support group and protein drink!!!

Feb 18, 2010

So I did go to my 1st support group meeting, and it was VERY interesting.  It was a very small group of people, 7 total! 2 of which were the leaders/nurses from my Dr office, and 1 of them is 7 years out of RNY.  There was a lady who was 2 years out, and very interesting to speak with her, and here what she had to say!  There was another lady who had been trying to get approved for 8 months now, and a mother/daughter, who are just looking into WLS, and lil ol' me!  The newbie out of my WLS.  It was neat getting to hear everybody's different opinions and advise.  One of the leaders also brought a new protein drink, so that we could all taste it!  IT was SOOOOOO  AWESOME, and I loved it, I couldn't taste the protein at all!!!  Needless to say I ordered 2 cases.  It was almost like a vanilla frapachinno (or how ever you spell it) from star bucks!  I was in heaven!  They are made by bariatric advantage, I forget the exact name, but something Joe.  It was yummy!  I found my new breakfast!!!  :-)  I liked the Vanilla flavor the best!  Not some much coffee taste!  and at only $3.00 a piece, its a great price to me, considering all the cash I have spend on other protein that I ended up not likeing!!!  :-)

But anyways, I am going to try and continue to go every month, work promitting of course.  (I am going back to work March 1st, and I usually work 12-9pm!)  But will see if I can leave early once a month!  I felt so positive telling about my journey, and explaining everything that I have been through!!!

Well going back to see my dr monday morning for my mussle spasms that I have been having in my side and back!  So hopefully we can get that straightened out so that I CAN go back to work!  Right now I can't stil more that 10-15 minutes without bursting into pain from the spasms.  YUCK!  But hopefully we can figure something out.  I AM going stir crazy at home, and need to get back to my regular schedule, so that I can't think about food as much!!! 

Oh yeah!  My weight is looking really good!  I started this whole process at the end of November 2009, weighing 280 pounds, and 3 weeks out of surgery, I am weighing right at 230 pounds, and a size 18!!!   I haven't been this small since middle school!  I started to cry when I last got weighted!  It was a great feeling!!!

Well thats all for now!!!

