Ok lets start at the beginning.......

Dec 13, 2016

I started my journey back in August 2015 when I weighed 306lbs and due to my insurance I needed to show 6 months worth of doctors visits showing consecutive weightloss, go to a nutritionist, attend support groups, have a sleep study done, and see a psychiatrist.  So ater that was all done I was scheduled for surgery on May 31st 2016 and I was so nervous and scared I didn't know why. I have had multiple surgeries in the past, gallbladder removal, cysts removed from ovaries, appendix removed stuff like that so it's not like I haven't been through this before.  So my surgery is at 8am, my Mom and I get there @ 6 and everything goes smoothly.   Dr Rutkoski says surgery will take 2 1/2 - 3hrs...... they wheel me into the OR and put the mask on me and I'm out..... next thing I know I am waking up looking at a clock that says 9:30am and I'm like ok maybe I'm still just out of it.  The Dr comes over and tells me he's sorry but he wasn't able to perform the surgery because he found cysts on my ovaries and a tumor on my uterus.  I lost it and broke down...... so we leave and go to my gyn who sends me for testing and I end up having to have a hysterectomy (I just turned 40 in November) in June so I am out of work for 7 weeks for that.  I go back to Dr. Rutkoski and he explains that I can still have surgery, so fast forward to November 22nd (I weighed 248 the morning of surgery) and I am back at the hospital at 6am to have surgery at 8am. I joke and tell the Dr that if something happens this time and he can't perform the surgery to just give me lypo or something which is when he tells me that there is a chance that I may have too much scar tissue from the hysterectomy and he may have to change my surgery from the bypass to a sleeve.  At this point I'm like fine whatever even though I was freaking about that since I only knew what I would be going through with the bypass and I had no clue if the diet timelines would change for the sleeve...... but this time I wasn't worried, nervous or anything so I think last time part of me knew something was going to happen. So the surgery goes smoothly this time (THANK GOD!) the surgery was on a Tuesday and I was discharged on Thursday (Thanksgiving) I had gotten sick in the hospital a couple of times but nothing major.  The first week wasn't too bad but by the middle of the 2nd I was over the liquid diet like I was ready to hurt someone!!! lol I just wanted mashed potatoes and was looking forward to the pureed stage of the diet which started for me last Wednesday 12/7 and I am already over the potatoes! lol and my soft food stage doesn't start until the 20th...... I've been very nauseous lately which isn't helping but I think that is because I am not getting all of my protein in. I was doing well in the beginning and drinking my isopure to get my protein in plus having protein shakes but now they all make me nauseous.  I tried an Atkins shake today (15g of protein)  and I drank almost all of it (over 6 hrs) but now i'm nauseous again..... I just hope it's not going to keep being like this..... January 3rd I can go back to "normal" food and I'm scared sh**less that I am going to eat crap food :( I just need to keep my head up and stay focused. I have family trip planned at the end of February to the Dominican and my goal is to be under 200lbs..... wish me luck!


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Feb 03, 2016
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