lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
Vits....For.when you get OLD -  Do you ever worry about your vitamin regimen for when you get old. I'm starting to ponder those questions of "what if I'm 90 and in a nursing home with dementia " life wil...

lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
Pre-Surg...building your immune system - Im about 8 weeks out...hard to believe, because the last 4 mths have flown by.....I still think the insurance required 6 mth wait was the best thing possible to help me prepare for...

lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
Dual Surgeries - DS and Tubal Ligation - Trying to kill two birds with one stone. My DS surgeon and GYN will be consulting with each other to have my Gyn do a tubal ligation since Im already going to be under the knife. ...

lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
Home Recovery...bed or chair? - As I start to plan for my recovery ( approx mid-Aug op date) Im wondering what is going to be most comfortable for me at home. My bed sits pretty high off the floor, getting out...

lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years, 4 months ago
What's a couch potato to do??? - One of my biggest concerns about post-op is...."What am I going to do with myself?" My routine for the last 15 yrs has been, get home at 6:30, sit down at the couch with an unhe...

lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years, 4 months ago
Nature Made vitamins - Im still in the pre-op stage, so Im not in the know about the vitamin regimen yet......but Rite Aid drugstores have the Nature Made vitamins on BOGO this week. Does anyone use t...

lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years, 5 months ago
So explain this bariatric hospital bed to me - I was in the hospital a few days last week, everything is ok, but at least I now know my heart and arteries are in great shape. But while I was there, I was in the most uncomfor...

lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years, 5 months ago
possible DVT or nerve problem? - my left thigh alternates between feeling very warm to feeling very cold? Possible DVT or even some type of nerve compression because I sit so many hours because of my job? I am...

lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years, 6 months ago
So what exactly DOES happen if you vomit post-op? - My biggest fear....vomiting post-op and completely destroying the freshly stitched gut. Anyone experience this immediately following surgery? How soon are/far out after the surg...

lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years, 6 months ago
what was Day 1 like? - I know they want you up walking and sipping.....but do they allow you to get any kind of rest for more than an hour at a time?

lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years, 6 months ago
Did anyone have their surgery thru Duke Metabolic/ - Was there a "program" fee?

lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years, 6 months ago
Did your surgery help your overactive bladder? - If there is one thing I hope comes out of this, is the need to no longer have to wear Poise pads 24/7  and carry extra clothes everywhere I go :(

lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years, 6 months ago
Any other Prebie's obessessed with their surgery? - Mine is still several months out, but researching the surgery, the actual surgery itself and its subsequent lifestyle consume my every waking moment....anyone else experiencing thi...

lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years, 6 months ago
my pre-approval 6 mth weight loss might disqualify - 3 weeks ago, my BMI was 50.8, which put me just above the threshold for qualifying for DS thru my insurance company. When I spoke with the insurance contact at Duke Metabolic C...

lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years, 7 months ago
What are your monthly vitamin cost? - along with cost....also, what is your primary source for purchasing?

lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years, 7 months ago
Why did you choose the RNY? - Doing lots of research.....Im leaning toward the DS, but not 100% commited yet. Share your exprerience with why you felt RNY was best for you....thanks!

lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years, 7 months ago
$5,000 later ......I AM committed to this :) - I officially made my "open enrollment" insurance changes at Duke today. My premium is going up just under $1,000 per year and I had to set aside the $4,000 co-pay into a Health ...

lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years, 7 months ago
My love affair with my CPAP - Never thought I'd see the day , but I LOVE my CPAP machine Never would have said that 2 mths ago during my sleep study...they almost sent me home at 3:00 in the morning because ...

lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years, 7 months ago
Once cankles, always cankles? - What has been your experience with your ankle size after your WL......smaller ,  a little better, still an issue?

lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years, 7 months ago
that morning poop/air travel - Im reading that its pretty common that DS'ers have their bowel movements in the mornings. I do quite a bit of business travel/flying during mornings hours. Is there anything ...

lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years, 7 months ago
Is there a Durham support group? - Or is the Raleigh one where most everyone meets?

lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years, 7 months ago
Any DS'ers who wish they had gotten the RNY - As I research the 2 surgeries, I see quite a few RNY's who wish they had gone for the DS.....but I havent seen any DS patients who wish they had gone with the RNY. Anyone fall i...

lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years, 7 months ago
Realistic expectations about a post WL body - Its very early in my WL process. I still have to complete my 6 mths of supervised WL before my insurance will approve. During this time of physical prep, Im also prepping myself me...

lamp35 posted a discussion topic 12 years, 7 months ago
Need honest opinions on Duke Bariatric Center - I am in the very early stages of starting the WLS process. My insurance will only cover the procedure if it is done at Duke. I have heard both positve and negative about the Duke W...
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Oct 27, 2011
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