New Year, New beginnings

Jan 27, 2014

Well, I am a little late for my new years posting. I am fully back at work, and travelled to South Korea on New Years Eve for work. It was a very interesting and fun trip. The first exciting part was the plane ride from Cleveland to Atlanta, and while yes it was first class, it was so exciting to be able to sit in the seat, use the in place seatbelt with NO EXTENSION!. For some of you this does not seem very large but, it has been years since I was able to not use an extension on a plane. So my trip started out on a great NSV!


The hotel I was in had a very nice gym, and I was able to start working out. 20 minutes on the bike and some light lifting. About an hour total a day, was pretty exhusting, but very rewarding also. I weighed in on the 15th of January at 148 kg. And just before I came home on the 20th at 140 kg.

So now I am back home, next trip scheduled to be in April back to Korea for a month.

I just went through my measurments and have lost almost 10 inches off my hips, 8 inches from my chest, 8 inches off my waist and 5 inches off my neck. My clothes are all falling off me now, I need suspenders to even try to keep them up. Soon I must go get a new set of clothes, another NSV!

Planning on joining the Planet Fitness here to continue with my workout schedule. I want to work on toning and some muscle growth, They have a pretty good setup and close to my house.  

After 4 months, I am well on the way to having lost 200 lbs, having much more energy and stamina. I truly believe that I have saved my life with surgery.

I do find that I have a much diminished appetite and also ability to eat. 




Just wanted to say that.

Also, I have had one of the strangest responses to this surgery of anyone I have spoken to.

First off, I had a huge fear of becoming lactose intollerant after surgery, I have heard it is common, and Milk is one of my favorite drinks. But I have no problems at all with any milk or milk products.

Second, One of the things always explained is the dumping syndrom. I have been extremely fortunate that I have yet to ever experience this. Usually it is caused by refined sugars, chocolates,etc. Well I have had DQ blizzards, brownies, chocalte cream cheese  pie (my own recipe) and FUDGE ROUNDS... now granted I do not eat what I used to before, a small portion is all I can eat but No adverse reactions.

Third, I seem to be focused mostly on eating soups. I can eat other foods but very small portions.

Last, the only real regret is that my limited appetite has made pizza very hard to enjoy anymore. Now I know you are not supposed to enjoy food, thats so politically incorrect, but I used to enjoy pizza immensely.

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3 Month Followup

Dec 21, 2013

Went in for my 3 Month Follow Up appointment... Weighed in at 358 pounds! 

All the Dr's and Nurses are so impressed with my progress.

I have yet to experience the "Dumping" Factor, which everyone seems is most impressive.

No food intolerances, except for Heavy White Breads, such as Pizza Crust, but its more of it filling me up very rapidly, instead of any naseau or vomiting.

My energy levels are increasing daily, and My neds may be being reduced soon.

Blood Pressure is slowly dropping, may be able to lower dosages or meds soon.


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Day 47... Back with an update.

Nov 11, 2013

It has been 30 days since I last posted. Been a very busy month. I went to the Dr's office last week for my 6 week checkup. I was extremely excited by the reception I got from all of my Dr's and Nurses. When one Dr came in, he did a double take, saying that he almost did not recognize me. Everyone was very pleased with my progress. At Weigh in I was at 385 lbs. Which was a total weight loss from my first contact in June of 90 lbs, and almost 50 lbs since surgery. There was actually a little concern that I was losing too fast, but I have always been able to drop weight relatively fast, its always been keeping it off that was the problem.

So after 47 days, I am now on a "regular" diet. I am able to eat normal foods. I have been extremely fortunate so far. The only thing I have found problems with eating is bread. Which for me, was always one of my huge weaknesses. I could sit down with a loaf of bread and butter (especially fresh Italian) and a gallon of milk, and eat happily for hours. Now bread just doesn't sit well on my stomach, it seems to ball up and block my stomach giving me mild indegestion and discomfort. Now I have found that if I toast the bread it is easier to eat. Also, if it is like a steamed bun for a hot dog (another sin is Jib Jab Hot dog shoppe) I can eat one. I used to be able to eat a half dozen chili dogs without blinking. Now I eat about 3/4 of one and I am fine. To go with the bread issue, is Pizza :( another of my old weaknesses. instead of eating a pizza, I now can eat a slice.

