4 days post op

Nov 05, 2011

Oh my am I feeling so much better today.  I have set my life up on a timer pretty much and it is really helping me to keep it all together. 

I still have pain at my port sight, but I am not surprised after seeing the snake that they pulled out of there.  That was a feeling I never want to feel again. 

My vision is doing so much better.  The swelling in my left arm has gone done so much. 

My hands are still freezing, but I just figure it is due to the many changes going on with my body. 

I have worked out methods on how to get up and down from a chair or bed more easily. 

I am taking fewer walks, however they are longer walks when I do take them. 

I tried to sleep with the hubby last night but that did not work.  I slept much better in the recliner. 

My tail bone is achy.  Is that normal?  How knows?

I was able to take a shower today and I got dressed in real clothes. 

Tonight we are doing Christmas at our house since Daddy is deploying too soon and will miss Christmas.  We are also having a birthday party for our 2 smallest kids tomorrow at the park, so I am lookin forward to that.  We chose the park so that there would be less for me to do.  It is suppposed to be beautiful. 

If anyone wants to connect with me on fb, here is my link. http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100003059308106  My name is Gastric Bypass Ruthie.  I am so ready for this journey.


About Me
Surgery Date
May 09, 2011
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