I got the call for surgery April 10/15

Apr 12, 2015

I almost couldn't speak when the lady called from moncton hospital booking.  She gave me a surgery date a May 26th and preop test date of may 5th.  I can't believe I am finally almost there. I have some great friends with great advice and I am going to give this 100%!  Woohoo


SO close I can feel it lol

Jan 17, 2015

Two of my friends from my all day session have let me know they have both received surgery dates in February!  Ohh Lord it must be close!!!!

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Signed the papers!

Sep 19, 2014

Today I went and saw Monique first.  She weighed me and signed a few consent forms and went over my vitals and current meds.  I was pleasantly surprised to find out I was down to 316.  Then I went to see Dr. B.  He went over all my papers and test results back from my biopsy from my scope.  I have a significant reflux so he advised he is doing an RNY instead of the VSG.  We talked about possible complications and that I will be n the hospital an extra day because of the surgery type.  He also explained that I would have to take vitamins for the rest of my life because with the rny there is a malabsorption issue. Regardless I signed off.  Next is the wait for the call to surgery!


I received the call to go sign my papers!

Sep 10, 2014

Wow!  I received the call from Dr. B's office Monday to come and sign the papers Friday the 20th!  OMG I am do close and just beyond myself excited!!!!!!!!!! 



Aug 26, 2014

I called Josette today to check and see where I am at on the list.  She said it appears I am next and should get a call soon to go over and sign my papers.  Yahoooo!  Can't wait.  She also said it is another 2-6 month wait after that for surgery but I don't care just as long as it is moving along. So excited to get this over!

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July 22/14

Jul 24, 2014

Met the Psychologist and all went well.  She advised if I needed her I could call and discussed a healthy eating plan until I get called to sign my papers.  I then went down and got weighed with Monique.  She is so sweet.  I was up 2 pounds so I have to get moving more and eating better.  Monique advised they keep weighing up to the surgery and signing in case clients misuse the opportunity and gain 30 or 40 pounds while waiting.  She explained that clients that did that were not looking at the surgery in a healthy perspective if they think they can just eat and not make changes. I understood and am going to make more of a committment to changing some behaviors and getting more walking and swimming in.  All is good so far just waiting now for the call to sign papers!


Got a call from the clinic and the psychologist

Jul 05, 2014

I got a call last week advising my psych eval was OK'd and a note on it advising to advance to the "surgery Paper signing" stage regardless.  No set date as of yet.  I was also informed as of April/14 that it is now mandatory for all client to see the psychologist prior to surgery at least 1 time but they advised that wouldn't stop the process with the paperwork.  I said sure no problem.  Friday I received a call from the psychologist to meet on July 22/14.  To say I am excited is an overstatement. she advised everything looks in order and the psych eval was fine.  She just wanted to go over healthy eating habits prior to surgery.  I am 100% great with that..   so the next step is the psych meeting and hopefully sign the papers really soon!   SO excited....can't wait to get on with my life!!!

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Waiting and Waiting

May 08, 2014

So I called Josette Dr. B's new receptionist and asked where I was on the list and what to expect next.  She estimated another 4-8 weeks and I would be called to come and sign the papers.  Then it would be in the hands of the OR booking department.  I wish this was over already!

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Called Dr B.'s Office

Apr 15, 2014

I forgot to list details about my prescriptions on my psych evaluation so I called the office to update them.  Monique said that it was not a problem as the psych only wants to get a current health point of view.  She also told me if the psych doesn't need to talk to me I should receive a call to go and do an appt with her in a few months.  Surgery (keep in mind it is all ball park) should take 6-8 months from the info session.  She also said he has booked off 1.5 months of vacation time too.  That being said anybody's guess will do right now.  But it is all good, it is still going to happen!


April 4, 2014

Apr 03, 2014

I have decided to journal this process because I know from reading some of the others I have had the privilage to know, the information was of great value to me. So here goes.


After receiving approval I received a call from Dr. B's office advising I had an initial consult scheduled for Nov. 06/13.  I went with my sister and found the whole consult last less than a half hour with monique and a half hour with Dr.B.  I was asked my medical history and why I wanted the surgery. Did I have any idea what type of surgery I wanted? I was weighed and weighed 336 pounds.  Both were very very nice.  Dr. B told me that he would accept me as a client and said he would be ordering a scope done.  As I had arthritis and was on stomach meds and celebrex, I had a lot of problems with my stomach over the years with ulcers and heartburn.  I have a thyroid desease, asthma and was recently informed I was pre-diabetic.  I had also have had several injuries over the past 10 years, falls, broken leg, ankle and wrists. My doctor also suspected sleep apnea as I would stop breathing and gasp a lot in my sleep.  Over the past 2 years I began having a lot of incontinence problems, joint, feet, back but most of all my feet killed me all the time. I was given a psychiatric evaluation to take home and fill out.  Monique told me to bring it back when I attended my all day information session.  I asked at that time how long that would be and they had no time frame, advising it could be a while...up to 2 years.

I called the office and asked when the scope would be March 4/14 and was told they had not received the referral from Dr. B to book it and would call me back.  They called back March 10/14 to book the scope for March 16/14 at 2 pm.  I asked if it was possible to do it in Charlottetown and was advised that the doctor wants to do it himself as he does the surgery.  I have never had anything done and haven't even stayed in a hospital except to have babies and the thoughts of something put down my throat and into my stomach terrified me to say the least especially when they said I would be awake for it.

I went on the 16th and you could not have asked for better treatment.  The whole staff was so great and I can honestly say from the IV to the scope, there was no pain or discomfort.  Dr. B said I had a reflux and that he would be doing a VSG when the time came.  I was told the next call I would get would be for an all day session but that I was 20th on the list and it would be a while as they only did 6 surgeries at most per month.  That did not include months he took vacation time or the OR was booked, which could mean fewer surgeries per month.

I received the next call March 26/14 to come for the all day info session April1/14.  They advised they had called at least 20 to get 6 to come. I was lucky that they made it down to me and that I was called!  As it happened, it was storming so I called Monday morning and they advised the info session would go on anyways and if I chose not to come I would have to wait months to get another one.  I decided to travel to NB alone in the storm, brave or crazy, but it was worth it.  I enjoyed the all day session and met some lovely other ladies going through the process.  Monique explained the surgeries and the reasons for obesity, aftercare, diet and possible complications and the categories for the waiting lists...meaning the more serious the conditions, the sooner seen.  There was a dietician called Janice and then a physiotherapist called Nancy there that did presentations as well.  There was also a speaker a lovely woman who told us about her experience with the same surgery, recovery and maintenance.  It was so helpful to hear that and put a lot in perspective. There were lots of handouts and a test at the end.  I gave them the psych evaluation I completed and I was informed my next call could be from the psychologist or to see Monique.   So now the waiting game begins again. 


So far so good and the obsessive craziness of not knowing any time frames and when my turn would happen and what would happen is not driving my mind loopy anymore.  I have heard from others I would stop obsessing over it as the process moves forward.  I have come to a comfortable waiting position now.  So all is good!


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