I have many, many large gastric polyps and am tired of going into the hospital three times a year for EGD and removal of the largest polyps. I get sick afterwards and end up spending three days at least. I also need to loose a lot of weight (175 lbs +).

4/14/04 - I had my first WLS appointment today with Dr. Dirk Rodriguez at the Texas Bariatric Center in Dallas. The morning was spent in a seminar and I saw the doctor that afternoon. He told me that I was an ideal candidate for WLS. However, I am not a candidate for the bypass because of all the gastric polyps (he had a report from my gastro doctor). He said the bypass would make it impossible to get an EGD scope to look at and remove suspicious looking polyps and added (what I already knew) that even though they have all appeared as benign so far, they ARE precancerous and that someday one might become cancer. We must be able to scope the entire stomach. He said I could opt for the LAP band but my insurance won't pay for that. Plus, I really don't want the LAP band. I told him, "I just wish I could just have a gastrectomy and get rid of all my problems." To that, he said, "That is an option if you are interested." Am I interested? You bet. However, I told him my gastro doc was not too enthusiastic about that idea. He is going to call my gastro doctor to discuss it. Plus, he wants to bring in another senior surgeon, too. I got the impression this would be IN ADDITION TO and not REPLACING Dr. Rodriguez. I certainly hope that is the case because I am really impressed with Dr. Rodriguez. He is such a nice doctor. He said I should hear back from them within 10 days.

5/3/04 - I went for my psychological examination this morning. While I was at Dr. Rod's office, they gave me a firm surgery date for July 20, 2004. I asked them to put me on a waiting list in case there was a cancellation and they will. The problem I have is that Dr. Rod is needs a whole day set aside for my surgery (subtotal gastrectomy). He usually does two surgeries in a day, so one cancellation may not clear up a whole day.

6/23/04 - I haven't updated my profile in a while. Since my last update, I have had a pulmonary stress test (passed), echocardiogram (passed), EKG (passed), lab workup (passed), chest x-ray (passed), saw a cardiologist (OK'd for surgery), and saw a pulmonary doctor (OK'd for surgery). Now all I have to do is wait. My date got pushed back to July 28, which is very disappointing. I don't understand why, but I am gaining more weight. I am trying my best not to but I am. I had lost about 10 pounds right before I initially went to see Dr. Rod but I gained it back and about 5 more. I hope they don't change my date again.

6/30/04 - I have 28 more days to go (not counting today)until I become a loser for good. I have doing some reflecting this evening on my goals (other than the obvious of getting healthy and getting my life back) and thought I would include them on my profile.

Goal: Make my weight loss and plastic surgery goal by spring of 2006 - my 35 year academy reunion

Things I plan to do when I reach that goal:

1. Get my ears pierced (does it hurt???)

2. Wear blue jeans for the first time in my life

3. Go to Hawaii and stroll the beach in a bathing suit

4. Hold my grandbaby in my lap (instead of having her sit beside me)

5. Get a part-time job (maybe, if I decide I want to go back to work!)

6. Water ski again (I used to teach skiing at a summer camp)

7. Parachute from a plane (if George Bush, Sr. can do it, so can I)

8. Start going to church more regularly, now that I am not embarrased by my weight (I don't think God really minds!)

9. Buy shoes for style (no more flat ugly shoes because they are comfortable and will hold my weight)

10. Go back to my old job and show off the new me (eat your heart out JB)

11. Get my teeth whitened (my dentist will love me, she's been after me to whiten them for years)

12. Start wearing make-up (I'll have to learn how!)

13. Take ballroom dancing lessons (I never learned to dance)

14. Talk my husband into renewing our wedding vows on our 35th anniversary, July 18, 2006 (on that beach in Hawaii)

15. Learn to be proud of myself again and smile again

11/26/04 - I haven't updated my profile at all since my surgery because I didn't know how after all the fancy stuff was added. But, a dear friend told me how to do it so here goes. My surgery went well. My stomach was removed completely except for a very small pouch. I did have to stay in the hospital eight days because of my blood count, though. They had to give me several units of blood, which explains why I couldn't get up the energy to walk like I should have in the hospital. I didn't have pain but experienced a lot of nausea. In fact, I was nauseated for almost three months and could keep very little water, protein drink, or food down. However, that being said, I am doing really good now and gaining more strength each day. My 3-month checkup went well and Dr. Rod was pleased with my progress. I have lost 63 pounds as of this morning and I am getting into clothes that I haven't worn in years! My angel, Laura H, had given me a lot of clothes before her surgery and I am also starting to fit into some of them. I've been putting all the clothes I can no longer wear into big garbage bags and saving for the next clothes exchange. I wonder if there will be anyone out there who will want sizes 26-34? I went to Huguley Hospital's Fitness Center the other day and plan on getting a membership so that I can start water aerobics soon. Seems like a nice place and the price is reasonable. Best of all, it is close to my home.

