Making BAD food choices!

Sep 17, 2011

 I am making bad food choices! I am pretty sure I am addicted to CARBS and carbonation! I have been drinking a lot of soda, 1 Liter a day (give or take). I have been eating carbs like they are going ot of style! I feel so down about it and I am kicking myself in my A$$!!! I am going to change this! I am going to do it TODAY!! I am cutting out all my carbs and soda! I am not drinking soda anymore!!! I know that I am going to struggle with the carbs but in order for me to be successful with my surgery I cannot keep eating them! I know it will be a struggle as my family will still eat carbs. As long as I am strong I will make it! I know that I will probably slip on here and there but I will be successful because I DESERVE IT! MY KIDS DESERVE IT! MY HUSBAND DESERVES IT! I have already lost 40 lbs with surgery (roughly 10 lbs a month)! I can only imagine how much better I will do once carbs are out of my diet!


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Apr 10, 2006
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