My Surgery

May 23, 2014

well I decided to do a step by step of what I remember about my surgery before I forget some of it. I had my sleeve in Puerto Vallarta, MX with Dr. Lopez and his brilliant team. I was originally suppose to have surgery on May 16th, but due to a passport mishap I missed my Wednesday flight and the next one for my airline didn't go to MX til Saturday, so that meant no surgery for me. Dr. Lopez told his assistant to let me know he would do it on Saturday when my plane arrived and not to worry!! Wow what a wonderful surgeon. He stayed an extra day in Puerto Vallarta just to do my surgery because no one else was having surgery that day. So I hopped on a plane and here's my tale: and its a long one!!!


I arrived in Puerto Vallarta around 330pm and was met outside the airport by Dr. Leo, ( one of the attending physicians), he picked me and my kids up and took us to the hospital where we were checked in and taken to my room. I was told to change into my gown. I immediate took a quick shower and dressed in my gown and did a short intake paper. Then the nurse who was very nice tried to get my IV in, but I have very deep veins, so this was a challenge. With two of them there they managed to get in an iv and take some blood samples, but it was not positioned to administer fluids effectively, so they anesthesiologist and operating room nurse came by the room looked at my arm and said we will put it in when we put you to sleep, so its not uncomfortable for you. I prayed with my kids and grand mom over the phone and it was time to about 6pm. I was taken down stairs to surgery area and amazingly I was not nervous at all. I remember moving onto a cool table and having my arms placed on both sides in some kind of cradles and talking to the anesthesiologist. After that I woke up a little confused...well a lot confused, but unable to say much..I think I was afraid and the nurse as well as the doctor spoke calmly to me saying it was okay. I was in recovery and I drifted off about two more times before I was taken up to my room. I don't remember what time that was. As far as pain I was very uncomfortable the first night. I had some pain, not unbearable. My chest and shoulders hurt badly but it was definitely the gas! I remembered that I was suppose to walk, so I asked if I could get up and I was told no, I had to stay in bed over night and could walk the next day. The rest went by in a blur that night other than me asking them to set up my cpap machine.

day 2:

The next day was a lot better, I was uncomfortable, but not in as much pain. I got up to walk in the afternoon. my kids went to the plaza down the street, for McDonald's and subway later. We had a few issues with the ATM not accepting my debit card, but we figure out what it was. the ATM ask about a chip reader, but if you do not have one the automatically will go to the magnetic strip if you say yes, of course every time it said card not recognized my daughter would hit cancel without waiting and it was so frustrating for me not knowing what was going on of if my kids would get to eat! Fast forward to the evening, I was visited my Dr. Lopez and his team and they toke me to do the leak test, which consist of a very disgusting cup of liquid that you have to swallow. They tried to tell me it taste like tequila and I very kindly told them they had been drinking bad tequila, which made everyone laugh!!! I watched my leak test and everything was good no leaks. Went back to my room took a brief nap and got up to walk. I wasn't tired after my walk each time going a little further( more laps around the small unit floor) but for some reason every time I came back and got back in the bed I was fast asleep, at least until the nurse would come in and wake me for meds or vitals. By late this evening Dr. Lopez nutritionist/ patient coordinator, Anakaren, came by with a gift bag that consisted of all my labs, leak test cd, antibiotics, pain meds, gauze, tape, and heartburn meds, a

gatorade and two bottles of water. She explained that a had a very small hernia that was repaired and that was what the heartburn meds were for. I had already heard about the bag so I had begun to save the bottles of water brought in by the nurses, so I would have enough when discharged. I had about 4 of them by the time I left. She also gave me a paper that explained when and how to take my meds. Dr. Leo cam next and explained my surgery and my meds as well as how I should eat. The he looked at my drain and said he would take me to the hotel tonight and take my drain out the next day if it looked good. I took another shower and he came back and changed my bandages before taking us to the hotel. I was taken to Casa Magna Marriott Resort and Spa and man was it gorgeous. My room was lovely and the bed was super comfortable. I got in bed and I don't remember anything til the next day.