I'll try to do more regular updates since I now know how to do them!

12/26/04 - Christmas was great. I did miss all the pigging out a little but am sure will feel better when I haven't gained any weight over the holiday. My weight loss has slowed down a bit. I am now down 70 pounds since surgery. Guess I really should say 75 pounds because I had taken some water pills and lost 5 pounds when I was weighed a couple of days before surgery.

I am feeling great and am off so many of my medicines now. I was taking three oral diabetic medications plus 50 units of insulin twice a day. Now I am down to just one diabetic pill in the evening and about 5-10 units of insulin every 36 hours or so. I am off my Lipitor, thyroid medication, and water pills.

It is wonderful feeling to be able to bend down and ties my shoes now! I am also able to do more around the house without depending on my husband so much. This surgery is wonderful.

I attend two different support groups and am really getting a lot out of them. I recommend this to everyone going through WLS. I get so much encouragement from seeing other post-ops, some of which are at goal. Someday I hope to be the one that will inspire others at these meetings. Yes, I intend to continue to go well after I have reached my goal. I feel these meetings are so important.

2/20/05 - I had my six month (really should be 6 1/2 month) checkup on the 18th. According to my wonderful surgeon, Dr. Rodriguez, I am doing great! He even said he was proud of me! I have lost 88 pounds since surgery, 93 from my highest right before surgery. Prior to surgery, I was taking Lipitor, 40mg Demedex, Synthroid, Glucophage (twice a day), Glucotrol (twice a day), Actos (twice a day), insulin (50 units twice a day), and Protonix (twice a day). I am now off ALL my medications except for one Actos at night and my vitamins. Dr. Rod said he believes I will probably be off the Actos, too, really soon.

This surgery has changed my life so much. I used to not be able to even go to the curb to get my mail without a huge effort. Now I walk fast around my whole subdivision. I not only can tie my own shoes now but can do it by just stooping down. I now dance with my granddaughter whenever the Wiggles are on TV. I run and chase after her, too. AND, I now have a lap for her to sit in. Life is good!

4/12/05 - I have lost 108 pounds and am now officially a member of the Century Club! I had been losing at a very slow rate for the past two months. However, it seems to have picked up the pace a little this past week. Guess my body was needing some time to catch up. I have gone from a size 34 to a 16-18 (I could wear smaller if I didn't have all this skin). The other day I was in Catherines looking for some clothes. The manager told me that she is going to hate losing me as a customer but that they won't be able to have my size much longer. Isn't THAT exciting!

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5/20/05 - I had my nine month followup with Dr. Rodriguez this morning. Right before I stepped on the scales, I told the young lady that I had SO wanted to be below 200 when I came in. I then stepped on the scales and it read "199"! And - that was with clothes on! My scales this morning read 202 and I had no clothes on at all. Guess my scales are slightly off.

Dr. Rodriguez told me he was proud of me, which really means a lot. I honestly feel that God led me to Dr. Rod because of the roadblocks I encountered getting appointments with other surgeons. I am so thankful for this fine doctor who has given me my life back.

6/10/05 - I hit a milestone this morning when I weighed. I have gone from "Super Morbidly Obese" to "Extremely Morbidly Obese" to "Severely Obese" and now I am just "Obese." I never thought I would be so proud of being obese in my life!

Many thanks to God and my wonderful surgeon, Dr. Dirk Rodriguez, for the gift of this tool to help me get my life back. 125 pounds gone for good!

6/24/05 - I had an appointment this afternoon with my gastroenterologist (I hadn't seen him since February of 2004). It was the first appointment of the day and the doctor was running late so I had a long wait before I could see him. While waiting, his nurse came out and said, "I didn't recognize you! WHAT HAPPENED?"!!! I stepped just inside of the office area and soon everyone was interested in my surgery, etc. I went back to the reception room and continued to wait for the doctor. They called me back to the exam room and told me that they told the doctor he was in for a surprise. They didn't say what it was, though.

The doctor came in and almost fainted! He was really taken back! I told him that I had lost 127 pounds and he was speechless. He gave me a big hug and then asked me if I would leave the name and phone number of my surgeon because he knew a couple of people he would like to refer.

I smiled all the way home!

7/3/05 - My plateau has finally broken a little. I now weight 188 pounds. I haven't weighed that since the 1970's! I have started lurking the plastic surgery board now. I know that I will have to lose more weight first. Hopefully, I can get my insurance to pay for some reconstruction as all this skin is really starting to bother me. I won't complain, though, because I am feeling so much better with all this weight gone. Thank you, Dr. Rodriguez!

