I struggled my whole life. I was THAT kid in school. Over 330 by age 15. Though it never immobilized me from doing what I wanted to do, it was very humbling and isolating none the less. I forged a career in radio as talent as well as another career behind the scenes in film and TV. Lost 200 pounds in one school year at age 16 doing the HCG diet method. A method I would revisit several times over the years. From that first time, I believe it jacked up my metabolism for life. After losing 200 I never stopped to maintain and ease carbs back in and gained it all back as a young adult.The struggle was REAL. Before my late 30's when I had my surgery, I tried every diet and clinic under the sun. HCG always worked best but I could not maintain. At 37 I had my RNY surgery with Dr. Quilici and never looked back! No complications and had a smooth recovery and weight loss. It got me to 165 but my body maintained primarily around 175-185. At some point It rose in my mid-40's above 200 and I was always able to get it back down. Working out was not option to omit! Until I got injured. I suspect from skipping the steps to stretch properly. Tore my medial meniscus (inner left knee) mid-Novemebr 2012. In that time I did not work out at all. I had jobs that took me out of state and out of the country where eating healthy was beyond a challenge and I met all that stress with food. MY pouch clearly larger, I put on about 40 pounds. And I have struggled ever since to get it off. Back on HCG this January only to meet it in maintenance phase with failure. Had 3 rounds planned this year but decided enough was enough. I checked with my new insurance with my new job I started in January and found I was fully covered for bariatric and checked in with my primary to do a check up and panel. I am borderline diabetic now at age 50 and have extraordinary high levels of prolactin. I almost believe this is because of my HCG use over time. I got his blessing and booked my consult with Quilici.

Quilici is my surgeon and I was ground zero 13 years ago when he first arrived to L.A.. I was patient#1 (of 2 people) April 21, 2001 in Burbank. No complications and 'very good' weight loss over all but not great. Never got to my goal weight. Maintained below 200 for years but a torn knee stopped my workouts cold a little over a year ago. I traveled out of state and out of country working and it all went to **** nutritionally. So I gained. PLUS I am 13 years older now, age 50, so metabolism and recovery are just not the same, as expected. Still a drag regardless. I got an okay from my primary doctor to see Quilici again and NOW I have health insurance again is also helpful. I plan on a revision with him as soon as possible and have an appt 3/31 to consult with him.

I was thinking Band over Bypass but my main doctor is STILL heavily against banding as is Quilici, though he performs it. Im seeing alot of "Candy cane" type revisions for prior Roux En Y people like myself. Sort of like a sleeve made from the original pouch and the gherid portion also elminated (that causes hunger). Not really a VSG since you have already a bypass but a kind of modification. So I will most likely be RNY to RNY. What I DONT like most about this type of surgery are those first 3 days, particulary first 48 hours following. The tube down my throat was almost yanked out by me being so uncomfortable and its somewhat painful. Throat was SO raw and I was SO thirsty! LOL! I never imagined going through that part again which is why I was looking forward to being banded instead..but my primary is convincing. Once I talk with my surgeon I will have more information but I am willing to go through that one more time. Though I know I will regret saying that during that 48 hour period.

My primary I trust with my life so if both are against banding over bypass, Im good with the RNY to RNY. But I AM getting a revision. Cant get below the 200 mark anymore and I just started physical therapy on a knee I may need surgery on as well. Hopefully not. I just need to get moving again and get in my cardio without injury!!! The exercise killed my long term here. And I was 3-5 days a week religiously so Im no couch potato but without it, can not maintain. After SO long without coverage, I now have great health insurance. Im going IN!

Between the PT getting my knee right and the having insurance that covers a revision, Im ready. This should get me below that threshold of 200. I went from 330 to 165 as my lowest. I maintained 175-185 for many years almost without effort. And I was HAPPY with that! But once I hit over 200 without the exercise from this injury, it was a wrap. Im about 235-240 right now.

About Me
Mar 21, 2014
Member Since

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