But as far as other issues, Milk not a problem. I know many people become lactose intollerant, fortunately I have not. And prior I could drink 1-2 gallons a day, well honestly if it was there I could drink it, be it a gallon or 3 gallons, it was gone that night. Now we can keep a gallon in the fridge for a week, and I have to make sure it is still good before I drink it. I have started dating gallons when we buy them to be safe.

Now I have been extremely fortunate with the one fear everyone has at having this surgery, dumping. I have yet to have an episode of dumping. I know that is very rare. And yes, I admit I have pushed it a little bit, I have tried peanut butter cups, chocalte pudding, chocolate chip cookies, fudge rounds, and wendy frosties. Yes I know things you shouldn't eat. But I have been able to treat myself with a few things that I like, but I have been able to moderate it. before, I would get 6 fudge rounds at the drive thru and 2 of them would be gone before I even got out of the parking lot. Now, I treat myself to a half of one and give the rest to one of the kids. I have gone from a XL frosty to a kids size. One peanut butter cup pleases me now, where before it would be a handful. Now one thing I love that i do have problems with is tootsie rolls, I think it is because of how solid and chewy it is, similar to bread. No matter how much you chew it doesnt break apart just kind of balls up and sits there.

One of the very best side effects of the surgery has been the money I am able to save. Just by cooking smaller portions and fewer meals, I have been able to save quite a bit of money.

So at the six week point, I went into the basement and pulled out a tote. Inside were pants that I have not been able to wear in many years. A lot of them fit, in fact some of them actually are too big now, and I need suspenders to wear them. I want to go buy new clothes, but I think I will wait until Christmas and treat myself to new clothes, Hopefully I will be closer to my goal weight after another 6 weeks.

I have been able to be so much more active just in the last 7 weeks. Before walking to the curb with the garbage was a huge chore, now I am able to use my new leaf blower and walk the entire yard blowing leaves into piles. I was able to go up and down the stairs to our basement so much easier than before. Before I would do the one step at a time climb, usually stopping a couple times on the way up. I was able to actually step up and go with only one foot on each step for the first time in a very very long time. I still have problems with walking and stairs because of my leg, but it has gotten so much better.

Now as far as my leg is concerned, One of the things that the Drs wanted to document was the effect of the surgery on the Lymphadema that I had localized in my lower left leg. If you have read my whole story, you know that the left leg has been a problem for many years, from a massive Celluitus infection in 1995 while in France in the Navy, to a Tib-Fib fracture in the Persian Gulf, a series of infections that even started to cause Kidney failure in 2005, to lose of mobility and complicating my weight gain, to Necrotizing Fascitus in 2011, and finally the botched Vein Stripping in 2012 that caused another massive infection and surgery. Well, one of the benfits to my surgery is that for the first time in about 10 years I was able to get a CAT scan. I can now fit in the machine! A huge achievement. Well they did a CAT scan and found that the Lymph node in my Upper Thigh/Groin area is enlarged. Supposed to be a pencil erasure size, it is closer to a chalk board erasure. Talking to specialists, we are pretty sure that it is due to all of the trauma and after effects of the infections, but there is the possibility of the big "C" well since that word pretty much stops any discussion and demands its own attention, last week I had a biopsy of the Lymph node. Still awaiting the results, but pretty confident that it will be negative.

If it is negative, will be looking to have a procedure to hopefully stop the lymph drainage and reduce the swelling. While the rest of my legs have decreased in size, my upper thigh is still pretty swollen and enlarged. I really think It will require some plastic surgery as it is a pretty large mass that has been added to my leg. While the swelling has gone down, prior it would Hard as a rock, with the skin stretched tight, it is now a lot more flexible and pliant, I still do not think it will go away on its on. I am pretty sure it will need surgery for removal. My concern is that it runs down the leg near the femural artery, so I will need to choose any doctors extremely well.

Well, thats pretty much where I have been the last 30 days. One thing that my wife taught me was to put away the scale. I was pretty much getting on it every day or so, and not seeing any progress. She told me once every two weeks, or even better once a month. Otherwise it starts to affect you and your thinking, so, I put away the scale and a month later I saw real progress.

So I will be back with updates every few days, or at least by Dec 16, which is my next Dr Appointment.