7/26/05 - In another two days, it will be one year since my surgery. What a year it has been! I have gone from a high of 317 pounds to my current weight of 184. The weight loss has slowed down a lot but it is still going in the right direction. It took me years to pile the weight on so I can have the patience to wait a little while longer to get it off.

I am feeling so much better, like a totally different person. It hasn't been easy (don't let anyone tell you this is the easy way out) but I am so proud of what I have accomplished. I haven't met all of my goals that I plan to do when I lose all my weight but, of course, I haven't lost all my weight yet, either. So far, these are the goals I have met:

1. Hold my grandbaby in my lap (instead of having her sit beside me)

2. Start going to church more regularly, now that I am not embarrased by my weight (I don't think God really minds!)

3. Buy shoes for style (no more flat ugly shoes because they are comfortable and will hold my weight). I can actually wear heels now!

4. Start wearing make-up

5. Learn to be proud of myself again and smile again

Other accomplishments that were not on my goals are:

1. I can also now cross my legs without any effort!

2. I can put on my knee highs and pantyhose and not work up a sweat!

3. I can clip my toe nails and actually see what I am doing!

4. I can actually turn over in bed without getting out first.

I love to go shopping! This is bad because I will buy clothes that fit me now and only wear them a few times (if at all) before they are too big for me. I got kicked out of Catherines (figuratively speaking) the other day because they said I couldn't wear their clothes anymore. It was all in jest. I keep going back, I don't know why. Maybe it is just a comfort zone for me as I can't see myself in a regular store yet.

Thank you Dr. Rodriguez for being the great doctor and caring man that you are. I will always be in your debt.

8/19/05 - I had my one year checkup today with Dr. Rodriguez. I have now lost 140 pounds! I have been feeling really weak and tired for about the past two weeks so Dr. Rod ordered some lab tests to check my iron levels and my thyroid. I am also supposed to go in for a CT scan of my abdomen next week. I hope they find out why I have no energy and it is a quick fix. I honestly think it is my iron levels because I have had problems with that prior to surgery (and needed iron infusions). We'll see. Other than that, the visit went well and Dr. Rod is proud of my accomplishments. Of course, I couldn't have done it without him!
If anyone reading my profile is still looking for a great surgeon, please check out Dr. Dirk Rodriguez. In my book, he's the best!

12/9/05 - I saw Dr. Rod today for my routine checkup. He was very pleased with my progress to date. I am right on the line to graduate from "obese" to "overweight" (some scales I am already there).

We also discussed plastic surgery and Dr. Rod gave me some names of surgeons in the Dallas area that he would recommend I see.

If you are reading this and considering surgery, please consider Dr. Rodriguez. He's the best! Here's a link to his website:


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1/30/06 - I have now lost a total of 160 pounds and weigh less than half of what I weighed before surgery. Am no longer considered "obese", just "overweight." I can't imagine where I would be right now if I had not started this journey. I just went on a walk with my three year old granddaughter and we ran, yes RAN, for two blocks. I am going on 53 years old and can actually still run!

I am currently working on getting preapproval to start getting my plastic surgery done. My insurance says it is a covered expense since my excess skin was caused by a surgery (that they paid for). However, they do not give preapproval. I can't seem to find a plastic surgeon who is interested unless I either get preapproval or have the total cash up front. I have contacted OPM in Washington and they are going to work with the insurance company to see if we can get an exception to their "no preapproval" policy. Please think positive thoughts for me.

I have an updated picture on my profile now. It was taken on New Year's Eve by our very large (10 ft) Christmas tree.

3/10/06 - Today was my 18-month checkup with Dr. Rod (a little late). Everything went great. Every time I see him I get such an emotional lift and inspiration. He is so caring and encouraging and really seems to know what I am thinking without my even telling him. I am so glad that his policy is to be your doctor for life. He ordered some lab tests so I should know how everything turned out shortly. He is also ordering a followup CT scan on that adrenal gland - just to make sure it hasn't grown any. If it hasn't, then there is probably not anything to be concerned about on it. We (again) discussed plastic surgery. Hopefully, by the time I see him again I will have received some answers from the insurance company about that. I am so ready to get rid of this excess skin. This afternoon, I went shopping for something to wear to my 35th high school reunion coming up in a couple of weeks. My head still tells me that I weigh 317 pounds and clothes do not look good on me. When will this ever stop???? Hopefully, it will get better with time (and plastic surgery!).

