One year out!

Jul 28, 2010

My one year surgiversary was July 16th but I didn't see Dr. Pomp until today so wanted to wait on my one year update. 

The Good:

My labs are incredible.  Seriously.  I feel like such a rockstar about this I can't even tell you.  My iron and D are better than pre-op.  My calcium is great.  My zinc, Vit. A, Albumin, Ferritin, b12, Cholesterol, glucose, magnesium are all stable or heading exactly the direction you want them to.  My three month labs had a few issues.  My sixth month labs had a few one year is picture perfect.

I'm so happy I could spit.  I feel like all the research and all the hard work and all the asking about K1 and K2 and every other little thing in the world has paid off.  Thanks Michelle and all for the incredible information. 

My visit with Dr. Pomp was amazing.  He brought in another doctor learning about lap surgery and explained my 'story' to him:  my starting BMI, why he gave me a little longer common channel (125cm) for my BMI, why that has worked so well for me.....and then he explained to the doctor that when he walks in the room of a bariatric patient he looks first at the eyes, then the hair and then the skin.  He said these are the indications to him of good health.  He said I passed with flying colors and my labs just reiterated that. 

I initially really worried over the 125CC and in the end decided to trust his judgment and he was right.  I feel like he and I together talked through so much and really came to the right choices for me.  I think that's great for any surgeon to realize the subtleties of tailoring this surgery to a particular person's needs.   

The not as great as good but not horrible:

My thyroid has been bordering on needing treatment for a while now but I was not having any symptoms so my PCP and I decided not to treat it.  In the past two months I've been more tired than usual.  I thought maybe my protein would show up low or my iron or my D but thyroid is now showing that my pituitary is working overtime to make up for my slow thyroid.  So, it's time to medicate. 

That's fine, I'm glad we're catching it early-ish.

Dr. Pomp said that once I treat the thyroid I'll probably take off more weight.  I said 'oh, 20lbs and I'll be perfect'.  His reply (and one more reason why I love that man)?  "You're perfect now.  20 more pounds and you'll be twenty pounds lighter".

I still struggle to get in enough water on some days (just can't seem to make it a habit) and I would like to be exercising more.  Meaning, I need to get off my ass and make that happen.  I'm doing Wii Fit but it's not enough for me and my ultimate goals.

In general I am very happy and content.  I eat normally: protein, fat, complex carbs mostly with occasional simple carbs.  I am close to goal.  About 17lbs to normal BMI - 2lbs to my original goal of 100lbs lost.  And even the desire to lose 17lbs feels like such a normal person goal that even the desire feels like a gift.  I am very happy with my weight where I am even though I am not 'skinny' and am still an 'overweight' BMI. 

I'm doing two shows at a festival in August, I just did my first audiobook, I'm working on some other potentially exciting business opportunities and I'm living my life. 

Yesterday, I wore a dress that made me feel sexy.  I strutted.

I also was hugged by an old friend that I always thought of as tall and lanky and 'smaller' than me.  He enveloped me and I felt small.  It was such a great feeling.  He's a friend I adore and the love and vulnerability of that moment was really fantastic.  He just kept saying "I feel like I'm being introduced to a new you". all it's ups and downs and love and anger and intense therapy sessions and uncovering layers of who I am as I uncover layers of what I look fantastic at one year post-op.


About Me
Kew Gardens, NY
Surgery Date
Jul 12, 2002
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