day 3

This was the first day I felt some energy. I was awaken at 8am by Dr. Leo calling saying he was on the way. I got up took a shower and he had me to lay with my head at the foot of the bed. He removed my drain which I didn't even feel and I was ready to hit the pool...chairs that kids threw one their bathing gear we ate breakfast at one of the restaurants on site ( well they ate) I drank water and chopped up my antibiotics and dissolved it in a swallow of water, due to the fact that I could not swallow even a small piece. It was horrible, but I managed and then I drank a little apple juice to kill the taste. I sat out under an umbrella at the pool while the kids had fun in the pool. After a coupe hours it was lunch time and they had pizzas from a little deli also on site. Afterwards I went back to the room to nap, then I went to Walmart to stock up on Gatorade and water and some bouillon cubes for my different broths I brought with me.  The first sip of water felt so foreign to me. It also hurts a little when it gets to my stomach due to the gas. Note to anyone having surgery here...they do not carry a lot of broth of soups that are not cream, so bring your own!  The rest of the day was relaxing in the room..oh and a spa pedicure ( lovely)

day 4

today was even better, we went downtown by taxi and did a little shopping at some of the stores. We also went to the beach and then back to the hotel. I booked a tour called rhythm of the nights for Wednesday evening since it was our last night and the rest of the day went by pretty quick. Dr. Leo came by the hotel to check on me this evening because I wasn't feeling well. I was a little dehydrated and I had the chills and a fever. he took my temp and it was 38.5 C, so I was instructed to take a shower to bring my temp down, to take my pain med because it had a fever reducer in it and to drink two parts Gatorade and one part water and transition between a little ice chips. in a cuple hours I was feeling better, but turned in early.

day 5

Our last day I felt a lot better. Dr, Leo called early to see what my temp was and how I felt (he had left me a thermometer that night). I told him I was okay, he instructed me to keep sipping. After taking pictures ( a photo shoot) with the kids on the beach, we got a taxi to the zoo, which is a lot of fun. You can feed certain animals and also hold certain animals for a fee. After the zoo we went back to the hotel took showers rested for a minute then got ready to head to the marina port for our cruise over to the rhythm of the nights . This was the best part of the trip!!! It starts with a cruise to the remote island that has a restaurant and a outdoor theatre. You eat this delicious buffet meal( at least it looked delicious..I couldn't eat it) after eating and walking around and taking pictures of all the characters dress up in different ceremonial wardrobe, you are called to the theatre wear you take pictures and then walk in and have a seat. The show starts about 10pm and it consist of ceremonial dance and song and different acts like flips and flame throwing routines. I mean this show was intense and kept you so engaged, it also had a salsa scene that got plenty of newly weds pregnant!! ( just a joke, but it was a little steamy) anyway the cruise back was also fun. The crew danced and it was a mini party. For those that could drink there was plenty of alcohol!! For me water and pineapple juice was it. I did also try fresh cactus was very good and tangy!! Of course it was 1230am when we got back and I was officially pooped.

day 6

Departure day: Leisure day til check out...I also made sure I had a wheel chair at the airport through the airline. This made a huge difference going through all the security checks, immigration, and line wait at all.


Day 7

Today was great! No pain, drain incision closing up nicely as well as other site where stitches have pretty much healed. Im having a hard time with enough water because I get to doing something and forget to sip, so my kids have been reminding me all day to sip my water. The water still hurts a little at times when I have to burp, but my stomach is getting use to it. I had a sugar free pudding today and it felt a little odd. I have not had any hunger pains or felt hungry since my surgery. I don't crave what my kids eat, even though the food has smelled delicious around me over the past week. Im amazed at this thought and it gets me excited every time. I hope this feeling remains in place. I do have some regretful thoughts though. Like today when we bought fresh wheat smelled so good and I was a little sad I could have a nice sandwich, but I just thought of the nice size 10 dress I bought for the day I can get in it and it was all better. I have been taking picks of myself so I can see the changes, but I probably wont weigh myself for quite awhile...not really interested in the scale..just in the way I feel.

Im ecstatic at the thought of no more pills!!!!



About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 31, 2014
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