5/18/06 - It has been a while since I have updated my profile. The results of the CT scan came out ok - the place on my adrenal gland has not grown so nothing to be concerned about. Dr. Rod said I should probably get it routinely checked every couple of years to make sure it doesn't get any larger. WHEW!

I really have been feeling great lately, with the exception of not getting any sleep. I have been going through a lot of stress (relating to a personal situation with my husband's health) lately that has caused me a lot of worry. Hopefully, things will work out soon. Meanwhile, I have been using the extra time to go on long, fast walks every morning. I am also looking for a job. If anyone out there knows of a place that is hiring, please let me know. This new, healthy, woman is ready to come out of retirement!

6/9/06 - I had a routine appointment with Dr. Rod this morning. I get so inspired every time I see him. It makes me feel so good to hear him say how proud he is of me and what I have accomplished. Today he told me that I was one of his successful patients. Dr. Rodriguez cares so much for his patients. I owe him so much. He said that since I am doing so well, he is "graduating" me to six-month visits. That is good news but I am certainly going to miss my quarterly pep talk.

7/28/06 - Two years ago today, I had a surgery that would change my life. Reflecting back to that day, I remember a very scared woman waiting to be wheeled into a cold operating room. I honestly didn't think I would live through the surgery but knew I had to give it a try. One of my pastors was with me (he's from Russia and his accent amused all the nurses). We put it in God's hands.

Now, two years later and 175 pounds lighter, I am a different woman. Guess you can say part of that woman two years ago did die and a new, healthier, woman was born. Reflecting back to those days before my surgery... There were so many things I couldn't do. Simple things.

I couldn't tie my shoes so had to get ugly velcro tennis shoes.

Personal hygiene was a problem (most of us can relate to that one).

I couldn't walk to the curb to get my mail (just a few feet) without running out of breath.

In order to drive, I had to put the car seat back so far (to accommodate for my size) I could barely reach the peddles.

I couldn't buy bras to fit around me and had to get extenders.

I had to buy ugly clothes out of catalogs.

I was taking three oral medications - two times a day plus 50 units of insulin two times a day - JUST FOR DIABETES! Not to mention all the other medication I had to take because of poor health; i.e., high cholesterol, water retention, etc.

I didn't sleep well because of heavy snoring. As a result, I would fall asleep during the daytime. Once while at work - extremely embarrasing!

My back hurt all the time.

I didn't want to get out of the house because of how I looked and low energy.

There are so many other things I could list but will stop at the highlights. Now, two years later, I am healthier than I have been in decades! I am off ALL medication except for vitamins. I am no longer diabetic. I powerwalk 3 - 4 miles a day. I love to get out of the house and go places - especially shopping for clothes (I threw all the catalogs away). I have gone from a size 32-34 to a 10-12 (would be smaller if it wasn't for this dang skin), shoe size from a 9 to a 7 1/2. My ring size has gone from a 10 1/2 to a 6 1/2.

I want to thank God for giving me the strength to do this and for directing me to my wonderful surgeon (Dr. Dirk Rodriguez) who has such a great gift for doing this surgery. I also want to thank all of you for friendship and support.

9/20/06 - It has been a while since I last updated. I have gone back to work as a temporary employee for American Airlines. I am told by my supervisor that I will be made permanent with either American or American Eagle within a couple of months. I hope so because I really need to job and the flight benefits are a great bonus!

On another note - I am so very sad to hear that Dr. Rodriguez is leaving the area. I know this is selfish on my part. He has been given a great career opportunity and decided to take that path. I can't really blame him because it is a decision he has to make for himself and his family. I do wish him well. Here's hoping he will be in a practice where I can use my flight benefits and still continue to see him at least once a year, wherever he is. I will always be eternally thankful for everything he has done for me. I owe him my life. I sincerely mean that. God bless you Dr. Rod! You don't know how many lives you have touched, including patients AND their families. Because of you, my precious granddaughter will have a healthy Nanna around for many more years.

11/23/06 - Thanksgiving Day.  I am so thankful for my new life.  I went to see Dr. Rodriguez a couple of weeks ago.  I was a little sad because he is moving out of this area.  However, I will be able to continue to see him if I am willing to travel for my appointments when he establishes a new practice at his new location.  He told me we could continue to email and keep in touch.  He will let me know when everthing gets settled.  As always, Dr. Rodriguez told me how proud he is of me   This means so much to me for him to say that.

I am now at goal.  However, I would like to lose an additional five or ten pounds in order to have a little "flex" room.  I will always struggle with my weight but now that I have this wonderful tool I will be able to control it better. 