I am also scheduled to travel to texas in January for work, I cannot wait to see the difference when I get on the plane. For many years now I have required a seat belt extender, and usually need to sit in a seat with armrests up, or an empty seat just to be comfortable. In fact one time I was actually asked to get off the plane because the person next to me complained. I am looking forward to seeing the change in January.

Until next time, stay healthy and keep the faith everyone.




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I am Gardener! Renewal Day 17

Oct 14, 2013

So I am 17 days down the path of my new life. My surgery went very well, some slight concerns prior to release from the hospital but nothing major. Progress on my diet has been steady and comfortable. From clear liquids to liquids to puree to small chopped pieces. Have not experienced and nausea or vomitting, and difinitely no dumping syndrome yet. (I am sure it will happen some day when I try to push it... I am thinking that a Little Debbie Fudge Round is the odds on favorite to be the culprit, either that or anything from Willy Wonka :) ) 

So I awoke yesterday to a blue sky, the sun was shining, birds were singing, deer and rabbit were frolicking in the woods, it was like a cliche'd Disney nature movie. I decided that I needed, no, that I wanted to do yardwork. So I head outside, climb aboard my garden tractor, which in and of itself was an achievement. We have owned this tractor for almost 4 years. This was the second time I have been able to get on it.Climbing onto it a few weeks/months ago would have been impossible, as I just could not lift my leg and contort in the right ways to get aboard. Also, the only other time I drove it, I literally was sitting on the edge of my seat, The BACK edge, I had to sit so far back that half of my butt was hanging off of the back of the seat, and my belly still was rubbing the steering wheel. Well not yesterday! I was able to sit comfortably on the seat, and even had room between belly and steering wheel, not enough for my grand daughter to sit on my lap and drive, but maybe soon. :)

Well, after about 2 hours I had cut must of the front yard, using the mower to pile up leaves for bagging. Non-stop riding for two hours, didnt even feel fatigued or sore. I then got very adventurous, I grabbed the hedge trimmer and clippers and headed to the hedge row across the front of our property. This was my first chance to trim these hedges, as we are still just shy of two months moved in.And it appears that the previous residents had not done any trimming at all. We have a huge arcing 'Governor's Driveway' and the hedge covers the entire gap from one side to the other, It has to be a good 100 foot wide. Well I started up the hedge trimmers and walked the entire front and back of the hedge. Trying to make it look respectable and straight vertical. Well I was close. The best part was I did it entirely around, non-stop, and no resting. I actually circled the hedge almost 3 times total trying to get it looking good. 6 months ago, there is no way I can do it. I would have to drag a chair and sit every 5-10 feet as I trimmed the hedge. Yesterday, Walked the whole way, no stopping. 


Something that 'normal' people do not realize, is that those of us who are obese are not necessarily lazy. We do not stop and sit down ever 22 minutes because we ant to take our time, and spend hours doing a 10 minute job. We do so out of necessity. Sometimes out of sheer terror at having a heart attack or collapsing. I have a very close friend who tries to motivate some of her heavier friends by shaming them with being lazy and fat. I know that she cares, but she has never had more than 10 extra pounds in her life and just doesn't understand that  many times we are not fat because we are lazy, we are lazy because we are fat. The extra baggage we carry around prevents us from doing sometimes the most mundane of things. Like walking the dog, bending over to pick up things on the floor, carrying your grandkids to bed. 

Well, I was able to do yard work, and damn it felt good. I cannot wait to do more. :)


Out of the hospital...

Oct 12, 2013

Well I am at Day 16 of my renewal. And I am out of the hospital.

I went in, due to celluitis in my leg, which fortunately is not a complication of surgery. Prior to this trip to the hospital, I really have not had any nausea or vomiting, well the hospital and the IV antibiotics fixxed that! I have been struggling from pain and nausea shot to shot. So glad to be home. One thing I discovered, if you think hospital food is bad, try puree hospital food. I was so happy to get home, and make some tomatoe soup and eat some yogurt today.

I am at 402 lbs and counting! It was a huge momemnt for me, when they were able to fit me into and be able to make the weight limit on the CAT scan machine. I haven't been able to be in one for almost 6 years.


Leg issue...

Oct 07, 2013

Well, it has been going too well it seems.

