

I am trying to improve slowly every day. I wake up with a fresh attitude and I do my best to succeed. I’ve gone from a size 22 pants to a size 14, and they are already a bit loose. I was wearing 2XL or 3XL in some cases, and now I’m wearing a medium or large.

It’s an excellent feeling. I feel better about myself physically and mentally. I haven’t been as successful with the physical activity, and that’s something I know I have to improve on. I’ve recently acquired my career dream job, but it consists of sitting for 12 hours a day. Being active is so important regardless, but in my case it’s EXTREMELY important.

I am still so early out; I can’t wait to see the changes and opportunities for a healthier life this decision will bring me in the future. Although there have been times when I’ve wondered why in the world I did this to myself, I don’t regret it for a second. Best of luck to those of your on your own journeys!

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Aug 07, 2013

Hey All! It's been awhile since I've posted, but I wanted to share some good news.

I was officially 199 this morning when I hopped on the scale to do my weekly weigh in. It's been years since I've been below 200, so I was really stoked. I was 233 the day I started my 2 week Pre-Op liquid diet, and I was 225 the day of surgery on June 19th.

I'm pretty pleased with my progress so far. I'm only around 50 pounds away from my goal!

It hasn't been easy, there have been definite ups and downs, but I'm sincerely hoping it will all pay off in the end.

Wishing all the best to everyone else that is on their weight loss journey! : )



One Week Post Op!

Jun 26, 2013

It's one week to the day since I went under for my surgery. It's been a bit of a rough go thus far, but I'm finally starting to feel 'normal' again. I'm not loving the Full Fluids Phase, but I knew it was coming so I'm dealing with it. There's been some tough emotions to face, but all in all I know I've made the right choice.

Before I started Optifast I weighed in at 233. (June 5th)

On the morning of my surgery I weighed in at 225. (June 19th)

This morning at one week out I weighed 212. I'm very excited to see where this journey will lead me.



One Week Today!

Jun 11, 2013

So at roughly 11am next Wednesday I'll be showing up at the Hospital for my surgery. I find that time is slowing down now that I'm so close. I only have 6 more days after today of Optifast (which is a relief because the shakes are getting boring, ha). I'm down 6 pounds so far, which is exciting!

At this point I'm not very nervous, mostly just impatient. I'm going grocery shopping this weekend for the Liquid Phase supplies I'll need when I get home from the hospital, and I'll probably pack my hospital bag as well. I really can't wait.

C'mon June 19th! : )


First Day on my Liquid Diet!

Jun 05, 2013

I weighed in at 233 this morning before I had my first Optifast shake. I tried the Vanilla because I've heard it's worse than the chocolate. Honestly, it wasn't terrible! It's not excellent, and I'm sure I'll come to dread having 4 a day, but I'm glad it wasn't as bad as I was expecting.

Last night my wonderful guy made me a delicious 'last meal' of Pasta with Garlic Bread and Ceaser Salad. It was a great way to say goodbye to mental amounts of carbs and huge servings.

I'm currently getting over a head cold, and I think the lack of food is making me a bit wonky. All in all I don't feel that bad though. I'm really excited that this process is really starting, even though it still seems surreal!

That's all for now.




Emotional Pendulum

May 06, 2013

I am exactly 43 days away from having Gastric Bypass Surgery. I know this because the countdown on my iPhone tells me so. With the operation approaching so quickly, I'm being forced to examine the situation from every angle. It's like riding on a pendulum that swings from the far left, all the way to the far right.
On a Monday I may feel fully confident. I'll tell myself it's the right thing, the only real thing that can give me a chance at long term success. I'll feel prepared and positive about the changes ahead. I'll know that I have an excellent support system, that I'll lose weight and become healthier. Essentially I'll know that everything will work out.
On a Wednesday I may feel completely unsure. I'll wonder if I tried hard enough on my own; If there was something else I could have done. I'll wonder how it will affect my social life, the relationships I have with friends and family, and my overall mindset. I'll ponder over whether I'll still dislike my body even after the weight loss.
It's an exhausting daily process that takes a toll mentally and emotionally. The important thing to keep in mind is that this isn't meant to be easy. It's supposed to be challenging, and I'm sure my challenges are just beginning. I only hope that I am stong enough to rise up and meet them.


About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 07, 2013
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