I have made so many friends on my WLS journey.  I encourage everyone considering this route to make it a very high priority to join a support group.  This is where you will get the positive reinforcement that is so important.  My support group meets every other Saturday at a coffee shop.  It is not a professionally run group but just a group of us that meet and talk, laugh, cry, share stories, and form a bond with others who understand.  They also keep me in line which enables me to keep my eye on the goal.  I honestly don't know what I would do without my group.  They are my family.

6/3/07 - I can't believe how long it has been since my last update.  I just returned from Cincinnati.  Dr. Rodriguez has started his practice there and, since I am now an airline employee with flight benefits, I will continue to see him for my checkups.  OK - so I have to commute a little farther.  I feel it is worth the extra effort to continue getting the excellent care I have always been given by Dr. Rod.  The girls in his new office are wonderful, too!  I'll see everyone again in about six months.

 I have now lost a total of 192 pounds from my highest weight (179 since surgery).  Dr. Rodriguez said I am doing great!   I have been maintaining quite well.  I do "play around" with about five pounds, up and down, but that's ok.

I am often asked how I have managed to be so successful in my weight loss and maintaining so well.  The "secret" to being successful in this journey is quite simple.  I was given a tool and provided with instructions on how to use this tool.  I did my part and did everything Dr. Rodriguez told me to do.  That's it.  That's the secret.  Anytime I feel sorry for myself while others are eating cake, I take a look at my "before" pictures and I am out of my pitty party.  I reflect on my health then and now.  Afterwards, I go and reward myself by going shopping for something new to wear. 

If you are in the Cincinnati area and looking for a great surgeon, you can't go wrong with Dr. Rod.  He will help you.  I am living proof of that.

6/13/07 - I was looking back on my profile and my goals and thought it needed to be updated.  My goals for after surgery were:

Things I plan to do when I reach that goal:

1. Get my ears pierced (does it hurt???)

DONE!  I had them pierced back in October and love my earrings now!

2. Wear blue jeans for the first time in my life

Haven't done, yet.  I have tried some on but thought I might have to wait until after I have my plastic surgery.  The skin issue...

3. Go to Hawaii and stroll the beach in a bathing suit

Not yet.  Since I now work for an airline, I will take that trip in a year.  By that time, I will probably have had my plastic surgery, too.

4. Hold my grandbaby in my lap (instead of having her sit beside me)

Do all the time.  I even bought a rocker/recliner that we like to sit in together.

5. Get a part-time job (maybe, if I decide I want to go back to work!)

More than done.  I am now working full-time and absolutely love my job!

6. Water ski again (I used to teach skiing at a summer camp)

Not yet.

7. Parachute from a plane (if George Bush, Sr. can do it, so can I)

Not yet but plan to really soon.

8. Start going to church more regularly, now that I am not embarrased by my weight (I don't think God really minds!)

Not as often as I would like but my husband has been ill since December.

9. Buy shoes for style (no more flat ugly shoes because they are comfortable and will hold my weight)


10. Go back to my old job and show off the new me (eat your heart out JB)

Did about a year ago.  I really need to go back but will wait until after my plastic surgery is over.

11. Get my teeth whitened (my dentist will love me, she's been after me to whiten them for years)


12. Start wearing make-up (I'll have to learn how!)

YES!!!!  I won't go anywhere without makeup on now.

13. Take ballroom dancing lessons (I never learned to dance)

Not yet.  I don't have a partner who will go with me.

14. Talk my husband into renewing our wedding vows on our 35th anniversary, July 18, 2006 (on that beach in Hawaii)

Forget it.  Ain't going to happen.

15. Learn to be proud of myself again and smile again

Isn't this tool great!

9/20/08 -

It has been quite some time since I have been on this site.  I have received many messages asking about my life now, so I am updating my profile.  I don't attend support groups any more and do miss it.  However, for some unknown reason, a certain person (who is quite popular on the Texas board) made up a bunch of lies to make me out to be a very selfish and uncaring person.  Others believed her instead of asking me directly if they were true.  After I was shunned at the last conference I attended, I decided that I don't need that kind of emotional "support".  I don't understand but realize that is the way life is sometimes.  Some day, that "lady" (who professes to be a Christian) will find that what goes around comes around.  My prayers are with her.

My life is great!  My job is great!  I have friends outside of the Texas OH board so my life is full.  I have been able to travel so much - which is what I love to do.  I have recently been to San Juan, Tokyo, and - YES - I just returned home from that trip to the Hawaiian Islands!  I no longer post, or read, the board.  However, some of you have been really kind and sent me messages.  I do appreciate your concern and do respond.



About Me
Burleson, TX
Surgery Date
Mar 19, 2004
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Pre-op July, 2004
December 2005

Friends 16
