Things have taken a turn for the worse

Jan 05, 2009

I got another fill in November and things went further down hill from there to the point I threw up and PB'd for 14 days in a row even water came up at times and then worst of all blood. I am still having the port pain more some days or should I say nights then others but def chronic pain. For five nights in a row I have only slept a few minutes at a time due to the pain waking me up constantly. They deflated my band but I am still having some trouble swallowing and horrible pain espcially at night in my stomach.

Don't really know whats going on I think my band has eroded and after several months of problems think I probably have a failed lapband. I have a lot of friends on here who have done fantastic with the band and I am so happy for each and everyone of them, I guess this just wasn't the surgery for me.

Am going to consult with my doctor about having it removed or converted to the gastric bypass which I am being told is a better surgery for diabetic patients, anyway wish me luck. Thanks for all your support its been great to have so many people to go through this with thank you for your time, concern and encouragement.

1 comment


Nov 04, 2008

I weighed in at 238, lol! I can't believe it I have not been under 240 in several years. This is pivotal too me getting under 240 of course it has been with a lot of pain too. I still have pain in my port and some, where the band is around my stomach but it's worth enduring to live. So in the past week I have lost 4 pounds.

Got my second fill!!

Oct 31, 2008

I am up to 5 cc's now in a 9 cc band so I hope this will keep the hunger monster away now so I can focus on eating the pre-planned amount of food rather than having to eat more often due to the hunger pains.

I saw the other PA and she numbed me before the fill and I also got another B12 shot, this was all yesterday I am feeling more energetic today so that is great!! I will keep my fingers crossed.
Happy Halloween!!

Starting to feel better!

Oct 05, 2008

Great news! The fill is keeping the band from migrating up so I am so happy I am not having the constant pain anymore, yeah!!! I do think I need more fill though because I am still having hunger so 3cc's is not the "sweet spot" for me. My doctors office does not numb before the fill  I didn't know that until I saw the big needle and asked if that was the numbing shot how big was the fill needle, lol! It was over with very quickly though it is shocking the first time they stab that verrrrry long needle into your abdomen. Not nearly as dramatic as the movie where John Travolta stabs Uma Thurmon in the heart with the needle but slightly similar, lol.


Oct 01, 2008

Upper GI normal!!! Got my first fill today , wasn't as bad as ones I saw online. It was over with so quickly I was amazed. I got 3 cc's. Everyone was very nice at my docs office.

Sad and Tired of Hurting

Sep 22, 2008

Well my doctor did call in the sleeping pills, thank goodness. I have had solid sleep for three days it really helps but the pain is still there. I have been up most of the night and morning in the most horrible pain in my abdomen, its gone on for hours cannot get in any comfortable position don't know what is wrong hope my doc calls me today to tell me about my upper gi results. I would take a excedrin but I am afraid I will throw it up very sick at my stomach too.

Disapointed - Discouraged

Sep 12, 2008

Problems I am having; Constant discomfort/pain where the lapband is around my stomach, it pokes or grinds against things including my breast bone and hurts. 

Sometimes feel a tight line of cutting pain horizontally across my upper abdomen from my lapband to the port area.

Shooting/stabbing pain shooting up my esophogus starting from the location of the lapband. Frequent unexplained nausea. Trouble swallowing though I have no restriction.

Continued pain in the port area including acute pain under my left rib cage that causes me to have to lay down and stretch myself in a arched position with a pillow to try to relieve the pain.

Cannot lay in a comfortable position causing extreme lack of sleep, cannot sit in a comfortable position without pain, standing having pain.

This weekend had stomach spasms and felt a cutting/slicing pain for about 24-48 hours and lots of nausea almost threw up several times even just drinking glucerna.

Hanging Tough!

Sep 10, 2008

I am having a upper gi soon so I will have an update when they have the results. Still having significant pain and discomfort.

Having trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep due to not being able to find a comfortable position and waking up because of some pain during the night.

Have not had a fill yet due to these problems so my weight loss has almost come to a complete stop but thank the Lord I have not gained any back. It is hard though because I don't have any true restriction because I have not been filled yet and the hunger is unbelieveable more than before I had the band. The only good thing about the pain is it reminds me to not eat too much, so I am trying to find the silver lining.

Eye of the tiger

Aug 31, 2008

Well I would like to say its been easy but it would be a lie. Its been hard and I am still having more pain than the averge lapband patient so I will have to go back to the doctor for that soon to try to find out why.

It is worth it though, this is just the price I have to pay to get my health back so even though it is kinda miserable now, in the long run I will forget the pain and will be enjoying all the rewards of having gone through this, wow just thinking about the rewards puts a smile on my face.

OKAY - I am with the program now - I LOVE MY BAND!!!

Aug 17, 2008

Oh Boy did I get a surprise on August 13th, my first post op followup appt. My scale at home is not working each time I step on it the weight is different so I had no clue whether I had lost or not. Anyway...drum roll.....I have lost 21 pounds!!!!! I was in shock. I am still sore but getting better and my energy level is really soaring, Yeah!!! 

I think I have a low pain tolerance, because I had an excellent surgeon and he did a beautiful job on my incisions, they are so clean and neat and much smaller than ones I saw being performed online. Thank you to all my OH friends you are the best of the best, big OH hugs to all of you!! A special thanks to my local OH friends Shawn, Lynn and Marcia for taking me out and cheering me up and for taking me to the grocery store when I felt too bad to drive myself.

I am three weeks post op right now, so I have a kind of long road ahead of me but I am glad I have all my OH friends to share it with and to lean on when its difficult, I hope I can be as helpful to them and others as they have been to me.

About Me
Duncanville, TX
Surgery Date
Dec 21, 2006
Member Since

Friends 25

Latest Blog 14
Got my second fill!!
Starting to feel better!
Sad and Tired of Hurting
Disapointed - Discouraged
Hanging Tough!
Eye of the tiger
OKAY - I am with the program now - I LOVE MY BAND!!!
