Learning to catch Life's Curve Balls....

Feb 27, 2009

Hello my friends. 

I know, I know... it's been way too long since I updated my site.   Life has thrown me some challenges that have kept me very busy.   In early November, I had grandchild number 5.  A little girl they named Kailey Summer.  She is beautiful, healthy and growing like a weed.  Unfortunately, in late November, my 18 month old grandson, Carson, was diagnosed with a rare form of childhood cancer.  Carson is battling neuroblastoma.  It takes effort on the part of every member of my extended family, assisted by neighbours and friends, to keep life happening normal for the other four grandchildren while Carson is being treated.  Carson requires full-time dedicated care and must be accompanied by an adult for his hospital stays.   He has completed 4 chemo sessions, so far.  It's a long road ahead before the cure will be in sight.  If you read this, please keep my little grandson, Carson, in your thoughts and prayers.

Throughout this ordeal, I've been trying to keep myself healthy.  I am working out with a trainer, a minimum of twice per week.  I'm trying to increase my endurance and my muscles, in the hopes of finally obtaining my goal weight through increased activity and an improved metabolism.  I was hoping to do more than twice per week, but life's little curve ball has limited my "me" time for now. 

Of course, if I never lost another pound, I am quite happy with the new me.  I have no complaints.   My life stressors no longer focus on my weight. 



About Me
Brampton, ON
Surgery Date
Aug 03, 2004
Member Since

Friends 24

Latest Blog 17
WOW Life Gets Busy ...
Plastic Surgery Results Update
Post-op Plastic Surgery Update
Surgery Postponed....
Plastics Countdown - 38 Days to another new me
Summer's almost over
