I Flopped but did not Flip

Jul 07, 2009

After my 2nd rejection to change procedures from RNY to VSG, I've been pretty discouraged.  Funny how ignorance is bliss.  Before I knew VSG even existed, I was exctied to be approved for RNY.  Now, not so much.

I bit ago, My Doc had signed a letter for me requesting my RNY be re-instated.  I sent that to OHIP the other day & this morning picked up my re-approval letter.  I feel like I've failed, yet I haven't even started.  The plus side, this approval is good for 9months.  I have no doubt so many people out in the OH world would just like to kick me now cause they'd be so happy to have my approval.  But I'm not.

I just don't have the energy to fight OHIP.  I spend 8hrs of my day at work fighting with other depts and processes, that I just don't have any fight left in me for my own personal stuff.   Why is everything so difficult?!  The thing that's pushing me towards the surgery the most is as a way out of being in this shit job that pays for my house, car, golfing and all the other fun things I like to do. 

O/T: Hummm....have the surgery, be out of this shit hole for a month...paid, loose lots of weight, feel better about, then take my vacation days & hand in my resgination...wow...I almost think that would be better than the winning the lottery!

The point is, now that I have the re-instated RNY approval, it's giving me 9 more months to figure out what I'm going to do, but now, I think I have no chance of having a VSG.

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