There was never a time when I wasn't told I was fat, which I find rather funny.  I'm looking at the pictures of me as a child, and as a pre-teen and as a teen - and I may be a little curvy, but I don't see the monster that my father continually saw.  I was often called "Grumpy" because I honestly didn't know how to deal with the pain and frustration and inability to communicate properly with mortals - and I acted out, and I threw things, and I was generally not very fun to be around.

Then about 7 years ago, I changed my viewpoint on life.  I actually did lose about 60 pounds by going to the gym every day, and taking care of myself and only myself - and I found myself becoming exactly the person I wanted to be.  To hell with everybody else!

Which, of course, led to my first boyfriend -my first engagement - my first heartbreak - my return to bad eating patterns and a dedication to taking care of somebody's else's needs rather than my own, and of course - a LOSS of 100 pounds.  Well, okay - I lost 190 pounds of worthless boyfriend and gained 90 pounds of fat for the trouble, so I'm not sure that goes in the "success" category.

Now, I'm happily married to a wonderful, supportive man.  I'm healthy - I'm happy (people find it funny that I still continually wear 'Grumpy' attire - THERE'S A CHANGE!) - I'm a DOTING aunt of two of the most beautiful girls on the planet.  And I'm ready to begin a lifelong committment to taking care of my own needs first.  It was a little frightening to see how easy it was to immerse myself into taking care of my husband - and how quickly weight started to pile on.  You can call my surgery smart, you can call it selfish - you can call it anything you want.  I don't really care - because this is all about me and what I think and what I want!  :)

That's how it should be.  

About Me
Charlotte, NC
Surgery Date
Jul 24, 2007
Member Since

Friends 23

Latest Blog 94
Happy Surgiversary To Me
Holy Moly - is that a SEVEN I see?
The Bowel Obstruction
Life - the October Project