My leg has been very sore lately when I am walking, the back side of the knee is very tender and painful. I have had a lot of issues with getting rashes and yeast infections in the usual places (under arms, under my man-boobs, and also under my belly-tire where it dunlap over my belt)

Well Mom is a nurse and I had her look at it. She says it is celluitis. My guess is its another yeast infection. May need to go to DR's in morning. Will update tommorrow.


Two Week Checkup

Oct 07, 2013

Well, I had my meeting with the surgeon today, it went very well.They were very pleased with my progress. The incision sites have been healing very. The dr was asking why I put bandaids on the wounds, thinking that they may be leaking/oozing, and was concerned. I explained that I had them bandaged because I am very bad with wound/scabs. If they itch I will scratch them, and they itched a lot. This is normal he explained, as when a wound heals it secretes histamines, when cause itching ( also found when alergic.) He congratulated me for thinking ahead and using common sense,

My BP was very good for me at 138/74. My weight was at 405.

He asked about any naseau or vomiting (none) and howI was eating (still on puree) 

They measured my leg for the Lymphadema, It had gone down a few inches since surgery. Surprisingly, the non-swollen leg went down more than the swollen one. I have started tracking these in these in the Health tracker. Where there are two sides I will be seperating them by using a decimal point Left.Right.

I scheduled my appointment for 4 weeks from today 11/4. I also confirmed my wifes appointment for next monday 10/14 so that she can figure out whats wrong with her digestive health. being very pleased with Dr Khaitan we are going to her for answers.


