Vitamins and Minerals I take

I use Intramax for my Multi-vitamin, it's liquid and tastes great.  This stuff is wonderful.  If I'm going to invest in my life I'm going to take a good quality supplement.  After all, I'm not always eating the best still, or so my NUT tells me.    You can see it here on Drucker Labs site.  I also buy this at my local health food store.  I know this stuff isn't coming out of China!
here is a place to purchase it

I also take Biotin for my skin, hair and nails as an extra B supplement.  I use NOW Biotin purchased at my local health food store. This is what it looks like.  It's in a very small, easily swallowed capsule.  I started taking biotin 6 months before I had my lap band surgery and I know it's helped.

I use Stevia.  I can not use the artificial sweetners because they make me nauscious and give me headaches.  I use NOW Stevia.  Here is their story on their stevia

and here is the stevia I use

I use GNC Papaya Enzyme's for when I have a stuck episode.  I have found them to be the easiest to use.  They dissolve easier which is what you want.
here is what I buy to keep in my purse

and this as a refill

CLEAR LIQUID PROTEIN: (pre packaged)
Sometimes when I am needing protein I will grab a bottle of this liquid protein.  It also classifies as a clear liquid, with 40 grams of Protein.
I buy it at our local GNC, usually they have some bottles on clearance for around $2.00 each.

there's many different flavors, I've drank it at room temp and ice cold.  It's not bad tasting at all.

I use Nectar Sweets Protein by Syntex, Choc. Truffle.  It doesn't have that powdery taste, chalky after taste or the coating of the tongue.  It's really pretty good.  Here is where you can buy it or you can do a search for it on google.

Nutrition Information Serving Size:  1 scoop Servings Per Container 36   Calories  100 Total Fat  0 g Total Carbohydrates  9 g Sugar 0 g Protein 23 g   Chocoate Truffle Ingredients: Whey protein isolate, dutch processed cocoa powder, natural and artifical flavors, soy lecithin, salt, acesulfame-K, sucralose.   (This is the one with the sugar "sucralose")

I also have started using Nectar Naturals, which have no sugar or sugar substitutes (anything ending with "ose" is a sugar derivative).  My body doesn't like sugar and can't process it well so I try to stay away from sugars of any form unless it's a natural sugar.  I found that Nectar has a few protein products which don't contain sugars or synthetic sugars.

I have found the orange and the fruit punch really good, not chalky and easily to make into my protein drink in the mornings by just using a shaker and adding what I need to it.

Other Ingredients: Whey protein isolate*, citric acid, natural flavors, stevia leaf extract, soy lecithin, Lo Han fruit extract, gardenia flower extract. (Items in bold are what they use to sweaten it)   No Sugars!!!.. Yeah!

I also take this daily with my protein because I don't feel I get enough greens and fruit.  It's a powder, mixes easily and tastes great by itself.  I've had a lot more energy since taking this.   After you open the can you need to keep it in the fridge to keep it fresh.

I went thru that same thing and from time to time I still do.  I went and got some B12 and added that to my diet.  B12 comes in shots, in a powder you mix with water, a pill, and liquid form you place under your tongue (for major absorbsion).

I took it everyday for a week, now I take it when I feel overly tired.  If I'm tired from working hard or not getting enough sleep that's different.  I was just plain worn out and this helped a lot.

I went to a health food store and purchased
Now Liquid  B12


This stuff is great, when my tummy gets upset or feels a bit irritated I get about 2 ounces and sip on it.  I never have heartburn and my tummy aches are few and far between..  I used this when I was healing after surgery too.  Keep it in the fridge and it's very soothing to sip on at night or on a hot day and it's good for you!


I take ENP Vegetable Glucosamine (1500 mg), Plus MSM (1500 mg), for my arthritis inflamation.  It's liquid, it's made from vegetable's so if you are allergic to shellfish you can take it.  It doesn't taste bad, I doubled the dosage for 3 weeks for it to kick in, now I take 1 ounce twice a day (morning and evening).  I feel much better.  You can purchase it from your local health food store or online here




Topic: Lap-Band Advice from Seminar with Allergan Rep Last night - Per Kerniec (

How to eat with the band and things I learned last night, some of which I knew, some which I needed clarification on:

1. Only solid food will satisfy you for 4-5 hours (exception being a.m. particularly for women - see later)

2. Hormonal fluctuations are not the cause of the band getting tighter or looser, it is actually related to the FLUID retention during illness, TOM, allergies, etc......your stomach tissue also retains fluid and swells your stoma.  This explains the "Why am I suddenly tight out of nowhere" syndrome.

3. The pouch above your Lap-Band only holds 1/4 cup of food when you have good/reasonable restriction.  This is why surgeons say 1/2 cup of food.  When you "can" eat 1-1.5 cups of food, that's because by eating more you are pushing the food through the stoma and into the big tummy.  If you were to eat more slowly and allow the 20 minutes for the signal to reach your brain that you are full, you will eat less.  This is how the band works, and every day I see people not putting it to good use!  Sometimes those "people" are ME! 

4. PROTEIN FIRST!!!! - See #3 for WHY.  Solid protein except at morning meals where many of us cannot tolerate it.

5. Women are more prone to swelling which is why it is so common to see on the boards "I can't eat a thing in the morning"  This does not mean your band is too tight, as long as you are able to eat solids at lunchtime, this is within the range of NORMAL particularly for women.  They have studied and gathered data and women have this issue far more often than men - and who, I ask, posts on the OH Boards.......that's why we see this so much.  It's OK to drink your protein in the morning.

6. Exercise is SO important.  And, MUSCLE BUILDING is very important, this will allow your body to burn calories up, so do PUSHUPS, resistance training, running, walking, even cardio builds some muscle but it's important to do other training too.  This does not mean everyone has to start lifting weights, it's about building the BIG muscles in your legs, back, buttocks, chest.

7. TRACK your food.  If you start to not lose or gain, how will you know what you have done wrong? is now integrated with fitday, so you can manage your whole profile there, I am going to give it a spin, I have already tried livestrong and sparkpeople and I love livestrong's food database, but it doesn't work right at work!

Ok I may edit and add later if I remember anything important I was AMAZING to meet with and talk to a rep and make connection with him, it is my personal ambition to get into bariatrics and I would love to work for Allergan!!! 

Edited to add:

8. You can stretch your pouch so don't abuse it, stop at your soft stop and if you PB don't go back later and eat, let that baby rest, even if you are hungry!  Drink, rest.

This was good info.. thanks Kerniec!

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