Full Tilt Boogie .

My "weighty" story begins with me being a skinny kid. After graduating from high school I went on the pill to help with my very bad periods, not for birth controll, I was not sexually active at the time. The dr thought the pill would help, it didn't. I began gaining weight for the first time in my life, nothing much, but the beggining of what would become a lifelong battle between my body and food. I got my weight under controll through dancing as my college major, and dieting.
After graduating from college, I had the first of my three beautiful children. That was it, I gained and never acheived a healthy weight again. Up, up, and away! My weight was one of the reasons my first marraige broke up. I can see that I am an emotional eater, I flatout love food, I have a family history of obesity, and my hormones. You do the math. Heredity and choice. There you have it, now I am taking the next step to regain my body. My kids have never seen me at a healthy weight. I want to be here for them and my future grandchildren. I am on my way to a new and better me. Please click on this site to see and hear I Hope You Dance, I choreographed a dance to this song for my angel Cara. I will get it up on my site as soon as I figure out how to do it. Don't worry,  I'll do it.

About Me
none of your bee's wax, CA
Surgery Date
Jul 15, 2007
Member Since

Friends 37

Latest Blog 28
almost at 1 year post op
100lbs gone-normal bp w/o meds-full time cna job!
I am a CNA
' thank God for my wls
like a kid
full tilt boogie is signing in
and away we go...!
Post op tales
Pre op/Op/Post op/Plumbing anyone?