12 Days Young, My new Life: Surgeon Followup appointment toda

Oct 06, 2013

Well tomorrow is my first follow up with my surgeon after surgery. I am currently down 30 pounds from Surgery day,  and my incisions are healing very nicely. No redness, swelling or leaking at any of them. No fevers, and very little nausea (mostly from eating too fast/much/quickly, which is expected as I need to learn how to feed myself again) Which All point to no sign of infection! YA!   For me that is a very big step, as I have been prone to infections in the past (hell they almost killed me). My weight loss has been very controlled and steady another good sign, and I have slowly progressed from liquids to a puree type diet. So far my biggest fear (knock on wood, the floor, the wall, the table, etc) has not been realized, as I have had no sign of a new lactose intolerance. I have been able to drink small quantities of milk, a sip at a time, as well as having milk based meals/puddings/deserts. Yeah its a small thing, but anyone who knows me, know I like my milk. I know going forward I need to moderate my milk consumption, as well as everything else in my new lifestyle diet.   I am hoping also that I will be able to change my meds and be able to start back at work. Right now my meds make me sleepy and tired. So hopefully that will change and I get cleared for work. I really miss work, and I am looking forward to returning, I am finding that I am having a lot more energy and everything seems to be getting better physically, emotionally and mentally for me. Before my surgery, I really did not realize how much of a downward spiral that I was on. Mentally and emotionally I was extremely depressed and scatter shot. My memory was unreliable and emotionally I was a wreck. The smallest things, which a few years ago would not have easily been brushed off, caused severe distress and depression. Now things are becoming clearer and easier to handle.   So many people think that obesity is just a byproduct of a person being lazy and weak. That the only problem is that they cannot stop eating too much or eating bad foods. Usually Obesity is actually a symptom of many other larger problems and issues. For me, I had always been 'Husky' 'Big-Boned', lets face it FAT. I loved food, I loved cooking it, and I loved eating it. While I never was a sneaker, or a sorrow eater, or a binge eater, I did eat larger than a normal diet. After joining the Navy, they helped me get under control and I lost a good amount of weight through diet, exercise and activity. Things were going well, until my accident. A Day that changed my life drastically, and to this day affects everything I do. The resulting emotional distress and depression only exacerbated any underlying emotional problems I had with co-dependency and depression. As I recovered from the accident, I realized that I would never fully recover, and it would haunt me until the end of my days. This haunting caused me to go from being a promising up and coming sailor, to a washed up and used Navy reject. Something that to this day I regret highly, as my worst failure... While there have been high points since the navy, I have felt like I am on a gravity fed roller coaster, I can go up a hill, but then I come crashing down. Each new high is necessarily lower than the one prior to it. And I have been slowing down dramatically over the last few years. My health both physically, mentally and emotionally was rapidly deteriorating. I hate to say it now, and I never could have said it before, But I really did not expect to see 50. The prognosis was dire and my outlook even worse. While; I have a great job and the best bosses, my quality of work had begun to slide recently. I just couldn't seem to stay focused and concentrating all the time. I have a truly wonderful wife who supports me unconditionally, I just have not been able to maintain the healthiest relationship. And while I didn't do anything wrong or bad, I just haven't been able to do enough good, It's hard to explain. How I wanted to do so much more, but either thru apathy, depression or fear, I just was not able to live up to my own standards. It is said that our harshest critic is ourselves, well in my own eyes, I was become a massive failure in most every way possible. And I honestly wasn't expecting to last much longer.   Sad I know, but true. When I contracted the Flesh-eating Disease, it seemed inevitable. But somehow, I stuck around. I made it out of critical condition and recovered again, slowly climbing the next hill. But then it hit again, another Cardiac scare. As I lay in my hospital bed again, just wondering how many more times I was going to have to endure this something happened...   The door opened to my room, and a tiny little blonde covered head popped around the corner of the door. Bright blue eyes looked at me, and opened up as wide as dinner plates. A huge smile opened up on her face and I think everyone in the NW wing heard that 'POPPA ED!' had a visitor. The door slammed back against the wall, and a tiny little blur crossed the floor jumping into bed and my arms. Wrapped around me, her little arms stretched out wide, and with all the strength she had she hugged me, and gave me the tenderest kiss. "When are you coming home Poppa Ed?" I could hear her say barely thru the tears filling my eyes and the blood racing thru my ears. "Soon baby" Was all that I could say....   That day started me on this journey. It focused me as much as it could on renewing my life..   While, I do not have any kids of my own, Miss Jordin is the biggest blessing in my life. She fills me, and anyone who meets her up with hope and love,.. If there are truly Angels walking amongst us, I believe that she is one.   Looking forward to my new life, I needed to do it for Her(Miss Jordin). I needed to do it for my Wife(Terri Stroud). I needed to do it for my Mother (Marge Ennett). I needed to do it for the rest of my family Grandkids(Hunter, BB, KK, Ryan, Liam), my Kids(Amber, Christina and Jeff, Michael and Melanie) My Brothers and Sisters (Doug and Julie, Tracey and Michael) My Nieces and Nephews (Dante, Piper, Parker, Serra, Kiera, Peyton) all my Aunts, Uncles, Cousins both near and far. I wanted and needed to be around for a long time, in good health and spirits. ... I also want to do it for all of my friends who have supported me and encouraged me in good times and bad...   To everyone who has believed in me, even when, and especially when I didn't believe in myself.... This is a very long road, and there will be many twists and turns, highs and lows... Looking forward, I am hoping for many more Highs than lows, and I want those Highs to progress forward and get higher and higher. MY old life is behind me, It is the past and I have learned a lot from it. My future new life is ahead of me and I look forward to every single day of it, to learn and grow as a better person, a better friend, a better Poppa, and a better husband . ...   Today, I am 12 Days Young. I look forward to counting many more days, weeks, years and decades :)  I am looking forward to seeking out all of you, and thanking you for your support and understanding... Used for many programs, I think this sums it up very well...    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.           I love all of you, thanks to all of you, and because of all of you, I am here now.                                                                                                                                                                          

Day 7 - Primary Care Appointment

Oct 03, 2013

Day 7, and today my weight is 410 lbs. This is 15 lbs less than what I entered the hospital at, 25 lbs less than what I left the hospital at (My Dr pumps you full of fluids during surgery and recovery, she wants to prevent dehydration, and it is common that post-op people forget to eat and drink while recovering from surgery, so her patients tend to leave heavier than they entered at), and a whopping 65 lbs less than when I recommitted myself to this journey.

So I saw my PCP today, we discussed my surgery and how I was doing. The incision sites look very good and healing well. There is not any redness or swelling around them, so no signs of infection. Which is very important to me, as I am very prone to infections and seem to get them very fast and they progress very quickly.

