Just Sayin...

Feb 04, 2008

Just wanted to say that I'm wearing size 12 pants to work today. 

Yes- I typed it correctly. SIZE 12.

And I'm back in the 16-'s. Today is a good day.

Just Kidding

Jan 31, 2008

Yes. My last post about the centry club is kind of a joke. Well not really a joke- that did happen. There was that one fateful day in the beginning of Jan. that I saw the scale start with 16-. And that was the ONLY day.  Ever since then, I've been bouncing back and forth between the same three pounds. I'm trying to get back on track- less carbs, more protein and veggies. But this is hard work. Do not be fooled. This will be hard for me every day of my life. I will never be that girl who can eat whatever I want. I just need to accept that and keep fighting. I've come too far to stop now. 

On top of that- I broke up with my boyfriend last night. I'm not sure it was the right thing to do and my emotions are going crazy. And of course- all I want to do is eat. Same old me still. I'm trying to keep myself occupied instead. 

On a happy note- I spent the night at my mom's last night. She wears a size 12- I tried on her pants and they fit me! So even though I'm not dropping lbs. my body is changing. I've been pretty consistent with lifting weights lately and I think that's helped a lot. I also tried on my sister's pants which are a size 10 and although they were SUPER tight- they close and zip- and I could still breathe!!

Century Club

Jan 03, 2008


169.9 this morning on the scale. FINALLY lost 100lbs. 
HOLY CRAP. I can't believe that. I am so greatful for this surgery. It has totally changed my life. It is by far and away the greatest thing I have ever done for myself. 

19.9 lbs to go till goal...


Jan 03, 2008

Initially, your weight loss is 90% surgery and 10% you.  Over time, it'll be 90% you and 10% surgery.  The surgery will be a "tool" for continuing weight loss or maintenance.

That came from an email that went out to the people in my local support group. I have hit the 10%. I am 20lbs. from goal and I will work for every ounce of that.  

Here are some of my post op reflections...

1. If something makes you sick when you eat it, don't eat it. Don't try to eat it a few months later to see if it will work now. Your body is telling you something. Listen to it. 

2. Exercise will never be fun, but you have to do it. You have to get your significantly smaller butt off the couch and do something. Doesn't matter what- just move. Every day. 

3. You have to follow the rules. That means vitamins and protein EVERY DAY. Forever. If you don't do it- the scale will show it. I am a full on believer of this now. 

7 months out and about 100lbs. Not bad- not bad at all. But I know I can do better. I know that I can be eating better. I know I can be exercising more.


Dec 08, 2007

I've been seriously missing in action lately. Well I've been updating my ticker (3lbs left to the century club! Hope to be there by Christmas!!) I have run into some issssssues lately. Which I guess is partly why I haven't been blogging. 

So I've been in a serious rut lately. A food rut, protein rut, vitamin rut, exercise rut...all of it. It's been kind of a bad scene. I've been able to tolerate more and more carbs lately. And like a true addict, the more I eat of them, the more I want of them. Bread, and pasta...I haven't really tried rice again. That seems to make me the most ill after eating it so I'm not as tempted to eat that. I can't explain why I got off the protein. I was really doing well with it and then just stopped. I'm slowly getting back on that wagon. Same with my vitamins. Just bailed on them. So that is the next thing- just gotta pick up and start over again. 

I have been going back to the gym after a long haitus. My co-worker and I have made a deal and we've been meeting to lift weights twice a week. I've been doing cardio on my own (sometimes...) also. So I feel ok with that. 

All in all- I've just felt kinda down. My weight loss has slowed down a ton, which is fine due to all of the above. But I guess I'm just almost a little ashamed of all the nonsense I've been doing or not doing lately. Just didn't really want to blog about it or hang out on the boards lately. 

BUT- I'm out of it, I think. I've turned the corner and just let go of all that and now I'm just focusing on getting myself back together.


Nov 17, 2007

I'm just overweight! Finally!! The scale read 179 a few days ago, but I wanted to wait till I was 100% positive. 178.2 today! Now I'm on to the 160's. 

Centrury Club- Here I come!

5 Months Out

Oct 29, 2007

Today is my 5 month surgiversary! Doesn't feel like that long. I feel great. My health is better than ever, and I'm 100% happy about my decision to have RNY. The weight loss has slowed down a bit, but that's ok with me. It's still coming off and that's what is important. I'm down to 184.3 as of this morning. I'm fitting comfortably into a size 14 pants and large tops which is a HUGE change from my tight 24's the day of surgery.

I've now started my countdown to plastic surgery. I can not WAIT!!!I am starting to have problems with my skin on my lower abdomen from it hanging over. My primary care doctor gave me some cream to put on it, but I have a feeling it will just keep coming back. All the more reason to have it removed!!

Missing you...

Oct 20, 2007

I have friends in town from Florida for the weekend and we are all staying with my mom in Maryland. And I miss my scale.  I don't really think I'm obsessive about weighing myself. I just like to know what the scoop is. I like to be able to adjust if something isn't working out. And no one else's scale will do. I can only truly trust my own scale. My surgeon's crazy scale weighs 6lbs higher. 6lbs!! Crazy talk. 

Speaking of that- I got my blood drawn this weekend for my surgeon. I go for my follow up in a little less than 2 weeks. I'm anxious to find out if my levels are where they should be. I also told my primary care doc about some skin issues I've been having. My extra skin on my lower abdomen is starting to fold over and give me a bit of a rash. He gave me a prescription cream to put on it. Also a bonus that I've started documenting my skin issues this far out. Hopefully that will help with my insurance claim when I need to have Plastics!! I CAN'T WAIT for plastics. Get rid of all this extra skin! I know I"m a ways out for that, but it's something to look forward to.

Weight Chart

Oct 10, 2007

My Weight Chart:
Weight Chart

I love it that the line keeps going down!

Plateau Over!

Oct 08, 2007

I think I can officially state that my stall is over!! Woo Hoo! I spent almost 30 days at the same weight and it looks like I'm finally headed back in the right direction again. Three straight days of weighing in at under 190! That makes me feel safe about saying it's finally over! 

Back to the gym tonight. Trainer lady is going to hurt me. I just know it. It's been a week since I've lifted so I'm sure tomorrow will be a sore one.  

About Me
Reston, VA
Surgery Date
Apr 02, 2007
Member Since

Friends 76

Latest Blog 58
Just Sayin...
Just Kidding
Century Club
5 Months Out
Missing you...
Weight Chart
Plateau Over!
