Hi, my name is Karen and i am 33 years old and have been heavy forever. My grandmother used to say " KB (Karen Barbara) its just baby fat it will go away". Well, i wish i could talk to her in heaven and let her know that after all of these years, it is finally going away, but with alittle help. I am a pre-school teacher and i love my job soo soo much. My bosses bend over backwards for me. My life has been nothing but drama and a soap opera, so..... I decided to take back my life with this!!!!!! I have two children a boy named Christian, he is 8 and my daughter Kayla, she is 3. Anyway, i cannot wait to see where this road takes me, i am so ready for the challenge. I have also decided to turn myself into a new woman, and by getting rid of the sweats and t-shirts i hope to blossem into that beautiful girl i always wanted to be. And now i would like to have a body to go with the comment " you have such a pretty face "

Dec 14th 2006

i decided that every few days i am going to vent or whatever i need to do on my profile..... so my kids are driving me insane, its so hard to be both a mother and a father to them. my job has been so hectic the past few days, but today it finally looked like it was taking a turn for the better. they fired my teaching assistant and gave me someone to "help" me out. I have the toughest group of kids in the center, including a set of twin boys whom i love dearly, but would probably kill eachother if i let them.... i know i can handle the challenge. I am one tough cookie, and i have been to HELL and back again and i am a damn good teacher !!!!! they just need to give me someone competant enough not to let my little rugrats walk all over them !!!!!! Me and the kids put up our tree tonight, it was kind of im not sure if i want to use the word depressing, i should be thankful for my two healthy children, that dont act crazy all of the time, just 2 out of 7 days a week. my son is singing in his holiday concert tomorrow morning, so i decided to take the morn. off to go watch him become the next American Idol (LOL)...  i am going christmas shopping on sat. all by my lonesome. i am leaving kayla at my center, for babysitting and christian is going down the shore with my mother to my cousins birthday party. I am not ready to face the family yet with everything going on in my life right now !!!! But, guess what !!!! they will all be at my mothers next weekend for christmas. Damn It !!!!!!! well, it was bound to happen sooner or later.... good night.

December 28th 2006

been a long time since i updated, been really busy with the holiday, ya know camping out at circuit city to get a damn wii and sneakin all the presents and shopping in was a bitch.... now its almost a new year and time for a new start. with EVERYTHING....... got my first fill, it hasnt kicked in yet but i know we never know when it will but i will let u know guys..... god i type this like i have a million friends that read this damn stuff. if i could only figure out how to post the stupid pictures, i would be set......

January 14,2007

well, i know it takes me forever to update sometimes, but i have been in such a rut i didnt want too.... now, back on track and starting to feel the losing side again, going in for another fill this tues. measured my body with the tape measure and i am down 1-3 inches all over the place. and i am starting to feel some definition in my arms little by little. on dec 28th i got 1.5ccs in my 10vgb so lets see what boulay will boost me up to on tues......

Feb 20th 2007

leave it to me to be soooo behind with my posts, but its me busy as always,,,, just wanted to update. went to the dr today, down another 3lbs and up to 4cc's in my vg band. the dr. said that this should do the trick, i am not complaining, 30 lbs since nov is not too bad at all, so i will just keep on moving and hopefully become more of a LOSER !!!!!!!


June 29th, 2007

gees kar nothing like not updating in months, guess i am too busy busy. just wanted to say that i love this band. there were times when i thought it wouldnt work, and there were many plateaus, just like the one where i was stuck at 209 forever, now i stepped on the scale and it hit 203, yeah go me ..... the clothes are starting to look and feel amazing on me.... well, i guess  i will update again 40 years from now.... LOL

About Me
Roselle, NJ
Surgery Date
Nov 11, 2005
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Friends 42

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