Surgery Date: April 12th,,,

Mar 23, 2007

Been a few months since I have posted.  I was feeling somewhat discouraged because it seemed that the tests were taking so long to complete.  But now that they are done and I finally have my surgery date I am looking so forward to getting onto the Loser's Bench.  The 12th of April is also my Son's 21st. Birthday, so it will be a special day for the rest of time.  He is worried about me but knows that I must do this is order to become healthy once again and be able to enjoy life as it is meant to be enjoyed.  Not just existing but actually enjoying the days.  Much has happened in the last several months, not the least of which was the passing of my beloved Mom on January 31st after being diagnosed with colorectal cancer which had spread to her liver and lungs.  I miss her terribly.  She had been a large woman her entire adult life and I honestly believe that affected her health to the degree that she had cancer and diabetes and many health problems the last ten years of her life.  I am my Mother waiting to happen, so the decision to move forward with WLS was an easy one for me to make.  I refuse to allow my obesity to rule my life any longer and thus am taking proactive action to prevent this from happening any longer.  I will write about my pre-op testing and surgery when it happens.

All Ready to Roll!

Dec 23, 2006

Dec. 23 th.

Well, I have completed all my pretests for Dr. Poplawski in Michigan.  Now it is just a matter of waiting for the call giving me my surgery date.  I had a Stress Test, Pulmonary Function Test, Chest X-Ray, and a lot of bloodwork.  The results were not bad considering I have been a Smoker for many years, although I quit a little over a month ago in preparation for my surgery.  I am so looking forward to having my surgery in the New Year and being able to start living my Life again!  I do so little now, as even simple tasks leave me short of breathe and gasping.  My family has been lukewarm about my surgery except for one sister that has been very supportive from the start.  I am so thankful to have her.  Christmas Eve is tomorrow and my Son and I will be spending the night at my oldest sisters' place.  My Son is almost 21 and on his own.  It will be nice to spend time with my Sis and her two daughters and my Son.  On Christmas Day we are all going to meet up at Moms' place to exchange gifts and visit.  I have not really been in the Holiday spirit at all this year, as a matter of fact I do not have any decorations up and gift wrapping was a chore.  I will be so very grateful when I have more energy and stamina.  I do thank the Good Lord for all that has happened recently and look forward eagerly to the New Year.

About Me
Pembroke, ON
Surgery Date
Nov 04, 2006
Member Since

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Latest Blog 2
Surgery Date: April 12th,,,
All Ready to Roll!