My BP is still on the high side 144/75 so it looks like my BP medicine will not be changing in the near future. My Diabetes medicine (metformin) has already been discontinued, as well as one of my water pills. The plan is to see him monthly for the next few months to keep my medicine updated to my new physiology. Hopefully, I will be able to lower the dosage and maybe even eliminate the HBP medicine as I progress with my weight loss.

I also was scheduled to see my Pain Specialist, unfortunately I had taken my pain medicine and needed a nap afterwards and missed the appointment. As of right now, my pain is under amazingly good control. This is perhaps the best it has been in many many years. I am just frustrated with some of the side effects of the pain medication. For me, it is sleepiness and some minor short term memory loss. Nothing major, just things like where did I put my keys? Why did I go into the kitchen? You asked me to get what? It could be just normal aging, but It is enough to irritate me. I am used to having extremely good recall and cognitive functions, so anything less than 'brilliant' is to me a frustration (LOL, yes I know I am full of myself )

But then also today I scared myself badly. Miss Jordin stayed the night with Poppa Ed and Granny, she came over after her dance classes to get some of Granny's famous 'tater soup. Since she had school today I was taking her home, walking up to the door of her house, I was carrying her and I missed a step. I fell up the steps onto the porch, All I could think as I fell in super-slo-mo was I was gonna land on baby girl. Well I was able to catch myself with one hand, catch her with the other, and crashed to the ground on my knees and 1 hand, holding her in the other. I guess I also let out a loud scream as it finally woke up my son and daughter-in-law. As I sat on the porch catching my breath, even the neighbors up the road (like 4 houses away) cam running up to see if I was ok. I know I scared myself way more than MJ. She was up and running with not a scratch. Fortunately, I didnt do any damage to my incisions. I know I shouldn't have tried carrying MJ (even though she barely weighs more than a peanut) And that I need to be more careful.

Lesson for the day: Do not over do it. Go slow and ask for help.




Hello, I am back... long overdue update.

Sep 30, 2013

Well it has been a long summer.

I went through all of my testing for surgery in July. Stress testing, Ultrasounds, X-Rays, a ton of Dr Visits. The good, Everything was cleared for me having surgery. The Bad, well I am in such bad health that the Insurance company says I do not even need to wait and try to lose weight, I can have surgery immediately...

So, work called and I had to travel to Thailand for a month. I was very concerned that I would gain weight while travelling, as I did not have the benefit of eating as healthy as I could by being at home. Well, I surprised myself, I cam home having lost 20 pounds! I was down to 440. from a starting weight of 480! Almost all the way to what my Dr wanted.

Over the next few weeks, I was able to actually lose some more weight, and on the day of my surgery 9-26-2013 I weighed in at 423 lbs. Surgery was scheduled for noon. I spent the next three days in the hospital, slowly learning how to eat and drink again. Day 1 I had my leak test, where they made sure that the surgery was successful, and that I was able to start my liquid diet.

Day 2 I slowly transitioned to protein drinks with walking. It was a very long and painful day. The incisions looked good, but the primary one was still very painful whenever I moved or coughed. Day 2 also was scary, as I had a very hard chest pain. Fortunately, it was just indegestion. Something that prior, I never really ever suffered before. Along with my appetite I always had an 'iron' stomach and could eat anything... well not anymore. Two tablespoons of apple sauce was enough to coause strong naseau and indegestion. I must learn to eat again..

Day 3.. After all of my tests, I traveled home. While feeling better the ride through Ohio roads was pretty rough, and every bump I felt at my incision site. Fortunately, my meds were all waiting for me at home. And as a bonus, I am no longer taking my Diabetes medicine! I have gone from being on insulin injections when I first was diagnosed with diabetes, to being on a pill with proper diet and nutrition, to now having no medicine to control my diabetes. I am still taking several blood pressure medications, but there is hope that as I progress I can slow them also.

Day 4... Today 9-30-2013  I awoke feeling pretty good. Still sore, but not as bad as the day before. Last night I got a great visit from my wonderful grand kids. My baby girl, Miss Jordin, was so happy to see me running to my arms, it made me cry. Hunter, BB, keekee also were so nice to see as well as my little man Liam. While, this surgery is for me, I truly am doing it for them also. I do not want to miss any of them growing up. And so I have dedicated myself to being healthier and living longer, for myself, and my family.



About Me
Youngstown, OH
Surgery Date
Jun 03, 2013
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